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S2 licensed
Quote from teaz-R :Typing correctly and using proper grammar doesn't only help you get understood, but also shows respect towards the people the message is to.

+1 milion.
S2 licensed
Quote from schwantz34 :he is very good at english but his typing is just a bit messy..
on msn when he talkes dutch to me he types the same way as here..
not always understandable but you can read it!
so dont call him having an IQ of a sock plz, couse i dont see the fun in it

Havent seen the smiley? Obviously you have not.

And if you have problem with typing....type slower, nobody's chasing you.
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Going to start wrking with my tablet wish me luck

i can symphosise with it but il stil wont ask money but at smnae time i wil only ask money if they realy have it

wich mean making skins for like this big worldfamous team
(core racing) (speedcore) (ORT orange racing team dutch team btw

1. Spelling. Get an english spell checker for firefox.Should be installed by default. turn it on. Not only it will help you learn english, it will improve your spelling. That is unless you have IQ of a sock.

Quote from DU-racer :i need just skin from 1 car and a team skinner

In croatian because this guy's english is bad:
Šta ti hočeš? Ak misliš da če ti netko ovdje mukte napravit 19 skinova, zaboravi. Da bi se napravio pošten skin, treba između 3 sata do tjedan dana. A kad znaš to, onda ti je valjda jasno da se nitko pametan neće zajebavat sa skinovima ako mu se ne plati, pogotovo ako taj zna zanat kako spada, osim ako si taj ne radi skin iz gušta,ili je to samo jedan skin za jedan auto. A skin za 1 auto nepaše na sve, tako da.....
Bolje ti je uzet photoshop ili The Gimp odnekud, proučit malo tutoriale, pogledat na neke stranice sa slikama trkačih auta za inspiraciju pa si napravit sam.
S2 licensed
Quote from lerts :do i have rights?

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.If you are not a United States citizen, you may contact your country's consulate prior to any questioning.

Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?

Or would you want fries with that?

Last edited by Thunderhead, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :It's an Axia replica.

Most likely old Group A R32, or some old nissan, that I cant remember.
S2 licensed
Helmet for StableX
S2 licensed
it took 5 hours.
S2 licensed
Thunderhead 2008 helmet. Private.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Just chugging Earl Grey. My mind's going a bit to mush, though.

May I recommend a night at the holodeck then, Captain?

(off-topic slighty obscure Star trek reference)
Last edited by Thunderhead, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback :1. Yes, it is compatible. PCI-E 2.0 (which is what the 8800GT is) is backwards compatible all the way back to PCI-E 1.0.

2. Why would you need to flash your BIOS to use a newer chip? I understand flashing the BIOS with the latest firmware IS good practice, but why is it necessary for you to use a 6000+? You may be right, but I wouldn't think that would be necessary.

My mobo's BIOS is version v1.20, and 6000+ is supported since v1.40.
Couple (probably) stupid questions before I upgrade my PC.
S2 licensed
let me get straigth to the questions right away:

I have a Asrock AM2XLI-eSATA2 link motherboard. I plan to get an 8800 GT. Will it be compatible or not, seeing it is an older board, and apparetly 8800GT is a PCI-E 1.1 card,while my mobo is an PCI-E 1.0. Or have I got it all mixed up?


Since the CPU I was thinking to get, was an AMD Athlon 6000+ X2, I'll have to flash the BIOS to a newer version. On the Asrock support site there is an windows utility for flashing, and there is also an DOS version of it. Which one is better to use, and If I were to use the windows one, the best would be to use it in safe mode, with all unecesarry programs off(i.e kill the firewall, antivirus).right? or leave that to the pros(This one is the most likely one probably)?

Thanks in advance.
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonL220 : disturbed

S2 licensed
#49 Valvoline Calpis GTR '03, a fictional JGTC 2003 skin.
S2 licensed
Quote from jayhawk LIED to me!!! You tease! You heartbreaker! I was going to move to Botswana just to be with you and your eight dimensional brain...we could have watched the sunrise while discussing pyramids in Bosnia, discussed important issues like Brittany Spear's latest faux pas, and sung Christmas carols in Sanskrit.

Now...(sob) now I will never know true love....


Remeber: Croatia is the one that looks like it's eating Bosnia.
S2 licensed
Quote from atlantian :actually, polyphony doesn't WANT damage yet. I quote:
"we are not going to add damage to our games until we can do it in a way that is totally authentic"

They actually don't want half assed damage systems like other games

You actually believe PolyPHONY's bullshit? My god, you really are gullable.
Last edited by Thunderhead, .
S2 licensed
Quote from WatermanJR :When I was young.....

Nije loše. Samo malo više AA i AF za slike, da se bolje vidi

(Not bad, not bad...)
S2 licensed
Quote from Ahriman4891 :Doesn't work in either Firefox or IE6.

using firefox and it works.
S2 licensed
I hope it wont happen...
S2 licensed
I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!

S2 licensed
"I don't know if I want a Porsche or a Ferarri, so I made a Poorarri."
S2 licensed
Scavier Castrol GRIPMAXX LFS GTR
S2 licensed
Quote from aoun :FE Gold

Hot face, FLAT FLAT chest
Ugly face, perfect chest

Flat chest.

Destroy the world quickly, or destroy it slowly?
S2 licensed
Quote from ygat2005 :Hi all!
After designed RAC skin, this time I made a UF1000 skin (my 7th skin)

The theme of the skin is NO
I just found some interesting logo and icon from Japanese website,
it has strong religion's style and looks nice, so i used it to design a skin......

Hope you will like this skin.

Download: ... gyeung/UF1_DiesIrae86.jpg

Nice skin.

Care to share the that Japanese website you found this?
S2 licensed
Pretty much self explanatory.
Takata NSX.
Last edited by Thunderhead, . Reason : Just some testing....
S2 licensed
Quote from niall09 :F3 is to save it.

And if you did that, then I'm not sure whats wrong

Well it is fixed now.

Now I have another question:

How to make it look less plastic-ish and less shiny?