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Quote from Rdcranno :I get this error....

"This application has failed to start because d3dx9_37.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

What does that mean? Is it direct X 9?

Sorry when it comes to PC's im a newbie

check the read me file ( i didn't till i was told )

you need to download the latest vesion of direct x 9 from microsoft

works fine then
S2 licensed
a turbo's spool up time isn't fixed, it all depends on many factors, the main ones being exhaust flow, inlet and exhaust turbine geometry, housing size and shape, engine airflow demands, inlet manifold and tubing, air temperature etc etc.

if you have an engine that only gains revs slowly and is fairly large, say a 3lt in a high gear and you put a small turbo on it, say one that's normally fitted to a 1.4 vw, then if you give it full throttle from low revs the turbo will start producing boost way before 3000 rpm but will either over spin at high revs / exhaust flow or have to be artificially limited, either way it wont produce much boost. conversly you could put a turbo off a rs500 sierra on the vx polo and while it would have the potential for very high boost the "lag" would be terrible and i doubt you'd see any real boost before 4000 rpm. when the rs500 came out clarkson, who at the time still actually tried to do road tests rather than articles, commented that the larger turbo meant the lag was so bad that after giving it full throttle, you could pop into the pub whilst waiting for the turbo and talk to all the skyline owners who had the same turbo and were waiting for their boost to arrive.

turbos have always been a balancing act between high boost capability and response time though modern variable geometry units and modern management systems have improved things a lot. i ran a mitsi lancer 2000 turbo in the late '80s ( think 4 door starion ) and as standard it needed close to 3000 rpm for any boost but after i changed the turbo for a unit off colin blower racing, it would show positive boost from 2000 rpm and full bosst from 2500rpm, the ultimate capacity was lower but still above what i required and it made the car far faster in real life.

the idea with the lancia s4 was to fill the hole before turbo boost with the supercharger and then let the turbo take the load at high revs when the supercharger drive losses would be highest. CCC mag and dave vizard actually used NOS on their turbo metro in the early 80s to cover the lag, it was activated on full throttle and because it was a very small power increase figure, it could be triggered at lower revs than normal NOS systems without risking engine damage, when the turbo started producing boost, it cut out. a nice benefit of it was by burning NOS and the extra fuel required, the exhaust gas flow was increased substantially so the turbo picked up speed quicker anyway, infact the NOS used to only activate for 1/2 second at a time.

the thing about "lag" is that it has 2 forms, the actual physical property of the delay in producing boost and more power and the perceived quality of nothing happening when the throttle is opened, which is only heightened by the substantial increase in power that turbos can provide when on boost. NOS apart from actually producing a power increase virtualy instantly and reducing spool up time also has the effect of the driver feeling an increase in power when he pushes the pedal so the car feels faster.

dave vizard also used ignition retard as a rev limiter on a road legal mini turbo he built for his daughter, what this meant was when drag racing she could floor it in neutral and the engine would sit at the red line but be on full throttle and have all the cylinders firing so the exhaust gas flow was high and the engine was on boost, the moment she dropped the clutch the revs dropped and the ignition returned to its normal setting.

p.s. i'm aware that NOS is a brand name but its easier than spelling nitrous oxide every time

EDIT if you want an idea of how bad lag can be, dereck bell reckond that the early single turbo 935s were so slow responding to the throttle that you had to floor it as you turned into a corner to get power as you got past the apex, which was fine until you made a mistake or found a slower car there and didnt want that power, renault had a similar problem with their first f1 car.
Last edited by tinvek, .
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Its an effort to get up there regardless, that place feels like it is 1000 miles from anywhere, you get to Chester and you think you haven't got far to go, but it seems to take hours hehe.

as i said before its only 10 miles for me but i can imagine it would feel a long way from chester if you weren't used to journey. on a good day i can do from chester to my house in mid anglesey in an hour and a half without going too fast.

i think it's the small roads at the end that allways make it seem longer, when i lived in wrexham and used to go to oulton the last 2 or 3 mles always seemed to take for ages
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Legends is already pretty massive in the UK, i saw them at Anglesey back in June and the fields were pretty big.

the uk distributor did anounce he was relocating to anglesey circuit but i'm not sure if he actually did or not.

i'm ashamed to say that despite living only 10 miles away i havent been there since the new circuit opened though i'm blaming the fact i work on saturday and sunday nights so it has to be a real effort to get up on a sunday and this year every holiday has missed any race meetings there
S2 licensed

there was a company that did an add on ecu to replace the diff control knob on subaru's, it allowed the driver to pre program the front to rear torque split depending on gear selection, wheel speed and throttle position and were working on adding a steering position sensor. without the steering sensor it was litterally a plug in mod using the ecu and abs inputs through loom adaptors and outputting to the socket for the manual control.

