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S3 licensed
dygear, have you found out to get the short name(like AS5. BL1) of tracks yet? :P
S3 licensed
Quote from broken :<snip>

Broken with Scawen making the ramps in to concrete, do you still have that BL3 sky bridge layout?

Looking forward to this patch, open configs, will be great for cruise servers
S3 licensed
ok, well! Today i ended up adding a KM tracking system, i still have to update to the new dbs system, but other than that. this update is gotten alot farther than i expected this week.
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :*Does the Teal'c eyebrow thing* Your going to include an SQL engine with your plugin? This could get interesting .


If you woul like, i can send you a sneak preview of the update, after i add the dbs :P
S3 licensed
also, starting next version, i am going to be pre including, a sqlportable, preset up and ready to go out of the box
S3 licensed
Will you be adding the new packets? (Collision ones coming in new test patch?)
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :T3, is the www stuff ready to be merged?

Ye, I will send you a zip because i have yet to find out how to upload files to git
S3 licensed
nvm found it :P
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Today, i reworked the button system, everything is now back into working order, i still have a lot of work, so we are not gonna do an till maybe mid may...

Tomorrow, i am starting on our cop system, and we will also be finishing up jobs(simple UIs,) in time the jobs, and banks will have more advanced UIs, which can be selected by the user, for their best enjoyment of the server
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
How would i turn on the MCI packet on again? the MCI packet is nolonger sent, so now my Cruise plugin is useless :/
S3 licensed
OK, well We finally, got our server upgraded to the quad core, a lot later then we expected. at the looks of it now, we may be transferring our server to a new data center with in the next week or 2
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :I find it best to never give an ETA.

I like to be a schedule, but i will keep this in mind
S3 licensed
some things came up this week, the update is still scheduled for the 4th, but no promises
S3 licensed
Hey Guys, Some better news, we will be moving our server over to a more stable, faster datacenter. The move should take place some time before the weekend...
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :The function can be found here,


. Within a plugin, that should be


but don't forget to make sure that the global $PRISM is within scope by doing

global $PRISM


Undefined property: PHPInSimMod::$host in C:\Documents and Settings\Admi
nistrator\Desktop\Just4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php on line 366
1 :: Location in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fu
n\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php:353
2 :: onMCI in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fun\P
RISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_plugins.php:168
3 :: dispatchPacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\J
ust4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:438
4 :: handlePacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:321
5 :: checkTraffic in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\PHPInSimMod.php:225
Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Documents and Settings\Admini
strator\Desktop\Just4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php on line 366
1 :: Location in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fu
n\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php:353
2 :: onMCI in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fun\P
RISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_plugins.php:168
3 :: dispatchPacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\J
ust4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:438
4 :: handlePacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:321
5 :: checkTraffic in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\PHPInSimMod.php:225
Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Documents and Settings\Admini
strator\Desktop\Just4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php on line 366
1 :: Location in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fu
n\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php:353
2 :: onMCI in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fun\P
RISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_plugins.php:168
3 :: dispatchPacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\J
ust4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:438
4 :: handlePacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:321
5 :: checkTraffic in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\PHPInSimMod.php:225
Undefined property: PHPInSimMod::$host in C:\Documents and Settings\Admi
nistrator\Desktop\Just4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php on line 366
1 :: Location in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fu
n\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php:353
2 :: onMCI in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fun\P
RISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_plugins.php:168
3 :: dispatchPacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\J
ust4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:438
4 :: handlePacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:321
5 :: checkTraffic in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\PHPInSimMod.php:225
Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Documents and Settings\Admini
strator\Desktop\Just4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php on line 366
1 :: Location in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fu
n\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php:353
2 :: onMCI in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fun\P
RISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_plugins.php:168
3 :: dispatchPacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\J
ust4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:438
4 :: handlePacket in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\modules\prism_hosts.php:321
5 :: checkTraffic in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Jus
t4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\PHPInSimMod.php:225

Fatal error: Call to a member function getTrack() on a non-object in C:\Document
s and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Just4Fun\PRISM 0.3.3\plugins\Cruise.php on
line 366

S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Alright, if you need any help, just post in the Scripting Help section.


Quote from Dygear :On this topic, you should keep in mind that you can send args to your callback function using the $args within the createTimer function. So you could for example send an array with the client's PLID or UCID and sent that to you're callback function. From there you can clear the buttons on just that clients screen.

I have figured this out a while ago, but i am gonna use the way the timer system does(where you can call a function) with the new location system
S3 licensed
or you can download this thing called .dds mods :O

or make your own:
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Has sun moved over to PRISM as well?

Yep, I am teaching him the basics, He is learning quite fast(he is used to C# coding, so he still has some flaws with writing insim in PHP), We will be finishing up the jobs over the next week and then we will start on the KM, KM Bonus, etc. stuff next weekend, then finalizing everything up(starting on the cop system) next week and then we will have our next release on the 2nd
S3 licensed
It doesn't matter, This is little stuff, that all insims have (at least the majority of them), we have some big projects coming up, that we hope will bring in some people, making cruise more realistic (I will say that one of this things is a fully working traffic light system[which if you run a red light you can get pulled over by the cops], We are also thinking about adding a toll booth sort of system)
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
i had it yesterday, but i cant find it again, how can i get the Track name? (AS5)
S3 licensed
not that anyone cares, We have added road names, and jobs to our insim... come check it out!
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Me and my New buddy, Owen(Sun) worked on the Jobs, and Road Names, Jobs will be finished off tomorrow, we are looking at our next release falling on April 2nd
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :
Plugins::getPlayerByPLID(&$PLID, $hostID = NULL)
Plugins::getPlayerByUCID(&$UCID, $hostID = NULL)
Plugins::getClientByPLID(&$PLID, $hostID = NULL)
Plugins::getClientByUCID(&$UCID, $hostID = NULL)

These are all in the current version.

not that i have seen? =/ i did a var_export and i saw nothing of a PLID or X,Y
S3 licensed
would it be possible to get PLID from GetClient(or player)ByUCID?? I need this to do a function of cruise if not, can it be added? Or a way to get a users X:Y location
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
I have a little time today, so i will be adding locations(by this i mean shops/jobs), this update should be coming out by the end of the month(I am working on adding alot of stuff like jobs )

i am also making major improvements in the code for a huge chunk of the cruise plugin, making PRISM run as fast and efficient as possible.
Last edited by T3charmy, .