Well, perhaps the problem you are having is that you are keeping throttle 3/4 or even full then entire turn. The thing to control the drift is to feather (Tap) the throttle, and if you need more angle, then perhaps increase the throttle, or even hit the brakes a little bit. If that didn't help, then post here again with a replay, and you'll get the answer you need
That really depends on the turn. For FE Black Rev, right after the pits that don't work when you are about to go onto the bridge, I usually feint into 4th gear, then take the first S turn in about 3rd or second, then usually hit it into first at the actual 90 degree turn so I can whip my car around, then usually come out of that section in second gear.
Applying throttle will increase your angle, I.E. if you are going way too wide, hit the throttle down and increase your angle. When you let go of the throttle, it will keep the designated angle, and in turn make your drift more controllable. The reason for feathering the throttle would be to balance out the two.
Practice and skill my friend. Usually Feint drifting a long ways before the turn would help.
That depends on your own preferance. I've never really been good at setups, but I'm sure somebody else can answer that question for you
Hope this helped Post back with your progress/a replay.
Sam isn't hosting, we can't figure out how to get his damn router to work =X
I'll be the host.
But as DrftMstr said, you guys are lucky if you are really looking to get into the drifting scene. Usually when you are new to all of us, we won't be very respecting of you. But I should watch how I word this. By respecting, I mean that usually if you make a drift team and nobody knows who you are, the team will be thought to go absolutely nowhere in the community, and most likely fall apart rather fast. But we all know this is just for fun. Of course, serious fun. Drifting requires more patience and practice then you think, but once you get the hang of it, you will be amazed at the amount of fun you can have, and most importantly, all of the amazing people you will meet.
I hope I didn't word anything wrong. lol
Quiet literally. Server will be public.
I'm apparently leaving at 7:10, which is in about half an hour. so server will be going up around that time.
Have fun everybody. I will join in on the fun when I am back.
Rev I'll get up a server tonight in about 2 1/2 hours for most of the night
I'm -5 GMT and it's 5:01 right now. Server will be up at 7:30 if you wish Rev.
My 3000 ALWAYS bugs out on me. My idol I KNOW is around 32 C when right now as I type this it's at 39, which seems extremely odd, since all I have is music playing, mozilla, and aim. I don't even use on board audio. My guess is faulty mobo sensors.
We usually don't accept invites. Because watch in about 3 days you will go on and ask another drift team if you can join...That's dedication alright...
Drifting isn't very easy. It can't be described on paper, only demonstrated. But everything Hatemaker has said is correct. When centering your car to go straight on the track, your wheel cannot help you out there. If you continue to get the so called "Hot spot" of a wheel/car, the car will start to fishtail, A.K.A. Manji down the road. The only way to center is to counter the FF by slowly returning the wheel to center at the end of the turn. To link turns simply oversteer in the opposite direction.
I played LFS with my 9200, it looked okay, but the gameplay is what got me addicted. But now with my Nvidia6600GTAGP, I can basically drive 40 MPH around the track looking at the surroundings. It's simply amazing.