when CCC mag (much missed ) tested it, they found that on an average stage a group N model could set faster times than a group A version
S2 licensed
best bit of advice i have ( learnt from experience) is make sure your controls etc are sorted before you go racing.

also don't go racing on the more serious servers like ctra untill you are fairly competent at staying on the track, ctra have brilliant servers if you want to improve your driving as the points system and the reset restriction encourage you to race clean, it's the closest thing i've seen onLFS to iracing's sr system and generally the races are very clean and polite.

hopefully you've learnt the first point yourself by now, use your ctra ban as time to learn how to stay on the track at other servers and then go back to ctra, start towards improving your licence and enjoy yourself
S2 licensed
i'd probably agree about keke being the last but you have to remember that tag were mclarens sponsor and mclaren approached porsche to design an engine for them which tag funded, porsche charging the full cost to them. so you could argue that that was no different from the cosworth as that was built and designed by cosworth for ford and ford paid the costs and the engine originally being put into the lotus 49 which was entered as a lotus ford.

the tag engine was optimised to work with ground effect cars using basic design features laid down by john barnard. by the time it appeared, ground effect tunels had been banned so mclaren never got the benefit of this and the constraints meant it was never able to produce the huge qualifying outputs of the other turbos but in race conditions it was able to turn in a very healthy power figure for the required fuel use
S2 licensed
Quote from Quint999 :.

A fair proportion of us got in towards the end of Season 2 on the 1st invite stage and we didnt have to do a full season either (& i suspect theres a few of them amongst the neysayers).

too right, i made my d licence with jus 8 days experience on the second invite, as i said elsewhere i recon to go from rookie to d licence should just be a matter of being registered for 4 weeks and having comlpeted the requirements, the current system doesn't exactly encourage people to join at the start of a season and either penalises those who join near the end and don't realise the time constraint or gives a big leg up to those that do.
S2 licensed
lets face it, glock didn't gift hamilton the championship, ferrari did by their pit work and engines costing massa the points to tie the championship up before today. and no that doesn't make hamilton lucky and undeserving as its always been a case of "to finish first, first you have to finish".

if andretti's lotus hadn't had the development version of the cosworth in 1977 with its habit of letting go, he might have won the championship rather than lauda, if lauda's ferrari hadn't had something break in germany in 76 he would have beaten hunt, if senna's williams hadn't (allegedly) had steering failure in 94, he could have probably won the 96 and 97 world championships and possibly the 95 one or even the 94, if he had won them all then he would have had 7 titles and shumi just 5 so would he have retired?, if not then kimi might not have won the title last year and massa might not even have been driving for ferrari this year. if senna hadn't died would DC have been in F1 for so long or maybe he would never have got past the third driver role?

also if mclaren hadn't kept hamilton out in china last year, would he have gone off in the pit entrance? if not then kimi wouldnt have won the title, if they hadn't kept kimi out at hochenheim in 2005 with a flat spotted tyre which caused the suspension to fail the championship might have been different.if alonso hadn't broken a driveshaft, would button had won a grand prix?

sport is full of what if's especially motor sport and generally unless your chris amon or mark webber, they tend to balance themselves out, massa will probably get good luck at some point in the future same as hamilton will probably get bad luck one day.
S2 licensed
the opening sequence is very shaky cam and given i've got an inner ear infection at the moment it did cause me some uncomfortable moments
quantum of solice
S2 licensed
saw it this morning (advantage of working nights is that you can go when cinema is quiet )

not too bad at all, pretty high action apart from about 15 mins in the middle. as has een said in some revews it feels like theres a third film needed to finish the story so we'll have to wait and see how they progress the series from now on.

one bad bit, the bloody theme song by jack white and sung by him and alicia keys is probably the worst bond theme ever, as david arnold said recently there are certain features that all bond tunes should have and even the worst of them have always had some but this appears to have none, it even sounds like they can't sing in tune at one point. the incidental music which is by david arnold is however spot on
S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :

Seen this on the news last night.

The sign shown above is in Wales, but obviously the person making the sign only knew how to speak / read English, so they sent the text away by email for the test to be translated into Welsh.

