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S2 licensed
Well to tell you guys the truth im very happy with LFS . As a LFS and GTR Fan i miss one thing in LFS that GTR mastered , and that is >>> RAIN . I would love to drive the FZR or FOX or whatever when its raining or when the road is wet . That would be for me the only thing i would ad in LFS . I know everyone has is taste and bla bla , but dont you guys think that RAIN would bring a little more adrenalin and fun in the game ?
Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
Ok kamo everyone has a different taste thats true , but i personnaly liked it , not because i know mister FOX , but for the fact that he had a good idea . The only prob is that alot of people dont really know how much work and energy movie making needs , so no probs between us . Take a chill pill and l will take 2 and we all get along real well . Cheers
S2 licensed
Hmm , where can i get some teh carl videos ? all the url´s i have don#t work
S2 licensed
Boring ? Oh well one more driver that has no clue at all what video making is but thats life illepall . It takes alot of work and time to make videos like this one . Why dont yo try to make one ? I would love to see that ! Do you even know what the video or the idea of the video is ? Let me answer that for you >>> NOP !!! But your right on one thing , everyone has is own taste so i´ll give you that much .
Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
Nice video big FOX , cya on track and hear on Teamspeak .
And keep up the good work
S2 licensed
hehehehe i was born in Portugal but i am currently living in Germany
MOMO Force Red for sale . Germany only !!!
S2 licensed
Hi all , since i havent played much and thinking of stop playing for a while i decided to sell my baby MOMO Force Red . I bought it on ebay for the preis of 200 euros , and the funny thing is it was brand new !!! The owner didnt even use it once !!! But i did and stoped using it 3 weeks ago , so if anyone is interested please let me know . The preis ? 150 euros !!! Cant get it cheaper anywhere else . Of course with shipping charges its going to be about 160 .
One more thing , i will only accept german buyers , nothing against other countries

LFS Servers
S2 licensed
Anyone wanting to rent one or more LFS Servers i found a good homepage with super duper preises . I myself got 2 of them . For 15 € a month you get a 23 slot LFS Server with Lapper and full ftp rights , and for 5 € more you get a 20 slot Teamspeak or Ventrilo , not bad if you ask me Smile

Greetz Thumbs up
S2 licensed
Its real simple .
When someone trys to put something in my shoes that i dont wear its not going to work out . Maybe it will for you or others but not me . Yes we did agree that he could make some skins , but only when i would be out of the hospital . So , for the people that have no idea or clue of whats going on , do me a favor and stay out of it . When i went to the hospital about 6-7 weeks ago i quit the AMO team because of my nervous problems . Man this is real hard trying to keep cool but i will continue . So there were 2 people who had access to my emails but im not going to say who those two are cause i am sure that they would not do something wrong until im gone . You still with me ?? Ok good keep up the pace . And ofcourse im gonna go nuts if someone threatens me , some dont but hell i do . Why ? Cause i have no idea what the hell is going on . And last , like i said , i got a real life and i dont give a shit who where and when someone thinks that i am not a good person because the way i write on this forum . And that was my last post until Mister Morrow puts his 5 cents in here .

Giving me time ??? You can give me until the year 2300 for all i care . Thx for screwing up my damn nerves again . Ill see you next year .
S2 licensed
@ wolf ,
the words that are coming out of your ass , sry for writing this here but its got to be writen , dont bother me too much . he needs the respect ? sure he does so do i !! so dont tell me how i should act or not with your 15 years of age little man . i got a email from him threatening me of doing this an that . i dont give a shit who it is , nobody threatens me . he should of asked me why someone from AMO almost have the same skins and not threaten me understand that ??? no ??? not my problem . and do you think i care what people think of me because of something like this here ??? waste of time ? your right there ill give you that .
Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
Hide it ???????????????????? noooooooo , i want to see what the hell this guy is talking about !!!
S2 licensed
wolf i dont know if he is good or not and i dont care . and does this have anything to do you you ? dont think so ! so stay out of it . i can get 40 people to post here and say that w1ldport is an angel and a great guys and blablabla , but for what ?

@ morrow , no problem for me to open a thread like this BECAUSE I DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT !!! Understand ? good

oh please do show me some proof that i got something from you or whatever , i would love to see it . this is ridiculous

@ wolf , how the hell am i going to get private skins from anyone ??? looooooooool
This is good , real good !!!
S2 licensed
This is good , real good !!!


You have 24 hours to:

1) remove stolen skins under Gallery >> Rel´ax >> skins
2) to publish apology news in AMO front page to Aanz (author of original skins) and to MorroW Designs (as commission agent)
3) to publish apology thread in Life for Speed official forum under "General LFS Discussion" -
If you do not make those 3 steps in 24h, I will make thread under LFS forum, few smaller national LFS forums over the world and of course I will show to world what AMO is doing.
I give you 24 hours to make your decision.

