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S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :The LX cars are awesome -balanced chassis, adjustable on the throttle. My only gride is a touch too much understeer on the LX6 I can never get rid of if I want to be quick.

Hippos with indigestion....
S2 licensed
Hmm, Thanks for the XFR I ordered. I owe you jaffas.
S2 licensed

Quote from Bob Smith :Eh? wtf is that anyway? And I'm not American!

@Topic - poll is now closed, seems you the majority want me to keep my beard. And (for now, at least) I will.

Also thanks for road going XFR. I owe you a pack of jaffas, gimme the address and i'll send em, only if ur within 20 miles of london.
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Easily, see:
racing: BL1, BL2 and REV configs
wrecking: BL Car Park

You can't "race" on BLCP in demo because demo users can't use layouts, so what else is the BLCP good for except "wrecking"?

Erm, you can play tag. Didn't notice the car park thingy tho. illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Paul1992 :I jus expieramented wit new program not that good but Wht ever lol

I dont mind the drifting, but the camera angles were awful, and another thing I didn't like was the way you moved the camera while filming on the straight, it looked like the camera went to the right stopped, then did so again, then stopped. Otherwise not bad.
S2 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :wrecking is allowed yes its a racing (BLGP and BLRC) and crashing (BLCP)

How can it be 'racing' if 'wrecking' is allowed. Don't you demo people have something called common sence. Or is anyone without and S2 license automatically dumber.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stix :Filter -> Brush Strokes -> Spatter ...?!

Looks nothing like the ss you showed me.
S2 licensed
Quote from daveb948576 :thanks *;* i have made myself heard in the servers allready if i crash into you sorry please dont ban me lol im a newbie.

As I must tell all those who crash and are new, just go and practice offline and learn the new tracks in S2, there is a fair amount to learn, and all the cars handle differently except LX4 and LX6 which both handle like hippos with indigestion.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stix :thx ...adobe photoshop -> filter -> paintfilter -> splash!

I have CS2 and i can't find paintfilter tab
S2 licensed
Quote from axus :You're calling a person several years older than you "bitch"? Where do you get off doing this? If this was real life, right now, you'd resemble a pancake. I'd understand if there was something mildly funny about your post but there just isn't. Its the same old, boring, retarded humour (I use the word lightly here) that causes a mild chuckle from people whose age hasn't hit double digits. And if its not meant to be funny, just what is that post doing there? Is it maybe just for postcount?

[sarcasm][joke]Some people actually have a sence of humour and something called friendship [/joke][/sarcasm]
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :I Searched Smith/Shaved/Bob....

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is an active link worth?

Look at the post above yours.
S2 licensed
Tristan, go eat more jaffas.
S2 licensed
I think he should keep it.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Beware or the Almighty Beard of Bob will exact its revenge on the forums! During the day it slumbers, but at night, when Bob sleeps, it comes alive. Much like Bagpuss. Its true. I saw it.

To be perfectly honest, Bob has quite a sensible beard in comparison to some people (jono bacon for instance)

I kinda regret shaving mine off at the moment

I could always MSPaint your avatar and make you have a 'virtual' beard just like bob lost his 'real' reard. Never Underestimate the power of MSPAINT111!!!elevenoneone!1

Quote from tristancliffe :Who is Bob? Those pics are of Bob's ugly brother aren't they? The one we all laugh about via PM? Or have I missed a joke?

I think he should replace it with a small rodent, possibly Richard Hammond.

I didn't want to post his real name since not many people know it. Ben it is anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :I'll consider it, especially since that photo sits on my website anyway...


Sorry I just had to do this (see pic attached) This could be how he would look like without a beard. Note I used MS Paint because everyone else's avatars are in paint. :P . BTW How did you enter the JCC with such a small gob.

Forgot to attach pic LOL. Here.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tukko :big NO NO, I just love that bit perv pornstar style beard.. full of Jaffa cake crumbs :icon23:

*waiting for my banana*

ROFL @ pornstar beard, although I think he looks more like someone who would commentate on horse-racing.
S2 licensed
Quote from plehto :With a little patience he could turn that into a Paul Sr moustache.


He would have to dye it white though....I think he likes his natural shade best.
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :nooooooooooooooooo theres no need for him to shave.

Well we'll just have to see the poll results
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :Never heard of him, is he a new demo racer or something?

xWolfx: Shouldn't you have posted this in "Improvement Suggestions" section?

No hes, a moderator...who makes the Easy Race and the Road Going set-ups, no picture unfortunetly only video which can be found here somewhere in the pages of the LFS Jaffa Cake challange.

Quote from Madman_CZ :here is a picture of Bob! plz don't ban me !!

Yay finally a pic
Should Bob Smith get a shave?
S2 licensed
Yes, this is the official "Should Bob get a shave poll". As he is not sure if he should get his beard shaved off or not, i've decided to see what the LFS community really thinks of it. He posted something about his beard in the thread D10X about being unsure of what to do with it, well people its time for use to help him with something since he helped us with the Easy Race and the Road Going sets (which I adore, PS can you make one for the XFR ^^). GL Bob.

Poll closes in 24 Hours.
Last edited by xWolFx, .
S2 licensed
You have to save it as a specific file, I think.
S2 licensed
Quote from TEAMTURBO KIP :were do u get the mod for the drift points it i have been lookin for it if some one knows i have aim it is demarcus12345678 and msn it is [email protected] please some one help me thank u

There is this super new feature on LFS Forums called teh search button.
S2 licensed
Make and 'OMG YOU KILLED KENNY' skin.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Greboth :Only having used the dfp i love it and ive had no problems with it what so ever. I just checked e-buyer which always seemed to be the cheapest to buy the dfp but its out of stock

One thing that annoys me about the g25 is that theres all this "the g25 rulz!!!!11oneoneeleven1!!11111 your noob if you buy any other wheel!" attitude when its not even been release yet - so no one knows. I dont know for sure but i would be VERY surprised if people werent like this about the dfp to find that it wasnt as great as the expectations people had. I am happy with my dfp but untill the g25 is released and ive seen some proper reviews i honestly just dont care about it.

I think that ebuyer will never have them in stock, and about the G25, It will probably have some glitches in it in the first few months of release, just like the PSP had dead pixels and UMD tray popping open.