From the minimal time I spent in GTR and rFactor, I remember the tracks being a lot narrower for the most part. It didn't feel like you were driving in the middle of a freeway, which is the sensation I get in a lot of areas in LFS.
Sorry if this is old, I searched and found nothing.
Is the track width in the game realistic? Most tracks get as wide as a four or even five lane freeway, which seems like a bit much for anything other than the oval. I'm guessing it's probably done to allow more room for online races. Yet I think it's the primary cause of the lack of speed sensation. You gauge your speed based on the stationary objects and edges/walls of the track, and since tracks are so wide, those reference markers end up being too far away most of the time and therefore move pretty slow. I get a pretty good sense of speed if I set up a narrow track in auto-x, so I bet if we had a fairly narrow track (2.5-3 car widths or so), it'd feel like your ripping through it even at low speeds.
They have no idea how to get off the grass. It seems they do better getting out of the sand. I just had one AI stuck on the grass, going around in circles for like 10 minutes. He would spin onto the track, but instead of putting it in reverse and pulling onto the track, he would gun it forward back onto the grass.
The first corner is a disaster with the full AI grid. Only 1 or 2 of them actually make it past it, at least 2 or 3 of them get permanently stuck in the sand, and the rest spin around on the grass for several laps.
Isn't that mostly due to the compound and the dirt/sand sticking to it? If slicks were made out of the same compound that the regular street tires are, they'd probably lose no more grip on dirty tarmac as regular street tires do.
But doesn't bigger contact patch offer more grip? I thought that's why they used slicks for high-end racing. You know, the bigger the sticky area, the more it sticks. And the weight on the tire is the same, because you're racing the same car. The grooves on the tire surfaces are meant to maximize grip off road and help water escape from under the tire in the rain, if it weren't for that, all cars would have slicks, because more contact patch = more grip.
Hybrids would have to be a lot stickier than road supers to compensate for the holes between teeth. I guess they are, if they wear so fast.
I hang out with cool girls that are into games, so I don't have awkward moments like that.
Or, if your girl is not like that, you can always lie and tell her you were having sex with supermodels, and then hung out with Tom Cruise...and later had sex with him as well.
It's true, but as Cue-Ball said, local server might help with ping for some peeps. I personally don't have any lag or ping problems racing one Euro server, but I'm guessing some do...
I have two fairly decent systems here that are idling without much use, so I could set one up to be a dedi server 24/7. Don't know how the bandwidth would go, though... Not that I care about Comcast, it's just that when I d/l pr0n, it might mess with the game. My roommate plays LFS too, so I bet he won't mind either.
Maybe I'm missing something, but when I come back from work and go online later at night, all the servers are empty, aside from the few private ones... I know there are a lot of Euro and Australian racers, who are still probably sleeping, but I though there were plenty of Westerners... Is there like a good time when everyone is playing, that I keep missing?