map on left side would cover the messages
in the FXR you can move the mirror more to the left but not like in the FZR cause there it would cover a bit of your view
so actually things I really would love to have:
1. possibility to move mirror more up
2. moving the map free over the whole screen
The problem is this one like in the picture. And there is even space to the roof for the mirror.
Maybe it would be even better an option to move the map over the whole screen
The map could be in the area of the glove compartment.
right now you can move the mirror almost all over the sceen but not higher. First of all is there still space to the rof in some cars, so it would not be unrealistic. Then you have the virtual mirror. Actually you dont need the virtual mirror if you could move the rel one all over the screen.
And the main thing bothering me is that when I have the map on the ride side, it does cover my mirror and I cant see what's going on behind me.
I agree. A adjustment like in a real car (mirror angle) so that you can turn them more to the outside so that you will see other stuff as in the middle mirror
Get first S2 and drive with a pad or mouse. I started like this and it's quit OK and you can enjoy already the LFS scene.
To drive with anything else as a wheel doen't mean you are gone be slow. Just yesterday I raced against a guy with a mous and he was kicking my damn ass and when you look at some racers on the DC server, they are fast and drive with mouse or keyboard.
BUG: I don't know if it was said already but the cars in the map are very bad to see when the map is at the right side cause of the blue sky and the yellow and green markers.
The option to move the mirror is in Y at 0 and that means the mirror is not at the top of the screen. I don't like to use virtuall cause then I have two there. Just a little change that I can move the mirror up to the top would be great.
i think you tried to drift but you didn't get it handled......
i don't drift but my opinion is, to really drift good is hard work and maybe even harder as racing. i would call it kinda art
those who can really good drift have my full respect
200-220 € is a totally reasonable price for that kinda quality you get for. The racing feeling is way better as with the Momo for example.
I'm so happy I got it
I think your problem is somewhere else. I have just a Notebook with a 64MB Ram graphic card and the CPU is a 1.6 MHz. It's true that during the start the FPS goes down to 20-30 but this was the same with 20 cars. Then I have no problems during the start with those 20-30 FPS. During the race it goes up to 60-80 FPS.
Great patch and awesome for the leagues with long tracks
Since I read and write a lot in english, my german is now really crapy and I forget to place capitals. Others think now I'm stupid
To the many commas. When I read English books or articles I see many commas there and I would say that there as many as in German. It's more a thing how people use them in daily live and how it should be, concerning the English grammar.