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S2 licensed
@ Minage , you should be happy that there is a playable demo for you guys without a licence . I also played without a wheel for like 3 months . Nothing against you but come on , what world do you guys live in ?
S2 licensed
I love it Very nice job devs . Merry Christmas to all LFS´lers :crown:
S2 licensed
Takumi pssst , you know what i mean
S2 licensed
Yo peepz dont take drugs , they are affecting your minds . What the heck are you talking about ? The devs eat pizza and laugh at us ? They do alot of work for us , and we should apreciate that . Like other sims i wont mention , they are alwasy trying to improve the game , and not 1 update in 2 years . I still believe that LFS is going to kill all other sims one day , if it keeps on improving the way it is . So relax , take a chill pill (or two) enjoy the movie , and wait . Patience is the key of life .

Greetz , W1ldPort
S2 licensed
Merry Christmas to all our LFS Freaks , and last but not least our Devs .
Still waiting on that Y thing ....(cough cough)
S2 licensed
All i know is that if all other cockpits (fzr,xrt,fxr etc etc) look as nice as the FBM , i will stop racing all other sims i have . Ups , what am i saying on the LFS Forum . Hmm.... i ...... swear i ....... only drive LFS
S2 licensed
i dont like it at all !!! Joking muhahahahah , whats up Fox aka Rapozzaaaaaaa ?
S2 licensed
People , relax a little , in one way i understand his furstration , on the other hand i am sure that the devs will take care of it pretty soon . So just relax , drink something , and enjoy the ride
S2 licensed
Hmm stupid question , but did you use the neu Wingman driver ?
S2 licensed
@ Nick , i dont have 3 , i have my third . The other 2 i sold , i have been looking for a brand new red momo , altough they are very very rare and finally found one . She was still a virgin when i bought it , payed 170 euros for it but it was worth every cent .

@ Tweaker , i tought about getting harder springs , or use some squash balls but i dont know whats best . I think im going to look for harder springs , altough they are hard to find over here . or i´ll just have them made
S2 licensed
@ brendonv ,

let us know how your work turned out , and maybe you could post a few pics for us
S2 licensed
@ Nick ,
good to know that you fixed it . I have my third MOMO Force (red) and never had probs with any of them . And no , im not going to buy no G25 , unless my baby dies on me
S2 licensed
Keep them coming , the more patches , the better the game gets . You devs f.....g rock !!! :headbang:

(excuse my language , im just telling the truth)
S2 licensed
I have the Logitech MOMO Force red and had all the buttons i configured , instead of 6 buttons i have 12 , but now i still have to press the ok button to leave the pits . Please bring back ESC button to leave pits

@ matze , noobs ??? hahahaha you pro racer you
S2 licensed
@ Clownpaint , dito !!
S2 licensed
I got some stuttering going also , it got worst then it ever was .
S2 licensed
Working 100% here
S2 licensed
i didnt say that what you guys have done is wrong , but youre right lets do some testing before jumping or changing things . The good thing is that the FZR is now a little bit better to drive , easier then before , but also slower . I raced on BL1 yesterday with my FZR vs FXR and it was amazing how he kept behind me the hole time . I was doing 1.07-1.08 but he still kept behind me . The good thing is that all FXR drivers now have a chance to keep up with the FZR´s . I have been driving offline and online testing both cars and i must say i changed my mind . Lots of fun and good battles coming up
S2 licensed
Scawen maybe we can give the FZR 50 k´s instead of 100 ? Maybe it will work then . And the XRR 25 ? The FXO with 30 k´s and the XRT with 10 hehehe . Who knows But please do not change anything else , i love the false starts etc etc , keep doing the good work you guys are doing .
S2 licensed
The way i see it is that alot of FZR drivers are going do switch to FXR . I personally love the new patch , but the weight is a mess . All of us that drive FZR´s are going to have alot of trouble against FXR´s in the future . I will still be driving the FZR in the future , but not with as much fun as i used to . I think we should leave the weight out or think of something else to add on future patches , but unfortunatelly i cant do nothing about it . Scawen and CO. are doing a great job no dought about it , and i really apreciate how quick everythings going with all the patches but ...... the weight , the weight !

S2 licensed
Well i have been reading alot lately but never really felt like posting anything here . A few things that bother me is that alot of people keep bringing up stuff that was said or done before . We should all be happy with the game as it is (ofcourse there is always improvement etc etc) but personally i think this game is by far one of the best if not the best race sim game of all time . I have GTR2 , rfac gt legends Race WTCC etc etc etc (dont want to bring up sim vs sim atention) but i like LFS much much better by far then all the others . I really apreciate what Scawen and CO. are doing for the LFS community and for you Scawen three words : YOU F.....G ROCK !!! Keep up the good work
2 Logitech MOMO Force 4 Sale
S2 licensed
Hiho peepz , i have 2 MOMO Force wheels for sale . One is brand new (only played with it for a couple of days , and the other one about 6-7 months) .
Both wheels are in top form , only the new is absolutly new .
No scratches what so ever !!!
Both wheels are in Germany

Interest ? PN me

S2 licensed
Ok i gues not . If someone has any idea where i can get such a prog please let me know
S2 licensed
Ok , super work on the Logitech G15 . My question is >>> is there such a prog or mod that i can download that shows the same thing but only on a TFT CRT Monitor ??? I have been looking for something like this for a long time but ................. the G15 is too small for my taste
S2 licensed
Thats the best movie you have made Mister FOX . Keep up the good work . Ill buy you a beer when i go to Portugal . See ya on the tracks homie