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S3 licensed
Well mine is still in progress. ~40% done but not tested. I have a strong back up team too :P
I hope the upcoming week it will be done and tested
S3 licensed
Okay here is the Bulgarian translation. Just finished it, prolly there will be some updates.

- Fixed the names of the lessons
- 1 lesson has not being translated
- Another 1 lesson missed ( i have to take some where else the picture of mrs Anderson )
- Fine tuned and tested ( Credits fly to Ivan Nikolov aka muthaBG )
- Final fixes&tweaks
Last edited by ZanZi, . Reason : Updated ;)
S3 licensed
Guys its end of april and no official bg version. What are we doing?
S3 licensed
Just tried to lower the level of complication to what he could understand
S3 licensed
uh? i could have wrote a whole novel about the physics flaws but whats the point to talk to some one that dont know a thing about it?
S3 licensed
just couldnt hold down my self...

funny thing was that i touth he was around 9-10 ish... then went to check his profile and was stunned. 37 yo man saying so much crap. He can only be american prolly sclerosis is knocking on his door. i dont want to guess.
S3 licensed
Brilliant! Thanks a lot by the way it sets my cpu under high load not a problem tho and its probably about that its flash but is there a tiny little possibility to reduce it somehow? Just asking Other than that id like to help somehow in the development of that tool Maybe i could hold your beer while you are coding it? :P
S3 licensed
Great addition to lfs.Really useful

Just want to report small bug. Since we ran tonight a GTR based event ( LFS Lemans League ) i decided to pop in and try how it will do. I spotted that the FXR car have the FZR body tested with both small and big cars. Other than that it feels very good and latency is very low I also have a question about the name order grid. Looking left at the names list are the position number buttons ( i can say thats buttons couse they change color when i click on them ) what is their use? It might be mentioned before but would be cool if u dont flame me from being lazy to read the threat during admining the current event.
S3 licensed
Мисля скоро да почна да превеждам \agreement и \demo_warning. Между другото излизат някакви грешки при зареждането на бг-то... Мисля че на някои места броят на буквите е по голям от определеното за тях място. Ще видя какво мога да направя и ще постна.

I think that i shall start translating \agreement and \demo_warning. By the way there are some errors that appear on the screen when loading the bulgarian language file. Probably the number of characters us too big for the space left for them. Ill see what i can do

edit -> here's log and screenie of the errors

LFS : 0.5Y
Too long : 3a_off_butt (by 2)
Too long : 3a_on_buttn (by 1)
Too long : 3a_brak_mph (by 5)
Too long : 3a_brak_kmh (by 10)
Too long : 3a_ishwdywy (by 4)
Too long : 3a_ishwdnwy (by 5)
Too long : 3a_ishwdnwn (by 7)
Too long : 3h_showline (by 8)
Too long : 3g_kapitspd (by 2)
Too long : 3a_aacombin (by 3)
Too long : 3a_shrescon (by 7)
Too long : 3a_shressnd (by 1)
Too long : 3a_ass_mlft (by 2)
Too long : 3a_ass_mrgt (by 3)
Too long : 3a_ass_mmid (by 12)
Too long : 3a_asavauto (by 8)
Too long : 3g_cfg_drg8 (by 8)
Too long : 3g_cfg_toco (by 4)
Too long : 3g_cfg_grto (by 2)
Too long : 3g_pitstops (by 1)
Too long : 3g_spenalty (by 1)
Too long : 3a_shgautos (by 2)
Too long : 3a_smllaptm (by 2)
Too long : 3a_smlspltm (by 9)
Too long : 3g_l_cr_adj (by 5)

Last edited by ZanZi, . Reason : log&screen added
S3 licensed
Hey i az bqh zapo4nal edin prewod... 6te hwurlq edin pogled ako iska6 za napred moje da si pomagame
S3 licensed
Scawen i dl'd the patch just now and im on x32 server with my mates who run currently x33 patches... to me it appear that theyr tires are red / to them they are fine / and when some one slides a bit the smoke comes in and dont stop... cars in smoke on the straight... is this a bug or x33/2 not compatible with x34 xD

edit: i just did some pics of this if u want i could upload some of them...

x35 out in just 2 min... 10x for fast answer
Last edited by ZanZi, . Reason : addition
S3 licensed
Gl with your trail periods team mates
now -> :grouphug:
S3 licensed
As far as i know these lights lights are used in F1 when there's a water on the track.Its there couse the car behind cant actually see the car ahead when driving 200+kph. If i can find some video showing what i mean ( if some one didnt understand me ) i'll post the link here

-=Edit=- this is what i was looking for... watch from 1:06 to 1:12
Last edited by ZanZi, .