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S3 licensed
Quote from hanzime :I really hope this will be fixed soon !!

Yea... Hopefully very soon... I know they were getting a DDoS attack(that was supposibly only effecting users on 1 IP) earlier in the week, but geez, this shouldn't take down their whole network...
S3 licensed
Quote from 2zas :Finally I caught a server for one year. I hope everything works well and has not thrown the money!

Yea, like I said, in the past when this happens, dean will usually give effected people(which seems to be quite a few people), an extension of days server was offline...

Still waiting for any news of the servers coming online... What ever happened to that other support guy dean hired?
S3 licensed
Quote from 2zas :And today the promotion (60% off) ends off to hire a new server ...
Would hire one for our team but with this scenario maybe I'll wait and see what happens.

I bought 2 last night, though... when big events like this happen Franky usually refunds you the days your servers were down...
S3 licensed
Finally got the website to load and bought some servers... been 10 hours and servers haven't stopped "pending"...
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from misiek08 :If it's in button class you can't user timer's. Why? because when you call $this->createTimer you call Button::createTimer and it doesn't exists.

Name "Button" is example here.

I also tried Timers:: but then it spits out an error saying wrong permissions... tried changing to public, still nothing, but error went away... But I think I just thought of a way, I could easily implement this as a plugin ... maybe... I'll have to actually try it to be sure...
S3 licensed
Alright, I'm trying to add ability to have alternating text like seen in LFSLapper(%at%)

I came up with this:

public function Text($val)
        if (!
$this->Text $val;
$this->tStage 0;
$this->tArray $val;
$this->Text $val[0];
$this->createTimer($this->key.'_'.$this->UCID.'_TextAlt''nextText'1Timer::REPEAT); #Added Names to my Timers
    protected function 
$this->tStage += 1;
$this->tStage >= count($this->tArray) ){
$this->tStage 0;
$this->Text $val[$this->tStage];

But the timer never gets created?

P.S. I added this to the module prism_button.php ... It creates the button fine and everything, but like I said, the timer doesn't get created...

Other timers made in plugins work perfectly fine, only this specific spot do timers not work...
S3 licensed
LFSLapper Cruise ... Old but still works great and has many features... but don't expect to add any features to it... my old code is messy as heck.
  • Extract to some where easily accessable such as your desktop
  • (optional)Edit Cruise_Settings.lpr
  • Edit:
    • LFSServers.cfg (.../bin)
    • default_1.ini (.../bin/default)
  • Run LFSLapper.exe
  • Type !mode Cruise into the LFS Chat
  • Congratulations you'r now using LFSLapper Cruise!

Refund And Force Fine System (Car,Cash,OR KM)
Swear filter
Showoff Function(show off your stats to everyone on server) (!Show)
Can't Buy cars / food if u don't have enough Cash
Driving Bonus
Buy/Sell cars
Pit Fines
Bank Interest
Happy Hour
Cop system
Ability To Rob bank
And More!
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :You can slmbr with any vehicle even with 0 points! Slmbr with any vehicle of your choosing!

Incase there's any confusion, the plugin does actually exist, is open source, does work and it would (in theory) work multi-server. Apparently my inebriated brain found this very funny

I think it is certainly a new approach to cruising. I wonder how long till more of these servers show up. Maybe this will spread like a wild fire just like cruising did.
S3 licensed
Haha, As a cruiser myself, I find this rather amusing. xD no butthurt experienced.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Nice, this looks like a new revolutionary type of cruising with the money and unlocking of cars etc.

I enjoy your kind words of sarcasam.
Quote from The Very End :Is there really demand for new cruise servers these days?
I am not going to say it's a bad idea, and I sincerly wish you the best of luck, but with those many servers and not that many users these days I belived the current lineup of servers were enough?

Either way, as said, I wish you and your server the best of luck

Thanks Mate. Cruise isn't the only thing [SC] is gonna be... It's just the insim I had lying around from a while ago, that I decided to go back recode old features, and add some new, and unique features. Would really like to get to be in the better known servers. But Like you said, with not that many users Things are gonna be hard, which is where having unique features come in hand.
[SC] Cruise Server
S3 licensed
Hello all, I am the owner of [SC], I have recently started a cruise server(Yes I know just what we need another cruise server.). The insim is in beta, but has some unique features, and many features you find on other cruise servers...

Please check out my server: [SC] Cruise Server

Unique Insim Features:
  • Game Saves/Profiles (You can have multiple stats per account)
Usual features:
  • Cash
  • Distance Tracking
  • Health
  • Distance Bonus
  • Cadet/Cop system
  • Jobs
  • Shops
Features coming very soon:
  • Bank+Bank Bonus
Once again, I hope you guys will at least give my server a try.

