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S2 licensed
Quote from scipy :Aston GP/GT/North and the reverse combinations.

Is that actually faster. I can see its shorter but faster I doubt
S2 licensed
2 Years from now all the servers will be cruise servers except for 1.
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :Toki, won't a wheel that turns 240 degrees only be marginally better than a wheel that turns 180? It's still not going to solve his problem. He needs a wheel that can match the degrees of rotation of the in-game car's wheel.

His wheel actually turns 360 by the sounds of it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :How do you brake, g25 users?
i press the brake pedal, and everytime im coming to dowshift i tip the clutch. Is that slow or wrong??

G25 1337ests aren't the only people with clutch's also they're not the only people with brakes.
S2 licensed
I like Unicorns!
S2 licensed
How could you say he was crashing the server. It looks to me like he was trying to crash his LFS not the server. If you look at the first thing he says "I will now make myself timeout".

There is no massive lag in the server so it doesn't look like he's crashing the server. Some people overreact. If the server was successfully crashed or severe lag was caused by it sure report it but if he's seemingly not attempting to crash the server there is no point.
S2 licensed
Thanks for that Scawen. Should be a handy fix. Never come across the problem but it saves me from coming across it.

BTW guys on topic.
S2 licensed
Waste of Forum space.

As said before, Move On!
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Gotta say, DWB, it was a really well-written article. As for fair and balanced, I was definitely left wondering (because I didn't know, when I read it) who, outside the LFS community, could possibly be so knowledgeable on the topic. I was very much left with the impression that you were on the outside of the community, looking in. Excellent job!

I thought the exact same thing.

DWB great article really well written and unbiased in either direction.
S2 licensed
or you might have the car body turned off. this can be found in the view? settings
S2 licensed
Quote from Woz :So the marshals come out and push people out of the kitty litter do they or get the lifting equipment out to help?

Do you have any examples of a car being stuck in the gravel and being helped out so it can finish a race?

There is NO difference between a normal season and an endurance season and no matter how you look at it Bathurst is an endurance race. You still get points at the end of race based on position and guess what in all cases some people do not always finish a race because of failures, crashes or getting car stuck. They do not get helped their race just ends for that race.

Racing is NOT about speed it is about who COMPLETES a race the fastest. They are actually VERY different things.

If you need to change your driving to complete a race then that is what is required to win, not adding a reset button.

If your race ends because of a crash then that is just bad luck everything else is YOUR mistake and DNF is the punishment. It is also a GOOD punishment no matter how long the race has run.

Example for you.

Sandown 500 a couple of years back. Ingall comes out of pits and forgets to get his brake pressure up and ends up beached in T1. He got towed back onto the track and himself and Ambrose ended up recovering to end up 5th.

Also this happens at bathurst and alot of other V8SC rounds. I've seen it at Barbagello and Hidden Valley. So to say that it NEVER Happens is a Lie!.
S2 licensed
The forum search function is a handy thing

No there is no option.
S2 licensed
The problem is (after doing a 4 hour enduro last night on ASGP). FXR long race pace isnt too bad but you need tyres that will not wear too quick the average stint for this was around 45-50 minutes. XRR perfect car hence P1 and P2 in the overall standings at the end. Fast, consistant + R2's lasted over an hour. FZR wasnt even raced by anyone because of the fuel burn and wear it wasnt worth the extra stops.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
arghhh who revived an ancient thread
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Vilante 11 :Yes but can I move myself closer to the windscreen and a little left or right to suit my set up?

I would assume that all you can change is the FOV (an the mirror stuff) because a move accross is a custom move
S2 licensed
I dont even know the origin of most people in the Australian LFS community. We can normally only tell who is European because their cars lag all over the place and then we all say "Bloody Euros" in fun and frustration :P .

Same as the fact I don't go around telling the LFS community my origin(Especially the Aussie one because of the fierce rivalry they have with each other).
S2 licensed
I think alot of people dont understand... It's a server option.

And being a Host myself our team pays a damn sight more than an S2 Licence per month to run bloody servers so we will put whichever settings we deem necessary on it!!!

Some people have to realise It's the hosts decision not the user that uses chase view. Hosts pay alot to run servers (unless sponsored) and let you (the LFS Community) join them. Saying that you paid for LFS and are going to use whatever view you like on hosts is just silly.

Leagues want a even playing ground and this is probably the best way to do it. It's an option on almost every other sim out there ATM.

The vast mojority of hosts aren't going to use this feature anyway so just chill.

Oh and Vilante_11 you can turn the driver and steering wheel off
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :I don't think there'd be enough people there to validate LAN races, honestly.

But when the AI are improved there will be potential.
S2 licensed
Hrmmmm yay another one of these threads.

I was wondering how long it'd take. Useless on so many levels especially the 100th time.

P.S I'm a racer
S2 licensed
you could just open the executable in winzip by dragging the zip file onto the winzip icon. Or open the exe in winrar.

"Advanced users" should know this!
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Mine stopped working

LOL mine too just keep clicking that left mouse button on the refresh button.

.... Well that'll work until you kill your mouse