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S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :we did. So did your teammate Ivanonov. Trolololololol.

sadly i cant be bothered to waste my time cruising with you guys.
S3 licensed
Have fun.
S3 licensed
Quote from reason0809 :lol, here you have some real heartless (& stupid people) unlike me ... /tsunami-vs-pearl-harbor/

They will burn... I just hope so. Fatboys just envy japs are so many light years ahead of them in any aspect.

Get back up on ya feet soon japs!
S3 licensed
They've had fairly reasonable amount of time to fix those issues during their beta period. Why they left to fix them post release is unknown. But im guessing it has something to do with deadline. If steering get's fixed - best game of the year. Else - quickly forgotten pile of s***t.
S3 licensed
That game confirms my own rule to never bother driving arcade game with wheel. Its horrid... well, french development team which included a few women iirc from their dev diary videos. If they've ever drove a car in their life's they would've knew how bad handling they created.
S3 licensed
I do give a damn but its been real life duties that prevented me from translating anything on the pages, now that i have some time some progress will be made

Merry Christmas!
S3 licensed
Im just hoping you arent driving with this "4" line who the AI's use.
S3 licensed
Just wanted to pop in and sent my grats to the podium and those who managed to finish this tough race. Very difficult track this fernie and the fact alone that a team finishes sucha hard event is admirable.
S3 licensed
The whole thread prove's that these days people have waaaaaaaaay too much spare time. Sometimes it makes me sad to see argues like that, for basically a bad placed joke. sigh
S3 licensed
+1 But is it possible to reduce the time (about 5s) the name in the button stays life? I've went through the whole ts to find option for that but i couldnt find it maybe one can help?
S3 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Ah, it took me a while to understand, but now I see. You mean to connect Aonio to local TS3 client, not to TS3 server. Nice idea! In fact I did not check what options client add-ons offer, any research and help in this respect would be most welcome. Anybody knows if there is an add-on that would offer locally information about currently talking people, or possible other events as well? I think the ServerQuery port I've been experimenting with work only on server, which is a limiting factor, when talking events are not reported.

Quote from EQ Worry :
I believe the requested feature was actually simple – show on LFS screen (using a button with configurable position) the nickname of the guy currently talking on TS3. No talk, no button. Someone talks, the button pops up. Is that right?

#1 exactly what i mean tho, might not've explained it properly but couldnt find better way the given condition
#2 should be some tiny button tho

Cant wait to try it out tho.
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Not that it bothers me any but how exactly do you propose to convert something that's been a bitmap all along to vector in the first place? It won't get any better..

You couldnt have assumed that i was asking the staff to give us the stripe's source psd's instead of .png's could u?

Anyways case closed even before your post. hf
S3 licensed
Team Name: Glowing Pistons Team
Number: 58
Car: FZR
ZanZi, A. Stratiev, BGR
Grigorov, I. Grigorov, BGR
krkriv, K. Ivanov, BGR
Last edited by ZanZi, .
S3 licensed
On the teamspeak side tho,

i bet you did checked it out but ts3 have plugins option which for example by default have some for people with G15 kb LCD display, test plugin, client query which allows telnet connection.

Think it would be better making something that would connect to ts it self other than connecting to the server issuing latency and bandwidth. Just my 5c,
keep the pace up with aonio - awhum for endurance knobs like me xD
S3 licensed
#58 Glowing Pistons Team
Last edited by ZanZi, .
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :I don't understand your logic. So basically, the FZR should be faster at not only the slower tracks, but at the faster tracks too? Surely that isn't very good "balancing".

What im saying is that there should be 3 ways to win an endurance race in these endu like leagues.
1) FZR style - being fastest but using more resources for that speed (fuel/tires/driver effort/setup making)
2) XRR style - 2nd fastest, fuel and tire efficient, stretching the stint length which would lead to less pitstops in the longer races.
3) FXR style - consistency above all, staying out of any trouble.

With the current restrictions fzr loses the main advantage its got.
Im not complaining for any of the short races tho dont get me wrong, its in the long term where things get a bit unbalanced because if xrr could stretch its stints to 65~70min it would pit 1~2 times less than fzr through the length of the race which you can calculate how much fzr will lose.

These discussions have been lead before and will continue right untill people realise its all about compromise. Either choose fastest car,pit more or slower car pit less and gain the lost time with fewer pits.
S3 licensed
Interesting tho, now xrr seems even with fzr speedwise but you cannot runaway from the fact that xrr uses its tires better, drinks less fuel. So that makes it with the given restrictions the obvious choice.
However fxr still looks as poor as it's ever been, fails to use its tires potential.

Its more on the suggestion side to slide:
back the fzr to 20% because even on power tracks like ky3 where it should be the king of the hill xrr keeps up with it no problems at all yet xrr pits in for less fuel and makes longer stints than fzr.

Overall: comparing lap per lap times xrr=fzr but with all the other factors it (depending on race length) chances are leaning towards xrr.
Last edited by ZanZi, .
S3 licensed
why would i be asking if i wasn't up for it
S3 licensed
massive bump i know, but is it a problem to have ?
S3 licensed
Just a quick question tho, since i've finally had the time to finish the translation i've forgotten if i was to either mail victor about that or write here.
S3 licensed
application sent
S3 licensed
Here we go again... illepall

btw the legendary "die in a fire" declared old fashion?
S3 licensed
stop the trolling guys, its not been that far the time u all been like him
S3 licensed
Quote from mpelletier92 f*ckin sucks! ... it's kinda too serious ...

What if some people like more serious racing than knobling around with grumpy kids? Everybody with their likes. Just an advice tho - spend time on it ull see the point.
S3 licensed
ill get flamed for this but nvm we all have opinions so here's mine if ur cba skip it...

Whats the problem with driving clean race? You have eyes, windscreen and mirrors to look around see what happens around you. You have to be able to predict what might happend in a given situation, or atleast react to one. It would all work perfectly clear if more people were aware that t1 isnt the place to win their races, or indeed any other corner on the track. To make a good win it takes some respect to be given to the cars around you because racing hard and clean is what thats all about.

Would you feel the same if u won your great clean battle and got to the top and if you crashed out the guy infront of you in the last corner? Highly doubt it.
Its often that guys think they superhumans in games so they do whatever they like, divebomming, swinging around blocking the track all over the lap, brake testing im sure they would be more cautious if they had something to lose which with those scoring systems they obviously have. I cant be sure these systems work exactly right, imo its more on the wrong side.

Still lfs dont have inbuild crash detection like some other examples of sim games do but thats another topic.
Driving clean worthy more than bumping out people for some wins,lfsw stats or whatever the reason.

In the end of that novel whats important is to understand is that to have a crash there are atleast 2 cars needed. Trying to avoid accidents is the way go.