Everything is a pain when it comes to getting a skin to look right. But hey, the end result, when someone comes to a server and they say "Hey Black Wolf! I love your XRR/FZR skin! Great work" thats when you know you did a good job. So enjoy.
EDIT - I have started work on FXR skin with Greboth. Should be done soon, and hoping to be best skin yet.
Wow, really great work you guys. I would love if it these two skins were also magically rendered. Can I ask that the two cars are somehow put together in one single render? and then seperate renders for each car? THANKS
The FZR skin now has a Mobil number space. I am starting work on the FXR skin later today. Then I will re-post them as a set under a topic called "GTR SET".
I have made a second skin to go together with my first FZR skin. I am planning to make a FXR skin soon so that I have a complete GTR pack. But for now here are the two skins:
Here is my second skin, to go together with my first FZR skin which can be found in the FZR skin thread, but to save you the trouble I will post them here:
I just finished work on it this morning but anyhow, here it is; I have also included a colour scheme which caught my eye, and which also was used by a friend of mine the colours are green and white: http://i61.photobucket.com/alb ... olf_02/FZR_BLACKWOLF1.jpg
I updated the lines of skin 2, the green and white one, hope you like em,
Well, howdy there, firstly - not a bad start, even at first I used to just throw in some sponsors, decals and I thought its ready, but what you need to work on is a paint scheme, I just finished my final vesion of my first skin, too me some time but here you go:
Well I tried, the least I can say. I have not finished it yet fully, i have some things i need to change + add to.
But here is version one.
Can anyone reesize it to half the size without making the image blurred please? I want same quality, but i cant upload the skin its too many pixels
This is version 0.01 out of 1.0 Alpha, i am spending all my spare time to make the best skin in this process i will learn new skills and tecniques hopefully. Can someone render the skin for me please:
I was not going to throw my details out to him, besides what would be the point, he can only play on LAN so i am not going to do it, I was not going to do it in the first place as I bought the game for MYSELF only. Anyway, thanks for all the info, glad to have my questions answered.
As the site says "you may unlock on a friends pc to play him online" but to do that do i have to give him my username + password or is there some way i can unlock it for him without having to go throught this?
Thanks for the help i go S2 two days ago and all i can say is i love it...