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S2 licensed
Quote from herki : <- click on "Webspecial starten"

Cool track
S2 licensed
Tried it at South City. Didn't manage to turn with the F08 set up normally.

Layout included.
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :"soon"

Reminds me of [SOON] *splat*
S2 licensed
I watched that for some time earlier. Was quite cool, although all the cars had the S1 syndrome (white skins).
S2 licensed
"File failed header check"
S2 licensed
I'm a grip racer, but I enjoy drifting from time to time. I have no problem with it being recogniced as a motorsport category, although I would never go in a drifting competition. What I have never understood is why there is so much bashing from one side to the other. It's technically like comparing an airplane speedrace to plane aerobatics. They're both done with the same machine, but are different things which cannot be compared.
S2 licensed
A similar thing happened here in Finland at several points on the outside of Helsinki last year. Around 300 cars crashed in multiple places because of too much speed in icy and snowy conditions.
S2 licensed
A bit offtopic, but they calculated the costs of a computer-based database which would make easier to manage the absences from the parliament. 500 000 euros. :faint2:
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I think a lot of European languages are built on very similar rules, and the rules are fairly defined (although local dialects bend them anyway).

Bravo, you made a good assumption.

Finnish is not an indo-european language though. It's Finno-Ugric (like Hungarian and Estonian).

(Yes, I'm a language student.)
S2 licensed
Quote from z3r0c00l :If racing is always faster than drifting, how come rally cars don't use standard race technique?

Actually the newer rally cars don't drift anymore into corners. I've got some finnish magazines with articles on that and the reasons why it's like that...
S2 licensed
I'm sure there are some Finns ready to edit the too. If I have time, I could do something
S2 licensed
Perhaps he'll understand better in french:
La chose qui a changé peut être inclus dans le code php (ou n'importe lequel code) en quelques secondes. Ce n'est pas la peine de faire un numéro de ça!
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :Same here I am always trying out new things, downloading (i mean buying ) new programs and learning new things, graphics, web design etc. But firefox doesnt give me that "WOW!" factor it seems to give everyone else. I would never say to someone, "firefox is cack, use IE" because if they prefer firefox, then that is up to them. I admit fox is better than IE, when it comes to support, features, usability, and loads of other things, but i just dont like it lol.

I used IE for a long time, even when I knew it was full of security holes. I ran Ad-aware or Spybot S&D almost every week and it found every time 20-30 tracking cookies or data miners or stuff like that. Then I switched to Opera. After that, I've ran Ad-aware or Spybot only a couple of times, and both have found only 1 or 2 things...

I'm sticking to my choice
S2 licensed
I've checked it once as I couldn't get the crash address (hard boot), you can't find it there, which is sad.
S2 licensed
Ok, that was a bit stupid comment
S2 licensed
I suppose the idea of that change is that you can get the lower quality options on the left, and the better-quality options on the right, and not the randomness we had in earlier versions.
S2 licensed
Actually the best thing about westhill is that it has only one configuration. You don't need to remember which way to turn, as the track remains the same all the time.
S2 licensed
Quote from ndiw :i found another glitch, not sure for those who has 2 speakers. I put the throttle to floor.. then presses shift-r to restart race. the sound muted about 500msec before the race restarted.

I have the same thing, but I thought it was a feature of the newer patches.
S2 licensed
"But as Bengtsson, 34, attempted to overtake another car, the Koenigsegg skidded into the garbage truck coming towards him." illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :(imagine that, a Found On Road Dead, LOL)

Wasn't it Fix Or Repair Daily?
S2 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :Wrong, I said, some of your priorities seem wrong.
e.g.:Vista-compatibility is imho something doable after S2 is finished. It's something for an OS, which isnt yet on the market and is postponed to 2007 anyway. Why dont you do CPU Multicore-support then too?

It's coming at the end of this month to companies, and "normal people" will be able to buy it in a couple of months. IMO if there were critical problems that are now fixed with this patch, it was good to do it now. I'm not planning to upgrade to Vista, but I don't like the fact that other people who use it will have problems using LFS with it... And at that point the updates would have to be rushed.
S2 licensed
It's great with the grass, it shouldn't get a kerb :P
S2 licensed
It's the CS players who will complain about the lag. illepall
S2 licensed
(Another useless post)
I'm sure there are already moderators that can do the job if he needs them to help