aww there's loads of ways to be kind and it only costs a few kind words or bit of your time. The whole point it so help however you can, doesn't have to cost a thing.
Can never be too kind. I know another very nice LFS racer from Croatia and remember how hard it was for him to get his license, so thought I'd make it a bit easier for this one.
Personally, I don't think it's needed. If Admins want to identify themselves as such, they can simply add the tag to their nick.
It would be a bit intimidating for some to join our servers if Admin tags were used considering every member of our team has full Admin access and powers on all of our servers. The way I see it, if I can't trust a member to use resonable judgement with Admin powers, they don't need to be on my team.
Food for thought: Just because you don't see an Admin on the server, doesn't mean they can't see you. Spectator and extra nicks do come in handy.
As they say, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. All demo racers aren't bad. If you seriously stopped to count how many have actually been 'naughty' on the forums, you'll find the number is a very small fraction of the demo community. Why limit access to the forum for all demo racers because of those few? There are some very nice people in the demo community and correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the whole LFS community sprout from a small group of demo racers in the beginning?
It seems some people equate higher post counts with some sort of mystical status. The higher the number, the more 'power' they have and it sometimes leads to the prima donna affect. Higher post counts doesn't earn you the right to be rude or mean to others. Having met the devs doesn't either, no matter how Godly the experience was. I've watched some very nice people become obnoxious for what seems to be no other reasons than the ones I've already said. Don't let the good things you do be overshadowed by negative comments and digs at others. It's a tough decision on how to handle the post count. Removing it can actually remove part of the life of the forum. Even though there are flaming, ranting, whining or whatever kind of posts you want to call them, they do keep the forum active. If you want it decreased, first try being one of the ones not doing it.
I personally think the mods are doing a great job. At the rate forum posts are being made, how can anyone seriously expect them to stay 100% on top of every thread? I commend them on their restraint in performing their duties. Knowing when to step in to handle things can be tough. Too soon, they get flamed for being too strict, not soon enough they get flamed for not doing their jobs. Be thankful you have them as mods and not me.
It kind of baffles me why sometimes people find it hard to just be nice. Personally, I think the LFS community as a whole is awesome. All the good stuff can get lost under a couple of wreckless posts or threads though. It's like reading a newspaper, a huge messy crash will tend to draw more attention from readers than an act of kindness by some local person. Doesn't seem fair, but 'drama' gets more readers. Be brave, look away and focus on the positive stuff.
Hmm, the best solution for handling conflicts... car of your choice, Blackwood track, high noon, banger racing.
Awww come on guys. Let it go. Don't bring it all here please. It's between you two, handle in pm or something. Kiss and make up. :lovies: If that's too 'gurly', go set up a banger race and take your frustrations out there.
Hadn't checked total group number in awhile. Up to 79 members now. It's really interesting to see the variety of music people listen to. I get stuck for ideas on what new cds to get so scanning play lists of others helps me find new stuff.