This letter will be sent to:
W1ldPort75 - LFS forum private message
W1ldPort75 - e-mail - [email protected]
W1ldPort75 - e-mail - [email protected]
Rel´ax - e-mail - [email protected]
AMO webmaster - notice via AMO page - contact

Feel free to contact me via e-mail - [email protected] or Aanz via e-mail - [email protected]

Tago "MorroW" Kalbri
Head of MorroW Designs
[email protected]


1. Funny thing , i never received any skins from him
2. its been months since ive been away from AMO
3. i did not do the skins or whatever hes talking about
4. i should what ? apologize for what ??? what are you on drugs ??? illepall

ok its enough for today before i start something .

greetz to all the normal people
This is good , real good !!!
S2 licensed


You have 24 hours to:

1) remove stolen skins under Gallery >> Rel´ax >> skins
2) to publish apology news in AMO front page to Aanz (author of original skins) and to MorroW Designs (as commission agent)
3) to publish apology thread in Life for Speed official forum under "General LFS Discussion" -
If you do not make those 3 steps in 24h, I will make thread under LFS forum, few smaller national LFS forums over the world and of course I will show to world what AMO is doing.
I give you 24 hours to make your decision.

This letter will be sent to:
W1ldPort75 - LFS forum private message
W1ldPort75 - e-mail - [email protected]
W1ldPort75 - e-mail - [email protected]
Rel´ax - e-mail - [email protected]
AMO webmaster - notice via AMO page - contact

Feel free to contact me via e-mail - [email protected] or Aanz via e-mail - [email protected]

Tago "MorroW" Kalbri
Head of MorroW Designs
[email protected]


1. Funny thing , i never received any skins from him
2. its been months since ive been away from AMO
3. i did not do the skins or whatever hes talking about
4. i should what ? apologize for what ??? what are you on drugs ???

ok its enough for today before i start something .

greetz to all the normal people
S2 licensed
and what the hell is r2 ??? omg illepall
S2 licensed
Whats R4 ?
S2 licensed
Here we go again with LFS vs my socks illepall . I myself play LFS , rFac , GTR and Richard Burns and i like them all . All those games have differente aspects , making them real hard to compare to one another . rFac arcade ? What a joke !!! Try playing rFac with no helps at all and then tell me if its still an arcade game illepall . Everyone has differente tastes , one likes pizza the other macaronni , so the one that started this post should be fartted on 4 times
S2 licensed
I do , get a Windows Server and you wount have those problems , thats what i have
S2 licensed
@ Filur
I have a rootserver from t-online (telekom germany) at 100 Mbits . Are you saying that i can host 20 lfs servers with no probs ??? That would be crazy
All Might Order R1ders
S2 licensed
Hi all , AMO R1ders is looking for good and fair drivers . We are a multigaming clan since 2005 , we race OWRL and myself ESL EAS . We only have german drivers but everyone is welcome to join , as long as you can drive fair and good . One of us (Re`lax) is last seasons champ in the OWRL league . Feel free to contact me over icq or msn or per email . We have a real good rootserver , teamspeak , ventrilo etc etc . Visit us @ AMO R1ders OWRL Train or AMO R1ders EAS Train . We are also renting a couple of lfs servers if anyone is interested . :bike:

Greetz , W1ldPort aka Nuno
Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
Well i knew about the ports , only i was a little confused why that showed up . By the way , how many lfs servers do you think i can host without having lag ? :bike:

AMD Opteron™ Prozessor 146
800 MHz HyperTransport™ Technology Speed
1 MB L2-Cache
2 x 120 GB, S-ATA, RAID1*
2 GB DIMM Infineon Chip

Greetz , W1ldPort
S2 licensed
Hi all i have a few questions , maybe one of you can help me ( angel ) . I just got a root server today with Windows Server 2003 . I want to host 3-4 LFS Servers at a time , and then as soon as i start the second dedicated server it says : Warning : another instance of LFS is running . Is that normal ? Do i have to change anything when i want to host 3-4 LFS Servers at a time ?
Last edited by W1ldPort75, .
S2 licensed
Hiho Jog , thx for the quick answer . The only thing is i have 2 rented LFS Servers from G.Portal and i think DediLink wont work unless they install the DediLink server . But i'll see what i can do . Thx again
DediLink Help
S2 licensed
First of all i just wanted to say that the prog looks real nice and easy to use so nice work . Second , when i connect i get a Error connecting with ssl ??? Can someone help me please ???
S2 licensed
Hehehehehehe i tried that already , and who the hell is Victor ???