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S2 licensed
Hey guys i just drove the VW in Singleplayer and its not that good , its fun but not as everyone expected

How did i manage to play the VW before it came out ?
I have a machine , i put in the date and time and it transportes me anywhere and any time/date i want The date was 20.06.2009 , driving the VW on South City 7
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Took one of those round the Nurburgring the other day on GTR Evo... simply fantastic!

I play GTR Evo once in awhile , and the only car that i really like is the Radical , that would be imo a great car for LFS
S2 licensed
Radical SR3 , that would be awsome
S2 licensed
I dont give 2 peanuts about the VW , just cant wait to see if there is a new track , grafic improvement or maybe a little physicks update . Every server is going to have the VW going for 2 weeks , after that , people are going to be racing they´re favorite combos again
S2 licensed
Now do you understand me zeugni ? Exactly idiots like that deserve to get slapped in the face for stuff like this !!

Flyethemoon , its a shame that you dont live across the street from me , it really is .
Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
Im trying to zeugni , but there is alot of people on the forum with little peanut brains
S2 licensed
Quote from Hawku :The most important point here is that no-one likes germany

Come on now , read the forum before you post , there is nothing here against german people , what the heck are you talking about ??
S2 licensed
Quote from Heiko1 :U dont like germans? if not ur racist

LMAO , did he say he doesnt like germans ? I guess not so dont come to conclusions like this , hes just saying that alot of germans are posting thats all
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :Where? here? I guess you are totally wrong.

People rarely bash the game. Some people critics, but HERE, the majority says "Oh, how wonderful this game is" every time, all days, all nights, every week, the entire year.

Have you been reading all the topics lately ? I guess not
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :See what you did, moaners, you made him turn insane.

Im not going insane bud , but its exactly s**t like this that will piss the devs even more off . It would piss me off if i was working hard on something that people would moan about all the time cause it would not be done on time , one little mistake from the devs and the moaners come out to play . But nobody talks how great lfs is now a days , on the contrary , they only moan about we need more of this and that and this again etc etc etc . We should be happy with what we have and support the devs on everything they need remember that there are only 3 people working on this , and not 30-40 people like other racing games
S2 licensed
Muhahahah hihihihhi heheheheh , lets see how much you will laugh when the devs get tired of all this bs and shut the master server down and stop the development , then all the whiners will notice that lfs was and still is the best simulation of all time with or without the vw !

Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Klouczech :Yeah! Nice to hear that you are happy. But Im not. Im not interested in your personal problem. You could say only: Sorry , new patch will be in 30 days.

I really dont understand how some people are as arrogant as you are , you should be happy that he did tell us his problems , i personally care about the devs , if you dont , dont read this and dont post crap like that ! Its exactly people like you that ruin this fine community , you should be happy with what you have , if your not , go play something else ! Your moaning about that you dont care about his problems , but if he didnt write anything you would moan about him not saying anything ! Grow up !

@ Scawen , i wish you and your family all the luck in the world with your new house and life , take your time , we love the game as it is , with or without the Scirocco , and i think i speak for all the people that love LFS
S2 licensed
@ James , im in the house , everything works again
S2 licensed
Vegas what cpu do you have ?
S2 licensed
Is there anyway we can run this prog inside lfs ? For example to put it where the wheel is ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :Will you (as in general, you) please stop spamming this thread, which is here for a reason?
Thank you.

Will YOU as in general you go take a chill pill or a hicke ? Im having problems with z10 and im trying to get some help , if that doesnt fit in your little peanut brain read before you post s**t like that

Guys i just installed everything new and im not having any problems at all , funny thing ah ? Grafic drivers are the same as before , i didnt change anything at all , and for some reason its working just fine

Thx for all the posts on trying to help me , you guys rule
Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
They sold out , but i bought one on ebay , i think i will get it tomorrow
S2 licensed
As i already posted before , i play other games like COD4 , Crysis , GTR Evo , Fifa 09 for hours and have no probs at all , like i said 45 degrees max . I also have a dual core cpu , and very powerful but that has nothing much to do with it . If there was something wrong with my cpu , gc , ram or something else i wouldnt be able to play them right ? I also wrote that i installed a brand new Z patch and everything worked fine . Only when i play Z10 it happens so oh well i´ll just wait for the new patch

@ MijnWaak
Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
I bought a 9800 gt 2 weeks ago , no probs at all with all my games . After playing a few hours my card goes up to 45 degrees max , so i dont think it has to do with my gc . The thing that bothers me is that i just installed patch z again and i have no probs with it at all , but as soon as i play z10 after a couple of laps it just freezes on me and i get all these rainbow colors again Going to patch version z again and see if it happens there also . Thx guys
S2 licensed
I have a little problem here people , i just installed Z10 and after driving 6-10 laps my screen freezes and a couple of seconds later this is how my screen looks What the heck could this be ?
S2 licensed
Wheres the ass ? Did i miss something ?
S2 licensed
Where to ?
S2 licensed
Woohoo on my way to MediaMarkt right now to get me one:bananalla , the price is nice , im not about to spend no 180 euros for a small 8 inch touch screen
S2 licensed
Nice triplehead erazo , im soooooooooo jealous , one question , would this monitor work ? ... A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318