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S3 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :
EDIT - basically you cant just open bans.ban in a text editor and have/edit relevent info

basically i did that in the past. its just writes the username and some parameters. Atleast i think so
S3 licensed
here is the whole content of the file

LFSBAN�ö���� ���thf���������������������f§gzÐÉÉ �������GO AUTO�����������������jy`ÑÉÉ �������raitor������������������<ÐmyÑÉÉ �������Lesnik������������������2ç)ÑÉÉ �������KostVTEC����������������êÍ£’ÑÉÉ �������0-killed����������������ØظÑÉÉ �������corradog60��������������ˆ&2ôÑÉÉ �������DaggerXS����������������¢àÉÒÉÉ �������trilby1�����������������ªC¾
ÒÉÉ �������

I shoot on meet so basicly the last one might be the right to look at.

wops braking news just being told that this fella > Prolapse
is the gang leader.
bugged usernames... [not]
S3 licensed
Right, ive got a problem. I went out to our demo server today > XFusion|Racing Demo and found a whole bunch of organized idiots banning innocent people from the server. The whole point of this is that i started banning them ( managed to finish 3 or 4 of them ), then went to the bans.ban file on the host and found a rather strange names appearing there like >

ªC¾ÒÉÉ , ¢àÉÒÉÉ , ˆ&2ôÑÉÉ etc etc...

Cant find a way to look at their LFSW stats... Question is: are they banned for real?
Why their names appear like that?

And just to mention these morons were wearing team tag of Born 2 Race.
Having raced with some of their s2 licensed members i cant say bad word for the team over all, but for the few individuals causing innocent people being banned for nuttin.
S3 licensed
im feeling like posting a list of people who need to search for some kind of a special treatment of their BRAINS.

№ | LFSW name |
1. aptitudex
2. aptitudex
etc... etc...

/ the pic you posted your self proves it

Dont know why you have to be so arrogant towards some one that apparently showed to everybody how flowed christian you actually are.
You look like too old not to be aware that here people are free to make fun off each other ( there are limits of course ). I didnt feel that anyone here crossed that fine line than you.

Threatening people isnt either christian or in the "code" of what forums are about.
On the other hand i hope i havent made you too nervious reading this because i suppose youll spend alot of money to come to my country ( Bulgaria ) to "brake my leggs".
LFS to windowed mode
S3 licensed
I have a strange problem that occurred strangely right after i had to switch my screen resolution to highest ( 1600x1200 ) because i had to do some high res screenshots. Specifically VHPA 3.1.3. Did the stuff needed, then after some time i had to go for some lfsing and because im a big fan of shift+F4 ive set LFS to the same resolution and refresh rate that i use for my screen ( 1024x768@85Hz ).

Now when i shift+f4 my monitor seems to be shutting down and i have to move the mouse to "wake it up". Then after ~5sec it comes back to live in windowed mode with some "arthefacts" on the screen. ( img attached ).

Ive got a strange error from LFS ingame once ( img attached ).

Vcard temp looks to be normal ~50°C.

Last edited by ZanZi, .
S3 licensed
read first post maybe?
S3 licensed
And here's a Bulgarian version
S3 licensed
is there a difference between playing an ordinary replay and hotlap replay?
Just asking because a Z replay went OSS on me after playing 1~2s.

i was doing a some chill out on bl1/rb4 with clutch and h-shifter on. There seems to be no problem with the other Z replays i got tho.

edit n2
it turned out that is the engine sound that caused it.Looks like that the engine sound i use in Z9 cant be run in Z.
Last edited by ZanZi, .
S3 licensed
Ello :]
1) Here's what ive got from my 5310 Xpress Music Nokia yesterday.
Capital of Bulgaria , Sofia first snow for this year. And yea i know its not best quality but its a phone anyway

2) Also bad Q... old photo

Used to have some more sunsets and sunrises but cant find them atm
S3 licensed
Sorry to interrupt you guys but i've already started translating this section.
Ill try my best to finish the thing in close as possible time. Its kinda hard to kick in to rhythm with temps over 30 degrees around you with the opportunity to go to the pool or meet with some friends for a beer(s)
Back on topic: ill make my best to be finished soon ( max 2 weeks ).
S3 licensed
You have mail... actually 3 letters... sorry
S3 licensed
btw should i report each time some minor change has being done?
Im asking cause i dont know if You each time there will be a new test patch check the language's for changes.
S3 licensed
A very usefull feedback by you spanky... thanks for that
Last edited by ZanZi, .
S3 licensed
oki /user_name and /user_pass are done now
S3 licensed
30.06 Bulgarian translation in the online translator is finished

+ \agreement is also translated but i cant find \demo_warning :S
Last edited by ZanZi, .
S3 licensed
Translation still in progress so this might be a reason
S3 licensed
yea your language. Bulgarian right? anyway find me if u wanna talk with me about it
S3 licensed
Are you kidding me? It has nothing to deal with yours man. The fact is that you have some accurate translations but some were
I stopped working on this thing since i have couple of exams in near future so i have zero time for anything than books, well some other things too ofcourse
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Request: buttons for adjusting replay speed (0.5x, 0.25x, 0.125x and 2x, 4x etc.). Just the normal << and >> buttons will do.

atleast to me F2 and F3 work better than great
S3 licensed
LOL sorry for that... ignore me xD
S3 licensed
Whee a great patch with some great additions and beautiful new menu
I got a small problem with the new replay options tho. When running an mpr and when i want to view the name list and ( on the old version you are able to switch players by just clicking on the "W" or "M" or what ever it is to instantly change the car ) the problem now is that every time i try to click on the W the time line pop's in and makes it impossible.
Should we all forget about this way to switch between cars or it is a bug? I can work with the car changing with TAB and SHIFT + TAB but on a endurance races where u need to swap with your mate how are we going to adress the swap request? :S I hope You understand what i meant
S3 licensed
I'm thinking of making a full translation. All the files (help,main,pdf,lessons etc.) If some one could give me a full list of the things that can be translated will be good.
btw to all my country men: Guys please check the translation file every day for updates ( mostly ill do them everyday with small exceptions ). You can do that from > HERE
If there are any problems for you understanding the things there please contact me ( i think i left skype acc here somewhere otherwise via pm ).

S3 licensed
thanks all good and running. The other translator has just registered in and his account is "muthaBG"
When You have the time you could add him too
S3 licensed
I think the version is up at the post above yours. The guy that helps me doesnt have account here. Where would he need to register one? Here or @ ?
S3 licensed
Yea we're all at high level ( im mostly on the mechanics where others are a bit left down :schwitz.
The crew is consisted of 2-3 testers and 2 translators so i think we're strong enough.

Its okay to give access to the online editing thingy to me i guess

here's the file. The hardest part of it all is passed.
Last edited by ZanZi, .