And if Deejays plan doesnt work do the same i did , buy some new potis . I had the same probs that you have , tried everything , but the wheel would not center . Then i decided to buy new potis and it worked
Inouva and Furiously-Fast , did he say anything wrong or is there any proof of him cracking LFS ?? You guys are starting to piss me off with this bull**** banana burning s**t !! This used to be a super duper community , now all people do is pick on people cause they think they have cracked LFS OMFG get a life and stop picking on demo drivers , they are normal people also !!
The funny thing is that LFS only has 3 developers , not like IRentals ( nice one Bob ) with 50 people working on it . But the development is a bit slow imo , it could go a little bit quicker . But i guess if you want something good , you´ll just have to wait for it .
Devs , i have a great idea , teach me how to programm , and i will do it day and night for free , or for a couple of bananas :monkey:
I´m not asking about the game , i´m asking a simple question if any of them played it yet . And why can´t they tell us if they played already ? Is it suppose to be a big secret ?
edit : ok Sam i´ll just wait until someone gets arrested