Thanks, T3charmy.
Last edited by T3charmy, .
S3 licensed
Is the &$username done on purpose?

public function getAdminInfo(&$username)
$username strToLower($username);

I was just curious because it seemed to cause issues with

protected function canUserAccessCommand($UCID$cmd)
# Hosts are automatic admins so due to their nature, they have full access.
        # Commands that have no premission level don't require this check.
if ($UCID == OR $cmd['accessLevel'] == -1)

$adminInfo $PRISM->admins->getAdminInfo($this->getClientByUCID($UCID)->UName);
        return (
$cmd['accessLevel'] & $adminInfo['accessFlags']) ? TRUE FALSE;

S3 licensed
Quote from KayJay :No he didn't, that's the IP of DNS not the webserver. I want the IP of the server our site has moved to as I use a 3rd party DNS and need to update the domains with the new IP. Thanks.

Pretty sure they are the same IPs?
S3 licensed
Quote from KayJay :Hi Dean,

What's the IP of the webserver, so I can update DNS?



He posted this back on the 9th...

Quote from franky500 :The nameservers are still and

Unless you have to add an IP to your registrar for these settings aswell it should just come back on!

Otherwise the ips are:

S3 licensed
Quote from franky500 :I Appreciate the feedback T3Charmy,

I'll send you a PM once the ordering system is back online,

Alternatively if you want to send me a PM with what you would like, i can get it set up for you manually.

I'm not in any rush, just go ahead and send me a PM when it's back online?
S3 licensed
Quote from franky500 :I am prodding things right now so we should be available quite soon.

@T3Charmy, I am slightly curious.

What is it that makes you want to order from us, Even though there is a major unplanned (i'll call it an "event" for now) going on? Many would simply dismiss us as an option.

I am greatful for your consideration of course, Just wondering, why you want to choose us when there are some other places to order from immediately if you wanted to.

Feel free not to answer if you do not want to, Just curiosity getting the better of me.

Just good experiences in the past, that, and some of these company's/people I don't know/have any experience with them. Rather spend my money somewhere where I know I will have a good experience at then some random company.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Lfs servers are online, he is just getting ts3 and webservices back now

Yes, but you need the website to order LFS servers.
S3 licensed
Soon as you guys are back online, I would like to order a server... Hope you're back up soon.
S3 licensed
Not sure if you tried this or not, but this should work...

public function onBtnClick(IS_BTC $BTC)
IS_MSX()->Msg('Clicked a button!')->Send();

What version of PRISM are you using exactly?
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Yeah, I saw it. I just don't know if I want to break that compatibly in this branch.

I was just suggesting that it be added with 5.0 since If I remember correctly you said that it would most likely break the compatibility with existing plugins anyways
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :I'll look into fixing both the timers and the buttons in the next release, as that's a pretty huge over sight on my part. :sorry:

I'll also ask around for how to do the pth parsing correctly on getting the size of the node, because, I'm really getting something wrong for sure on the size of the nodes. I hope I can get in contact with scawen, and maybe he could explain how he does the calculations.

I have. timers working with names now I attatched it to my previous post, not sure if you saw that or not, would be a nice sttarting point for you.... I figure you would take that and make the code a bit cleaner...
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Too bad it's not painted black inside.

I'm thinking of getting a LanBoy Air when I save up some money... So will probably be sometime this summer...
S3 licensed
My Corner:

Desk Close-Up:

Comp Close-Up/Insides(Yes I know, I need to rewire it):
S3 licensed
Quote from :Hhmm LVS always says that I am on the track no matter what.

And that not one time but all the time.

Quote from Dygear :I know of one already with the LVS plugin, but it's more to do with the pth parser.

I think this is what He may have been refering to...
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Show me how you want it to work.

First Param would be Timer name, I figured now would be a good time to ask since 5.0 will break compatibility...

->createTimer("HealthTimer_{$UName}"'HealthTimer'30Timer::REPEAT, array($UName));


Edit: See Attatchment(I made it for you, but, It's probably horrible PHP compared to you, but it is FULLY working)
Edit2: Just noticed, But Giving the timers names fixed this bug aswell;
Edit3: Something just came to mind, when unsetting a timer, might be a good idea to check if timer exist, not sure if PHP throws an error or not when trying to unset something that doesn't exist
Edit4: Doesn't seem like it throws an error so.. Not really that important to worry about, but, I will leave that up to you :P

Quote from Dygear :Ya know, I don't know. I don't think I did any testing with buttons, I really did not expect them to stop working. I'd be pissed if I did something silly and it caused a huge bug like that. Can you post some example code that was working in 0.4.2, but is not working in 0.4.3?

public function InitButton($Name$Group$T=0$L=0$W=1$H=1$BStyle=null$Text='')
$Button = new Button($this->UCID$Name$Group);
#IS_MTC()->UCID($this->UCID)->Text('^2> ^7Buttons No Work??.')->Send();
    public function 
$Button ButtonManager::getButtonForKey($this->UCID$Name);

Last edited by T3charmy, . Reason : Uploaded Attatchment+Changed My code for buttons...