Slightly off-topic, but although 3 months ago I still damn that monsoon* for preventing me from seeing them on the Hurricane** festival..
Fortunately*** I'll see them in November though..
* we're not talking about those "heavy rain"-monsoons here.. it was more the "god flushed all his toilets" type of monsoon that flooded the whole area with about 20cm of water within a few minutes..
** the name DOES fit after all
*** Seeing your desktop I have to add I don't like the current album too much.. but they can't fill 2 hours with only that anyway
Uhm.. my first 2 years have 79 hours in total, so roughly 20 a week.. (well I'll do 28 this term to have even less in the end)
So.. now that I have only a third of your hours.. is Physics not worthwhile?
Also 60 hours a week (assuming the five-day-week) would mean 12(!) hours a day? You should consider sleeping there to save valuable time.
Deducting your extreme exaggerations into both directions:
Even the planned land invasion would not have costed that many lifes - it's just that many of them would've been US soldiers.
Do you think they would've done the same with Germany (instead of Operation Overlord), if they'd had the bomb already? Would that have been a good idea?
And who's to say Japan would not have surrendered after the Soviets re-entered the war. Clearly waiting another two weeks would've been a good idea..
I can see where you're going at, but I for one have a hard time to accept such a sad day for mankind as necessary evil.
I agree, I don't fear a terrorist attack here in Berlin either.
Well, maybe on the U.S. Embassy, but they have locked down the whole street in front of it since 9/11.
On the other hand we recently had some bombs (that didn't explode) in train stations all over the country..
I think we should worry. In fact, if everyone worried about history, the world would be a better place.
This is actually on of the few things I really like about Germany, along with the low level of patriotism, although it goes too far sometimes (don't you ever criticise the Isreali government!!).
On the other hand it didn't stop us from being involved in Bosnia or Afghanistan..
Anyway, if you compare that with what GB thinks about the "good old" days of the British Empire and Colonialism, or how Napoleon is still a hero in France, how Franco is not frowned upon in Spain - I much prefer the German way.
But you're right - it probably only happens when you lose WW2..
xaotik: I think Benetton protested one or two times and that's why he was banned that late.
After watching it again I also know why I was so puzzled:
The commentator says that they crashed in "Australia and Silverstone".
And I can't remember them crashing in Adelaide '93 or Silverstone '94..
Hm, didn't see the 0 on his car actually. (I just watched it again and, can't see it
Anyway in '94 Schumacher was disqualified because something on his car was irregular, though.
And the two race ban that season was because he didnt come in for a stop-and-go, after he had overtaken someone on the formation lap?
I vote for
F) Alonso is 1 point ahead before Brazil, then during the race pulls of a "Schumacher" and ends both races. He then gets deducted all points of the season so that Schumacher villeneuve-esquely gets handed the title.
Uhm, just to clarify it for you.
Alonso had a puncture mid-session and thus lost much time, he left the pits with ~1:30 to go and came out in front of Massa.
So Massa was on his fast lap, while Alonso was on his outlap, but Alonso needed to push to cross the line before the time was up. (He was on 8th or something like that so he really needed another fast lap).
btw: Ross Brawn was interviewed by german television right after the qualy, and he said something like "Felipe's last lap was really destroyed by someone".
You can bet that he knew who it "was" and what he wanted to do
Regarding the ruling: I have no idea how the rule for blocking looks like.. maybe it says "Driver A, being on his outlap and seeing Driver B, being on his fast lap, in the mirror, has to let him by instantly" or something like that?
I don't think they can just say "We think you blocked him" and that's it.
Uhm, if you don't want that the MSN/Live-Messenger shows what you're doing.. just use Trillian. (That way you also get rid of the bloatware that is ICQ)