Unfortunately the email reply was in Welsh so they just stuck that onto the sign.... However text they put on the signs translates back into English as

"I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated"

BBC Link

getting back on topic, our local paper (daily post) had one in last week, at tempory road works that were beign done by a company from the midlands, where the welsh read stop when the green light shows
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :The vocal minority of people who could've done your job much better than you. The vocal minority of people who reported on things they saw on the TV before you saw them, and had their better halves roll their eyes at you when you finally spotted them. The vocal minority who can tell what type of car they're looking at or who's helmet is on TV, so they know it's Alonso battling for position and not Piquet getting lapped. The vocal minority who aren't nearly as shit as you are, and have been waiting years for you to **** off and leave us alone.

so you don't like him then ?
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :Well i laughed at your post spanks....I've just sold my left kidney in order to buy the Silverado truck...... whaha what a good deal I got I have two kidneys but theres only one truck....those iRacing fools I've got one over on them.

don't forget there's always dialysis so you could get rid of the other one, they could hook you up to the machine and you'd have the perfect excuse to sit there playing all day.
S2 licensed
to watch on tv definatly NFL though i must admit to watching baseball in the past.

live im not too sure as i'd love to expeience the atmosphere at both a big ice hockey game and a big basketball game, hey thats an idea why not have basketball on ice

and according to someone i heard who works for the oxford dictionary, the reason why sports as different as american, aussie rules, rugby and association are all called football is that historically the name refers to the fact that the feet can be used to move the ball were as in other ball games they can not.
S2 licensed
keep your eye open for any live betting during the race tris, just occasionally the bookies display a lack of knowlage and give someone really long odds because they're well down even though al the others have got to pit.

best bet i've had in recent years was on kimi for last years french gp when i read in autosport a rather nice article about how kimi had got his act together with the car and tyres in testing and then noticed the bookies had him at 17 / 1 to win. come sunday afternoon, it was a very well invested £20
S2 licensed
someone else posted either here or in the other iracing thread that iracing and lfs complement each other and thats exactly what i feel about them.

lfs gives me the instant race fix i need when i have some time to spare (not much these days) but it doesn't deliver the serious organised racing i'd like to experience and be involved with. due to lack of time and commitments etc i can't do league racing as i wouldn't be able to guarentee being available at the right time for each race. iracing gives me this feeling of being involved in an organised enviroment, i can choose when to race or do time trials but it has to fit in with their plans and because of that each event feels important.

yes this means im not getting anything like value for money at the moment as i'm really struggling to get any gaming time and the choice between COD 4 (plus WaW demo now), lfs and iracing, battlefield 2 and fighter ace is often governed simply by the fact that for either LFs or iracing i have to set up my wheel first which means clearing all the junk off the desk but if i could actaully find some free time for either lfs or iracing i'd be happy.
Last edited by tinvek, .
S2 licensed
althoug i still haven't had the oportunity to really do anything above the minimum in iracing over the last 3 months i must admit i do like the SR purely because it inhibits some of the other drivers.

i've always tried to drive on lfs as if it was real and i could get hurt, hurt someone and most importantly end up with a large overdraft and a garage of scrap parts. because of this ive always found myself suffering at the hands of those who arent afraid of touching wheels, forcing their way through etc which is why i tend to use the ctra servers, with iracing everyone is in the same boat.

the only alternative to the sr that i can think of would be for every driver to be issued with a "repair fund" each season and for their "repairs" to be funded out of it, if your fund runs out then you either can't race or you have to contribute some real $s to get a new "repair fund" issued. obviously then the bone of contention would be when you have a load of damage after some other driver has trashed your car through their stupidity though i supose if we had a good recording system protests and claims against other drivers funds could be accomadated.
S2 licensed
to be fair to intrepid, yes he did bang on about his problems but he was right about loosing time especially witht he season end saturday.

BUT have you seen his post on the iracing thread in the off topic section? he's very positive about it and defending it !! and i agree with him they should work some system of being able to try a car before you buy, even if it was in the form of say a £2 cost which was enabled it for 24 hrs and if you then went for the full use of the car the £2 was allocated against the full price.
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :Well it may not be that easy, the rookie oval is a bit of a crashfest this week it seems and there are no time trials available. Good luck mate

last week was definatly the sweet spot for anyone joining and / or wanting to licence up as soon as possible.

to be honest this is one area where iracings licence system works against them. in theory the idea is for drivers to gain experience before moving to more adaptable / faster cars and more tracks yet if you joined last saturday morning you could complete your requirements for a D licence in 1 day just by time trials yet if someone joins next week they will still be a rookie after 10 weeks and yet could have competed in a total of 70 races and 70 tt s if they did one of each a day.

perhaps what it needs for rookies is for the requirement to get an sr over 3.0 and compete in 2 races or 4 tt's same as now and to have been a member for at least 2 weeks but not have to wait till the end of the season. that way people will be able to gain a d licence once they've gained experience which should open the game up for them. after you have a d kicence, you carry on same as the current system.