Like Duke Toaster said, you can see that it is because of the engine limitations if you have gotten the "follower could not find position" error sometimes.
He was 0,3 sec ahead at the second split, and lost 0,4 seconds in the last corner, so he lifted which can be seen from an onboard-vid I got to see elsewhere.
Or have an installer. They actually decompress the files, but have a graphical GUI to help the "DUM USER" to install the files to a location, or he can just click next and get into the game.
I suppose that in which direction trucks signal when it's safe to pass differs from country to country... Here in Finland trucks signal right when it's safe to pass, when I read somewhere that they signal left at Mexico.
Something happened when playing on my server with a friend. After quali ended, my screen just froze (I was watching my friend). I could still hear his sounds and his messages were arriving (I heard the sound) but the screen was frozen. I also wrote him 2 messages. Then I proceeded to press esc and the lower left corner, testing if the game would un-freeze but it didn't and I got stuck on a black screen from which the only way out was to hard-boot the computer (4th time I've ever had to do ever with this machine during over 2 years).
The music (I was playing with Vic's game music ) also froze into a 1-second-long loop when the screen froze, that could be a reason for the crash...
I found this error in the event viewer:
I also attach my friend's replay, although I don't know if you can see anything from that... My computer wasn't recording the replay as I saved it earlier after a spin The crash happens a couple of seconds before I write "mitä norjaa" near the end.
I was using (as the server) patch T3 and my friend T2.