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Quote from Kalev EST :- Use GMT as a timezone for start times. A lot of people(me included) get confused with timezones.

I'll begin using GMT/UTC from now on, I realize how confusing the time zone thing was. I'll also have a feature on my website (after a redesign) that'll be able to show the current GMT/UTC time.

Quote from Kalev EST : - Make the start times more European friendly because Europe has the most LFS players. I doubt anyone is interested in racing at 2am in the morning.

I've been trying to do that by starting most of my events at 17:00 UTC. I may be able to start a few hours earlier, but that'll require me waking up earlier!

Quote from Kalev EST : - Promote your league more. Get a subforum in the leagues section, go to team forums and post invitations, etc.

I asked in the one thread about a subforum to no avail, and I've began sending out invitations to teams this week.

Thanks for the response!
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :if its basically a rallying league or series of events i think it would be fun, but im not a fan of organised avertised events because im a little wimp with no confidence in myself to do well.

It's not a 'league' per-se, atleast not yet. I'm simply trying to get some solid events organized before I concentrate on starting a league.

Quote :think its because LFS has a lack of interest when it comes to rallying, there was a supposed "rally pack" comming our way, but there is nothing soon about the "soon" that was said about it, so no one even knows if its actually being worked on or not or .. what

back in S1 i loved to rally, but right now its just not fun because dont have really any cars to rally properly

Interesting. When you say 'rally', do you mean rallycross or stage rallying? What I'm trying to get off the ground is much different than your typical rallycross.
S2 licensed
Today's Club Rally results:

S2 licensed
Quote from Batterypark :You might've included a description or at least a link...

It was in my signature.

You can get a basic description of how it works in the 'About' or 'Rulebook' sections.
Stage Rallying: Obscurity, or lack of interest?
S2 licensed
A simple question. I've been trying to promote stage rallying on Live for Speed for about two months now, and at first there seemed to be a real interest for it. Now, as I see my entry lists getting shorter and shorter, I can't help but wonder where all of that momentum went!

Is there a general concensus for why most people seem disinterested in such events? I'm hoping it's just obscurity, and that proper promotion can help alleviate the problem. If it's not however, I have a bigger problem.

So, who has/hasn't heard of SimRS/LFS stage rallying?

If you have, what do you like/dislike about it?

If you haven't, does this sound like something you'd be interested in?

This is costing me real time, real money and real stress sometimes.. but I'm simply trying to add something new and different to the Live for Speed community. I appologise if I sound desperate, but I am in a way. I posted this here in the hopes to catch the opinions/thoughts of people who don't oft frequent the Leagues/Events forum.

Please, feel free to post any constructive critisism or questions, I'd much appreciate them!
S2 licensed
Great work Rubenz!

Feel free to use it as much as you'd like.

Andy, I'm in college myself so I understand that it's a much higher priority.
S2 licensed
I've been messing around in Photoshop for the last hour or so, and came up with a new logo I think I'll be sticking with. Looks a lot cleaner and more 'professional' than the current one.

Expect a website re-design in the near future aswell, when I get some time.
S2 licensed
Oh please... illepall
S2 licensed
Franky, when are you planning on upgrading the rest of us?
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Sounds good , I would like to give it a try. Do i need to sign up or just turn up?

Is there a layout I can download? as i dont know what the stages are like.

Well, if you know which event you'd like to attend you can submit an entry here. You are not required to, but it makes things a little easier for me. Also, be sure to read the SimRS rulebook prior to joining us.

No layout downloads are required, the 'stages' are one-lap sprints around a variety of different circuits already available in S2.

S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :Did your car escape from prison :P

Nah, I was just going for something simple which utilized the car's lines.
S2 licensed
Not a father myself, but still gotta give you props for a great idea!
S2 licensed
Quote from andy_bonjon :im liking it.... just one question.... shouldnt it be the 00 car? it is over here is it different in the us?

Typically we have three zero cars over here, triple-zero, double-zero and single-zero. Single-zero is the final one that runs at speed and opens the stage.
S2 licensed
Just 'finished' (I'll probably end up tweaking it a little here and there) the SimRS zero car.

You can check it out here.
S2 licensed
A peak at my basic design for the SimRS zero car.

S2 licensed
I'd be interested in having a subsection for SimRS, but I can't find a way to PM you. Let me know, thanks!
S2 licensed
Quote from Rubenz81 :For a moment i believed that i won!

Eh, at 24.00 (Italy time) was a little too late for lfs!
I think when you organize events at 12.00 (your time zone) it's better because you can have all us euro people.
So i hope that you will not be busy with work/study/life and organize other very entertaining rally racing.
Cmon everyone, LFS rally it's fun! And it may not look but also really challenging!

I'm trying to toss it up a bit to see if I can lure in more North American people with the later start time. If I have another incident like last night I'll just go back to scheduling all of my events at noon EST. I'll just chaulk this one up as 'growing pains'..
Last edited by XenoWolf, .
S2 licensed
Do to low attendance (read: zero attendance), tonights event was cancelled.
S2 licensed
Quote from andy_bonjon :surprised to see that the fz5 didnt win! as the stages today are later tonight i should be able to make it!

The FZ5 (Loco) did win, I just forgot to re-organize the spreadsheet to reflect the finishing order. Oops!
S2 licensed
Results from this afternoon's event:

S2 licensed
Quote from andy_bonjon :coursework permitting i'll be there.... my internet is being a bit stupid this morning and this site is the only one working for me atm so i'll try and fill out the entry form later


It wouldn't be the same without you, hope you can make it!
S2 licensed
Quote from RaceDoctor :
Hi, I have been looking for a rallycross champ. So I'm joining Should I submit the entry form on the web site or contact you in the person?

I receieved your entry, but be aware that this isn't a rallycross event! This is a stage rally, which is something completely different. You can get a feel for what a stage rally on LFS is like here, and if you have any further questions feel free to ask!
S2 licensed
Also, note that the server name has changed!

Server name (for the time being) is now: [SimRS] Club Rally
REMINDER: The SimRS winter Club Rally season kicks off this weekend!
S2 licensed
Just a reminder for those who are interested! For those who arn't, atleast give it a try.. it's fun! You can view the full schedule at, and you can contact me at [email protected] with any questions/comments/concerns you may have.

See you there!
SimRS schedule announcements!
S2 licensed

Well, the holiday rush is finally behind me and I can get back to business!

SimRS would like to announce the following:

Club Rallies (All times are GMT -5 ... be sure to convert to your local time zone!)

January 13th - 12:00pm - Open Entry
January 14th - 06:00pm - Open Entry

January 20th - 06:00pm - Open Entry
January 21st - 12:00pm - Open Entry

February 10th - 12:00pm - Open Entry
February 11th - 06:00pm - Open Entry

February 24th - 06:00pm - Open Entry
February 25th - 12:00pm - Open Entry


Any change in the above schedule will be noted in this thread, or in a subsequent announcement thread.

Although not required, I recommend that if you're interested in taking part in any of these events you should submit a proper entry! Doing so will guarantee you a seat in the event.

I also recommend that everyone read the SimRS Rulebook prior to taking part in one of our events!

I suggest people take this opportunity to get as much experience as they can... as I may *hint hint* be working on organizing a championship for this spring!

All events will take place on the official SimRS server: [SimRS] Rally Sport

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me here on the forums, or via email!

Hope to see everyone there!
Last edited by XenoWolf, .