Cute team name. I didn't realize there were only two members to your team. I've watched you both race on our Battle Grounds servers and I can definitely say you're both fast and friendly. I wish you much luck with your team, server and website.
Demo content is fine the way it is. No, it shouldn't be restricted or have anything else added to it.
Think about it... would you rather they learn to drive on demo or get their practice on S2 servers? People complain when new drivers join S2 servers because their driving is shakey and they wreck a lot. What's the first thing new drivers get told... go practice offline or go to demo.
There's nothing wrong with having demo teams or demo events. If nothing else it'll help teach them driving skills faster. I've seen so many demo team come and go... people constantly changing teams for one reason or another. Maybe having the demo events will help weed out the good drivers from the bad so a few good solid team foundations can be built.
Hmm one last 'think about it". How's it hurting 'you' as an S2 driver when demo teams are made or demo events held? It doesn't... and LFS forums are for people to discuss LFS on... it's not limited to license holders only. Nobody paid for that privilege. As far as I'm concerned only 3 people have a right to say anything about demo content and if they have a problem with it, I'm quite sure something would have already been done to handle things.
Two years ago when Ian and I first started, [dSRC], we never expected things to get to where they are now. Back then a Rudi Turbo was just a funny car name to me. We owe a big thanks to the wonderful members we have, you guys are the best.:static: One thing that makes our team a bit unique is we aren't just teammates and friends, we're like a family. We also owe a big thanks to the wonderful friends we've made in the LFS community. If I started to list you all this would end up looking like a list of LFS team rosters. lol
LFS started out as being just something to do... now it's become a way of life. It gets in your blood and you're lost forever.
Over the last year more and more of our members have become active in LFS leagues, and over the next year we hope to have even more participating in them. At this time I'd like to introduce you to my family/team. [dSRC]dodo [dSRC]hackerx [dSRC]Eza [dSRC]GenerAL [dSRC]Ed [dSRC]eckh [dSRC]Grivage [dSRC]Bladerunner [dSRC]Bogey [dSRC]Kryten [dSRC]Michel [dSRC]Knick [dSRC]nazzard [dSRC]Renku [dSRC]Moonclaw [dSRC]Luke [dSRC]Zordey [dSRC]Greedy [dSRC]Technique [dSRC]Dagger [dSRC]nemonoid [dSRC]DejaVu [dSRC]disq [dSRC]N_Whitney_UK [dSRC]Ian.H Co-founder/team leader {retired or so he thinks )
and lastly... me... [dSRC]tiny Co-founder/Team Leader/team Brat
Our [dSRC]Battle Grounds servers are up 24/7 so stop by and introduce yourself.
One last thank you to Eza for making our Anniversary Banner for us.
k drivers with no eyes and flying hair would be scary. lol To me there's a place for everyone in LFS... even the helmetless drivers. Would I do it, no.. but I don't have a problem with others doing it.
I really don't see why this bothers you so much. Is it so hard to ignore them? Are the drivers with no eyes so scary to see? I'm sorry I have to giggle everytime I see someone talk about this. Yea I know some want things as authentic as they can be compared to real life racing... but maybe driving without a helmet in LFS is their way of walking on the wild side. lol If it's for a league race or something where you want everyone to conform to certain guidelines then I think maybe people could be asked to have helmets on. But for everday just out to have fun moments... I don't see the problem.
Pssst... a lil CPR still needed... your site is still a ghost. I only get a page saying:
This page is a temporary holding page, you should replace this by uploading your own.
To remove this page connect to your ftp and open the public_html folder
delete the file named "index.htm" and replace this with your own index.html or index.htm file
pssh puhlease, all the people I saw hitting you were males. It was madness on that server today. I haven't seen that many crashes since my early demo days. lol
I don't know if a penalty would work or how you'd assess it... I guess like pitting, it'd work on some tracks but not others. Maybe a caution flag could be given to the person pitting out when oncoming traffic is X meters away from the pit exit? They tend to ignore blue flags already when they're exiting though so I don't know if caution flags would serve much purpose.