that is a GUM GARAGE tool ! it's a custom broadsystem developped and coded by KingOfIce with new special cameras like drone, opponent focus pursuit , start and finish sequence etc ...
look at the videos, you can see the GUM live Tool label on it.
ps : KingofIce as also developped "Detect&Monitor" : a full datas, parameters and a inboard radar spotter for LFS
yes, i just keep the body wich is remodelled to match with facelifts concept
so the frame has been changed
the wheels dimensions are also changed to be same as 2021 nascar specs
and the engine has been set according EuroNascar series.
The tyres seems to have correct heat comportment on the Oval
do not hesitate to join the Gum Garage ! all level takes place on the grid, there is no time selection.
you sign-up and you are fairplay and clean driver ? so you run the race !
no one is put off the grid due to his qualifying time.
the only needed is a wheel controller and a correct safe car handling on the track.
we organise Cups and Enduro & more on a permanent server.