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S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Not many people mind getting crashed by a newbie (so long as they have SOME control of the car - otherwise they should practise a bit more before entering the online fray).

took the words out of my mouth apart from the spelling mistake.
S2 licensed
Well I guess this is a partial answer to the tyre pressure argument:

When needed to adjust tyre pressure, instead you can have different strength rubber and what ever that bedy spoke thingy is. Rather then having to adjust tyre pressure you simply swap the wheels for what ever conditions, and it means that there are no flats. But where can you carry 4 extra wheels? My suggestion would be: Attach one to the roof, one in the boot, one super glued to the bonnet and the last you hold dangerously whilst making your way out of IKEA.
S2 licensed
Quote from silver bullet :There are fewer servers on S2 than in demo, but people are much better. I haven't seen a crasher in the two weeks that I have owned S2. The class of drivers is definately better, altho there are many beginners so you won't feel completely outclassed.

Definately worth the $$$

FEWER SERVERS? Boy, did you just fall on your head? Demo has about 130 Servers each day, S2 peaks at 450 servers. Check your settings when seraching for servers.
S2 licensed
He is trying to make something useful without realising we already have it, he's a kid so dont flame him. Just close the post.
S2 licensed
Hmm, well then your normal. And if you are going to use my quote at least put - xWolFx after it
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Yeah, most servers can be changed to an odd combo. I often do this, but usually few people (if any) join in the fun. It's definately a people problem. Particularly some people go online for a quick, action packed race. For that you need a busy server. That means joining an exisiting busy server. Which is a vicious cirlce when it comes to variety.

You mean its abit like joining the Redline Racing server?
S2 licensed
Why hairy guys drinking vodka and not turkish people serving kebabs?
S2 licensed
He is a guy that want's something out of the ordinary, he says that he wants something the Demo Players don't get well if it isnt all the extra cars and tracks, the support of the community and the online play then i am sure he is waiting until he gets something un-useful like a tool to edit the drag strip.
S2 licensed
That is true, I ahve only seen FOX and GTR car server most of the time, and hardly any other combo's. I would wan't to try something different from a change other then getting 1 millionth of a second faster in my FOX.
S2 licensed
Well, patience is a virtue.
S2 licensed
I am sorry to see another great team go down, but it happens to all of us eventually. Lets hope this won't prompt any more teams going down and that MG stays strong also.
S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :It's Steriods helping me get faster!

No wonder you're so short.
S2 licensed
Quote from silver bullet :I have a weird fascination with driving a taxi, and I was actually searching for a Taxi simulator when I first came across LFS.

I tried looking for a taxi game/simulator but I could not find anything. I dont want "Crazy taxi" or "GTA" other arcade crap like that. Is there a game/program that I don't know about where I could drive a taxi around a city?

I know it sounds retarded but I always dreamed of driving a taxi when i was a kid

If you have PS2 then Getaway: Black Monday - you can steal a cab and drive around london, although the physics are like hippos trying to turn 240 degree corners.
S2 licensed
Quote from shaGuar :You should be, because the strike when you dont expect it *Evil laugh*:eek:

Dude I am going to bed in two hours I don't want to wake up screaming "HELP SOMEONE, BEN IS AFTER ME BECAUSE I MADE A 'SHOULD BOB GET A SHAVE THREAD'"

All is calm now. Oh crap here they come.
S2 licensed
What happaned to competitorship? Its all 'GET OUT OF MY WAY, BLUE FLAG @#$& !!!111' and nothing to do with caring about the other drivers, as i remember it its meant to be more something like 'Oh right, I will just over take him when I get a chance to' and its all about the WR or getting that one bit faster, and people forget that there are other human beings racing with them rather then random cyborgs behind the wheels.
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :what has chewing gumm got to do with a PC? unless you try to make the pc chew it by opening the disc tray and closing it over and over again. could be quite fun really.

Well I suppose it could be fun, but when you relise the gum has gone after the tray opens for the 100th time then the sense that your in deep shit comes back to you. Trust me.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :As in a sort of NOS -_-'

Ah well...

No NOS for me...
because then you get the guys who will use it at EXACT the best moment and then they win, so it won't be an advantage... :-/

Then there is that also, and people will sacrifice lap times (which will also have risen by a few secs due to the nossage) just to pit an re-fuel on nos. Which will defy the whole point of racing.
S2 licensed
Not even the multi-coloured bars when you click on thread title? illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from TagForce :Current situation:
Noob/Wrecker steps on gas to get ahead, only to enter a tight corner before he's even passed, fails to slow down properly and causes a MAJOR pileup.

Doesn't have to be NOS, but some sort of boost button for some cars might be nice.

But if there is a boost button then wouldn't that just make him crash into the players faster and harder?
S2 licensed
Quote from R1K89 :Sorry i was reading to fast i think :doh:

Go get some sleep then re-read.
S2 licensed
Quote from shaGuar :Do that, and get smacked down by the "LFS FORUM USELESS POST'S POLICE" Fear them

*Is afraid*
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Uhm, perhaps I can be of some assistance... I am not free to model right now... I got some work... but in my days I made a couple of concepts (no existing cars copied), here are the pics...
I am not pro, but a real modeler can fix bugs and errors in a matter of hours....or that I was told

a hot rod (drag racer) and a light Mid engined concept I called GT... (audi v6 in the back) engine modeled.
An old school V8 supercharged Engine (perhaps will come in handy)
and...ehm...also I had this concept for some time, unfinished...but I will take it and finish, if you find it interesting
Also, sorry for the screens, quality and lack of details on them, I couldnt find time to make new renders...
so tell me if youre interested

Edit: Oh, and the wireframes will be posted later, if interested =)

Zanoza Modeler was back in the days of MM2. And what days they were. I would really like to learn stuff in Vray but I need to start with basics again, something about how to make a ball, thne how to make a brick, then how to make glass etc, detailed explenations because I have not done anything like so in years, any links people?


S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :do you even know what a render is?

I doubt it since firstly: his age, then secondly he posted an already good picture, maybe he understands render as 'take this put it there fiddle about aha!' and not 'make skin send to program wrap around 3d model use specific lighting and scenes, then save and upload' but we all have to learn one way or another.
S2 licensed
Quote from R1K89 :i dunno, judge it yourself

Lets start a 'Useless Pictures' Thread.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :D.O.B. - 1998 :faint:

He can probably fit more jaffa's in his gob.