This game is still not working (most of the time). I have tried almost everything stated above.
I have to rename the exe everytime before I start it, and if it doesnt crash while the server list is being downloaded (or whatever) it does ok as far as I can tell. Usually it crashes before I can join a server and 7 out of 10 times it crashes while the server info is being loaded (after I have selected a server), the other 3 times is when I try to shift+f4. Sometimes I even have to unlock S2 again after a crash.
Its getting rather...annoying. Ive been having a itch to race a bit lately after a nice break.
This is the only thing I havent tried. I dont now what the majority of this stuff is.
I couldnt care less about the graphics. I only bought the game so I could spam the forums and make smart ass comments under a S2 username rather than a demo username.
Let me take a stab at this one... you ride around, make a little money, run from the cops and buy new cars.... all so you can lose it all when the server crashes. Sounds like loads of fun!