It would be nice to have an option to set up strategies for car/track combos.
First of all should be the fuel you put in to a car be related to the setup.
Then I would like to set up what is going to happen at each pit stop I do. This means that I maybe like to change at the first pit stop just the left tyre even when both front tyre have the same wearing. That I can say before that at the first stop the car will be refueled that much and at the secound this much. I would like to set a tyre change from R3 to R2 with a diffrent pressure at stop two.
So what I like is a pre-setting of the pit stop in every detail.
It would be nice to have after in the race an information (maybe even a radio voice ) which is telling me that I have to come in to the pit's after the next lap.
Also would be nice the option what is changing on the pit setting when I come earlier or later in to the pit.
Edit: Very need is also the option to say when and how much a car gets fixed. Does make no sense to fix a car in the last lap.
Starts are always a mess and barely see a start at Aston Nationaol without a crash. You are lucky when you start in a front position or manage to drive there during the start so that you see the whole mess just in the mirror. Otherwise your race is messed up........
Did you check from which country I coming? I'm almost every day going up to that speed
Anyway. I just figured that it has a lot to do with the zoom in the game. When u zoom in at max, the car seem to go 30 and when you zoom out the max it seems to go pretty fast. The problem of this (and anyway of the zoom which I never understood) is that everything around gets changed and at max zoom out, everting looks anyway so weird. But maybe you need this for other systems.
The thing is that there is missing simply the option to change your "viewpoint" or sitting position. Just the zoom is no good and does change everything. Even the track appears totaly different by changing the zoom.