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Well, I guess we can say that LOTA went alright last night, the result was nothing special, but atleast I still have no weight for next race
Anywhow, I qualified 9th with only 6 tenths seperating me from the leader. The race got off to a fairly good start, but I started dropping back, which wasnt good. I then made my pitstop with fuel and tires, got out on the track and did a long run, some minor mistakes, but I was still somewhere in the top 10. But here is the one big mistake I regret: I forgot to set change tires to 90%! They were still set to always, so that wasted alot of time, but I still got 11th.

Thanks for the time,
S3 licensed
Just bumping our thread. Our new forum is here:
We are also looking around for new members alot now, because we only have a couple.
Also, Logitekg25 is our new skinner and co manager.
Last edited by Zay, .
S3 licensed
Hello people, tell me whatya think about the new forum! The only thing I cant figure out how to fix tho is the thing that says welcome to alpinestarsracingteam, or something like that, cuz It just went like that 4 some reason
Anywho, heres the link:

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S3 licensed
I also use a G25, and when I am not in shifter mode I use right foot for the gas and left for the brake, and yes, It is faster, as there is no delay when going from gas to brake or brake to gas. I developed the habit in karting, but its not so bad, as you are faster doing it this way.

S3 licensed
Hello people, I cannot seem to get this working. I have saved it to my desktop, and installed it, but is there anything else I have to do?? I just cant figure it out
Last edited by Zay, .
S3 licensed
Wow, I like Edwards, but that was just uncalled for. Montoya was cathing up in the last laps also, but he got a horrible restart. Im just open mouthed about what Carl did tho, and if Brad had hit on the other side of the car, he coulda been killed.
S3 licensed
Hello people, just wanted to say that I'm in the middle of creating the new forum. Also,I would like to mention that for his great help Logitekg25 has become the new co manager and skinner of the team, since albox cant be very active. Also, I am in the middle of deciding which server we should go with, there is soo many choices

Anyway, Grats to logitek and thanks for your time everyone.
S3 licensed
Nice job man. I am definately going to use this(if I can figure out how)
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :kinda funny how you said all cars are awd 300-600 hp, and then you said yours was 290, and rwd (falls into none of these categories :razz

Not to mention the Bugatti Veyron that is AWD but has 1001 hp
Alpinestars Motorsports Restarting
S3 licensed
Hello everyone. I have decided that since Alpinestars Motorsports has been running really slowly lately, I am going to do a 'restart' of the team. We are keeping all our members, but will keep our thread more updated, get a better website(soon-ish), get a 24/7 server(soon-ish), be on LFS more, and try out our members harder/keep in touch more, plus a whole bunch of other things to make the team better.

Well, lets start off with an 11th outa 28 people who started the race in LOTA earlier tonight. I also started the 1st race at BL1, but timed out.

So I'm off to bed now.
cya guys
S3 licensed
Nice, and good luck!
S3 licensed
There. Just save the one you want to your setup folder.
Last edited by Zay, .
S3 licensed
I have 4 seasons of expirience, 3 championships, 1 rookie of the year, and all on a very limited budget. I'd say go for a used CRG chassis and a ROTAX junior 125cc engine(also used). And, I actually have never used a tachometre before on my steering wheel, so I wouldnt say you NEED one, but it can be good to know the info that is on them. Look for any kart clubs within 1-2 hours of your house, as you are just starting. I used to drive an hour but now im moving clubs to one that is about 2 and a half hours away. You have to be fit, very mentally ready and willing(if you see where I am getting at, can't think of right words), and some money. And, make sure that the kart you are buying has an exceptionall history.
Hope I helped

S3 licensed
Quote from John5200 :Happend to me twice the first day I got my G25

Ive had my G25 since christmas and I still occassionally do that!
S3 licensed
Same thing happenning here. Just noticed it now.
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :I like that idea, but id LOVE to be able to drive on this bit too, a nice little oval.

Totally agreed, Its VERY easy to do too, because it is already there, just outta bounds.
S3 licensed
ty man that worked. But no, I dont have the new hardrive yet im just using my old wheel till I get the new hardrive.

S3 licensed
Quote from senn :Make sure in logitech profiler it isn't reporting combined pedals(should be a tickbox in there). Also make sure your pedal plug is in (they do sometimes come loose)

If the axis are working in windows, go to lfs, make sure you have calibration/axis set to unlocked, and see if you can get the pedals to work by looking at the axis graphs on the RHS of the controls menu (i think the pedals usually show up as something like Slider0 Slider1 and so on... after that its just a matter of assigning them

Yes I think I know what the problem is! they DO work fine in the axis graph, just when I exit options i doesnt work. SO then that tells me that they arent assigned. Where would you assign them?
S3 licensed
Nope thats not working. when I do that both go down 2 normal but then when I press on the gas or brake nothing happens at all, but in the Axis/FF screen on LFS it is working fine, so I dunno whats wrong.
problems with LFS(maybe wheel?)
S3 licensed
Hey guys. Ever since I reinstalled my wheel I am having problems with it's pedals. Well, it works perfectly on the calibrating screen, but in LFS , the brake and throttle are fully stuck down when my actuall pedals are fully up, so my car SHOULD be idling, not fully applying throttle and brake and burning up clutch. even when I press the pedals I get no change.

so does anyone know why this is happenning?
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1000000000000000000000000000000000000000% safe
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Quote from MR_B :Do you wear those Wolf Fleece Jumpers?


Haha nope not me.
I want that sweater though.
S3 licensed
Like I said, I don't think it will happen, but our civilization will be gone from many causes, the earth is actually more than halfway old, as aomething WILL get us in a billion years or less. Of course, nothing any of us have to worry about in our life times, but here are a few theories:
1. Snowball earth(whole planet will be covered in ice at -40 degrees)
2. Surface to hot as a result of the growing sun
3. Sun starts It's end of lifecycle, as it will grow, then contratct, then grow again, and roast the earth, if this doesnt happen the below will
4. Sun exploding and creating a supernova, therefore positively wiping out all life.
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Ye same as Transformers.

Some say it doesn't have a good storyline and some say it has freaking awesome special effects (true), but all we know is i FREAKING LOVE the Transformer movies!!!

Waiting for the third one.

So it ends like there will be a 3rd then? I havn't seen it yet.