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S2 licensed
I just added a zip file containing replay files of each stage (since I finally remembered to save ALL of them!). Enjoy.
S2 licensed
I just posted a couple here.
S2 licensed
Quote from andy_bonjon :that doesnt work for me? :-/

Hmm, it's working fine for me.. not sure what the problem could be.

I just added some more shots from today's event!
S2 licensed
Some more shots from today's event:

Masher Man putting the wrong end forward on SS1:

Polo (andy_bonjon) was locked in a tight battle with Rubenz81:

[CRC] Watanabe getting a little sidways at Fern Bay Rallycross:

[Elite] Lococost making an impressive run through SS1:

Rubenz81 kicking up some dirt, eventually outrunning the RB4s:

[HR]RacerHero getting some air at Blackwood:

Last edited by XenoWolf, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Rubenz81 :Nice event and the new type of racing, aka starting 20/30/whatever sec one from another it's a real blast! Keep up the good work!
Maybe in next 1000 years i can win one!

Maybe you should move up to the FZ5 and go after Loco with even machines!
Club Rally - Feb 11 - Results & Notes
S2 licensed
Congrats to Lococost for yet another victory! Rubenz81 also put in an excellent drive in the XRT, coming home in second place!

  • 6 competitors took the start
  • The scoring bug that plauged Saturday's event was fixed!
  • The entire event went very smooth, very good news for future events!
Final results are below, DNFs are in red.
Last edited by XenoWolf, .
S2 licensed
Quote from lococost :Why only thumbs xeno?

Click on the thumbs to get 1024x768 versions.
LOTA Forums - Can't reply/make thread?
S2 licensed
As the title states, I can't reply to or create new threads. I just get sent back to the main forum list. Username is 'XenoWolf', and I'm not sure what happened since I was posting fine a few days ago. illepall
Screenshots/Wallpapers posted in the 'Screenshots' forum
S2 licensed
Just a heads up for those who wouldn't notice, I posted some wallpaper-sized screenshots from Saturday's rally here.

I'll most likely make a few more tommorrow, so try and get me some money shots!
Screenshots from this weekend's SimRS events.
S2 licensed
Just some shameless self promotion!

Seriously though, I figured I'd post them here so everyone can catch a glipse of all the fun we're having.

[Elite] Lococost waiting patiently at the start:

TD|David getting very sideways into the first turn of SS1:

Rubenz81 perfectly executing a tricky South City stage:

[noobs] Kalev showing battle scars, but still pushing hard:

Rookie James Stonestreet getting it all wrong through the tricky Aston chicane:

Rookie tamarillo driving smooth, fast and clean:

Rookie Graebob surprising the entire field with his unmatched pace in the RB4:

Last edited by XenoWolf, .
Club Rally - February 10th - Results & Notes
S2 licensed
Congratulations to Lococost with another victory! It seems nobody wants to challenge him in the FZ5.


  • A scoring bug rendered one stage (SS7) hopeless, and another (SS8) had to be substituted instead.
  • We had a great turnout for this rally! Nine competitors took the start, but as is the norm not all of them finished.
  • Rookie Graebob, in his first ever SimRS stage rally came home in second place! A great run!
  • The new stage procedure, when the scoring system worked, was beautiful!
Final results are below, DNFs are marked in red, penalties are in blue. Thanks to all who took part, hope to see you tommorrow as well!
S2 licensed

Why? Because of this guy:

S2 licensed
Racin Jason pulled out of the XR series?
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :Looking good so far! Gallery page isn't working though.

I'll be interested in seeing either a video stream or replay of these events, so I hope something will be available.

Yeah, there are quite a few things I still need to finish up, the gallery being one of them.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the tip, I'll try and fix that ASAP. See you this weekend!
S2 licensed
Btoryo, I love your avatar!
S2 licensed
Fox... predictable handling? illepall

This car loves to surprise me! Still, I'm hoping to remain competitive throughout the season. Good luck to everyone in both championships!
NEW things are happening!
S2 licensed
Psst! Check out the new site design!

Also, expect to see stage rallies run in a new way this weekend. Instead of having to wait for each individual to finish the stage before releasing another, I can now release multiple competitors at timed intervals. It should be interesting! Hope to see everyone take the start this weekend!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :I think you can, just take away the green arrow?

Unfortunately that isn't an option. I need to use custom starting points..
S2 licensed
Quote from hackerx :No.

Thanks, that's what I was afraid of.
Can you turn off cone-killing penalties on autocross layouts?
S2 licensed
I'm working on designing stage layouts for SimRS and the object-hitting penalties are not necessary. I was wondering if there was any way to disable them in the layout options or server options?
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :GPL always had an awesome sense of speed, it just felt really really stupidly fast (perhaps because it was )

Agreed. GPL did an excellent job at giving you a good sense of the insane speeds you were doing. It probably helped that you knew that at those speeds the car was driving on a knife's edge, and a twitch either way would send you flying off the sides.
S2 licensed
No reason to punish the responsible drivers for the actions of a few idiots who can't yield properly.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :That would be our Safety Car
