cause original mod is "open diff" only and is great with this.
but i receive request to give "lock diff" possibility for dirt tracks races ; wich is impossible actually in Editor becasuse it also give the way to set lot of different diff like DGL or visquous.
i do not want the original handle character to be affected by this on asphalt track.
i also receive request to give narrower tyres for dirt, wich is also not permitted by editor (to give possibility having 2 differents tyre size (road/knobbly(dirt))
i think that is the reason why you can find 2 or 3 differents versions of the mod "Schencke"
so : this is not only an alternative body, there is really a different handling and physics
to answer a request about specific version of the Tommy28, i elaborate T27 wich is the Dirt special version of T28
possibility to choose lock Diff (as requested)
no lights (to expensive to change if broken)
a tiny screen in case of dust
tyres only dirt or hybrid
side exhaust due to gravel projections
narrower tyres
number marked radiator shield
V8 is online
updates :
- recovering engine sound like the V1,2 & 3 (more vintage)
- little details on the front arms susp & direction
- 540° steering wheel ! for more immersive experience (with his animation remade )
i spent time to build mc pherson at front to test breakable consequence
and that is the same result, the car became really hard to drive with much impact to the wheel control and struggle to keep straight but F10 does not shown too much orange.
so the result of test is : the car is destructible at least
thanks Loopingz ! yeah, it's a great news for the T28 !
i tried too yesterday and effectively, with F10 key showing, it seems hard to destroy susp with simply side contact.
i succeed a little orange but the car was undrivable ! with the wheel controller blocked at 90° and the wheel totally unaxed to the rear. so i can say the car was destroyed and undrivable, but F10 key doesnt shown really that.
i will look at front suspension options (instead of linear susp) but one more time, perhaps it is reality near about leaf suspension hardness
how to retrieve a sound of an engine in a Mod ?
i have a version with the correct sound but i do not succeed to identify it. we are blind in the engine window about wave & eng name
hello, recently, i received request about Diff for my vintage car.
i want to avoid offer multiple Diff for this old boy (1920)
> so i set the only choice available in the editor : "open diff only"
The requests are about the possibility to have "open & lock diff" ;
in the future, is there possibility to offer that choice ? only lock & open diff available ?
without DGL, clutch diff etc .. ?
as Eclipsed said, the editor does not offer these option "lock & open" only.
i really want to keep the 1920 spirit and reactions on asphalt with "open diff" for all in the setting.
i will post a request for this availability int the Editor.
but to keep this car attractive on dirt tracks, i think about a Special dirt edition for the T28 (a separate mod) with side exhaust, only Dirt tyres and a reflection about your proposal for narrower tyres