Check that the sequential to H-pattern switch on top of the shifter is pointing to H-pattern. Calibrate the gears in LFS controller settings. Click on a gear and shift the shifter accordingly.
If this doesn't work then it can be that the wires on the shifter are bad. The wires can get loose on G25 shifters so you have to open the shifter and re-solder the wires.
Looking at the quality of your work even if this wouldn't be something that the devs would want in the game for free, this is something that big game companies might pay for. The labor for this kind of project is excessive and costs tons of money to hire professionals for this kind of job.
There was actually a mod like this for some older LFS versions that I used. It allowed using trees and weed as objects and grandstands and a lot of other objects that we see on official LFS tracks but are missing from the layout editor. The layouts made together with this mod were online compatible as all the objects were taken from the existing game data. IIRC the players weren't even required to have the mod installed to join the server and see the fully functioning layout with custom objects. Shame that I don't have any other photos of it except for this edited one.
This layout was built with the mod on blackwood parking lot and as you can see I added some trees and weed and grandstand there. If this was possible by a modder to do then it shouldn't be much of hassle for Scawen.
We had race with these last night. Great car. Really nice job with both modeling and physics. Only thing that was a problem is that the clutch seems to overheat quite easily when you put down more laps.
Keep up the good work Scawen. You can even take the childish negative feedback as compliments, you wouldn't get those if this game had no value and importance to them. They are just too immature to express themselves constructively. Most people indeed have no clue how difficult it is to code something like this.
Does the new tyre physics have more realistic grip reaction to heat? The current ones make driving on overheated tyres feel like driving on ice track. It's the only big setback physics wise i've came across in LFS.
Seems like i have to upgrade my PC. I doubt my old R9 380 and FX8320 are able to run the new LFS in VR.
You guys gotta remember 18 pounds is dirt cheap already, after taxes are reduced from the price the devs get couple of pounds in hand from that purchase. It's worth next to nothing in UK, and they have to pay bills and eat too.