I prefer avast. AVG is abit out of date for me. Although it is still good. Avast and Zone Alarm (www.zonalabs.com) have kept me going for about 2 years without problems, also avast is available for free (full version) for home use only. (www.avast.com)
I would say just leave it as it is now, the developers can make near-real cars and do not have to worry about licenses. Like the RB4 is a Supra/FTO mix and nothing needed there. Saloons (4 and 2 dr) can easily be made without licensing, just use the lines of one car bonnet of another tail lights of another wings of something else and voila. You have a Lexades Masord (lexus+mercedes maserati+ford)
Ok, well the way I see it you think that you are all-to-superior to every other person currently on the topic, and I admire you for that because if you honestly think that I will be put down by your useless argument then you are wrong. I was not telling you how to act I was telling you to sort yourself out because currently your on a one way road to get a bad reputation on the LFS Forums and on Morrowdesigns. If you don't want to take the advice then go ahead, don't bother doing anything at all, but just pointlessly continue to deny that it has something to do with you. What is there is a mistake on both sides of the party, MorroW's and yours, all you have to do is sort it out and your troubles will be over. Seondly you wouldn't belive in this day and age that most 15 year olds have more sence then a guy ranting at people on a forum.
Ok, firstly that attitude lad, isnt going to get you very far. I would advise that you talk to people nicely so that they respect you. Secondly I dont give a shit if you can get 40 people to post anything, because MorroW had to earn his respect the same as any other user does. And lastly it is not my business but I can make it mine if I wanted to because people who do not take situations such as this seriously (like you are now) are the main culprits and try to deny it by posting something and pretending they have nothing to do with it. It is VERY childish. I am sure as well as you that you get other peoples skins from the skins_x folder which is the main folder where skins are downloaded and stored to from LFSW. Now if you do not sort yourself out then this just shows the LFS Community how ignorant people can be, it also does not promote the using of private skins on servers and most certainly is the biggest waste of time I have ever commited myself to.
Mind telling me exactly what he did, I am guessing he is using skins that are private, without permission, or modding them. In either case thats bad enough.
Firstly I think it's because you may be using skins without an authors permission. Secondly MorroW is a great guy and you shouldnt speak of him in such a tone. Lastly I would suggest to e-mail him (nicely) asking what particular part it is that you do not understand about, i.e. "Please tell me what I did wrong, and what I need to do". And on another note, I think you maay be using quite a few of other peoples skins. Thats why you should not take skins from the skins_x folder.
Good Luck.
EDIT: There is actually nothing 'funny' about this, it is in fact quite serious. I don't like it when people use my skins, nor does MorroW.
Unfortunetly, your right, S1 is not active what so ever, so my advice is lay off on the pointless spending or that pair of jeans you want and spend £12 on getting the other half. Where we avarage out on about 450 servers a day.
I wonder if I can send one jaffa in foil to Ben. (I will send whole pack) but in the old days it would cost just as much to send both, nows its about 3 times more for the pack then 1 cake. bed time now, night.
I was a regular at DTG and got good at it but then dropped it. There is nothing special about drifting unless you want to be a rally driver or a lonely guy at a motor show.
If only I could make room for another jaffa cake every time i saw one of these posts i would win the JCC by ALOT. There is no point in making a drift tire right now as most of the concerns are on improving the physics and other things. The majority of the community is also more for racing tire improvements then making a new one.
Erm, the new royal mail bastards now go by size and not weight, so sending a baloon in wrap is the same as sending a baloon made out of lead. Add me on MSN if you want. (click the thingy-ma-bob under my avatar.)