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S3 licensed
if ur usin racer heros set theres no tire lock(i have it).oh ya and with those split times u should be getting 1:14s so that means ur losin alot of time somewhere in between the last split and the start/finish line.hope i helped
S3 licensed
use line when u press 4 but for t1 brake at the 50 sighn.also brake at the 50 sighn at that wide turn at the end of that long backstretch pb is 1:14:91.oh ya and thats with about 200 laps on bl1
S3 licensed
Quote from NoFear1989 :GoKart for Demo Users .

sorry for double post but maybe a 60cc one,a 125cc one,and a 200cc super kart.i drive 60cc and they topo out at about 90mph.gets boring though after u win a championship so thats why i also want other karts.
S3 licensed
off topic guys!anyway,id also like maybe a NASCAR car of tomorrow and a road cours and oval to go along with it.oh ya and also an indy car.
S3 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :LoL Mexican flu, call it USA Flu, they have more cases than us.

no they dont so ur wrong
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from JohnUK89 :We hit the "New Thread" button.

S3 licensed
oh ya and sorry to change the subject guys but how do u start a new thread
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Just wash yer hands when you come back home every day and you'll be alright.

It's hand rails, on busses, stairs, trains that are covered in all kinds of crap.

and its also in washroom sinks,stalls and man pissers[yernals]
S3 licensed
Quote from Migz :Ahah right i see, and having a hose pipe and a ladder will protect me from morons?
SWEET, ima getting a ladder and a hose pipe and ima putting it on ma front door!

If only itd kill 2 million chavs

S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Swine flu has accounted for less than 1% of flu related deaths since its discovery on April 16th.

no......i think its like 60%actually
S3 licensed
ooooooooooo grovey. accordin to the world helth organisation swine is goin 2 kill millions......ya sure...and guess what. tomorrow their gonna be sayin that la la flu is gonna kill billions.
S3 licensed
i may have mentioned this before but i forget if i really really like 2 see lfs make a rally track {not like blackwood where a part is pavement} and make a rally car to go with it.not only would it be fun but it would be somethin new 4 lfs and i think it would attract alot of attention.
S3 licensed
is anyone else freaked out cuz more people r dien every day!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
S3 licensed
toddler just died of the swine flu in texas usa
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Viva la Mehico.

AIDS kills more than this but it's not on the news every ****ing day. Flu in old grannies probably kills more every day but again, not on news.

I hate media.

lol nice
S3 licensed
Quote from jibber :If you consult the federal office of public health in switzerland, they will tell you it's still ok to travel to mexico. Maybe not the smartest thing, but they say you can still go there.

ya no,there saying only go if u absolutely NEED to,like something majorly important.and im freaked cuz the first cases r comin into ontario can where i live
S3 licensed
if you bomb school and play lfs all the time you are screwed for the rest of your life
S3 licensed
ya if one team doesnt like me ill try the other(im starting with elite)
S3 licensed
Quote from randz :well since bmw has given a permission for 2 formula cars. I think it would be cool to have real life bmws as the new e90 or even a e60 m5

the to bmws are already real though
S3 licensed
Quote from scania :no
250cc 2T 6 speed superkart can > 220km/h

MRT is build for AutoX racing, not road racing

ya i race a real 60cc gokart in real life and its top speed is 100km/h
S3 licensed
Quote from FlyeThemoon :Stock Car (we have oval but not stock car )
Top Fuel Dragster (the same thing with oval we have drag strip but not Dragster)

This Lotus F1 Car ... /640/07HMB190513838A.jpeg

Go-Kart (ideal for custom autocourses )

for now thats all

And Historic Grand prix Monaco track.

ya i totally agree
S3 licensed
ya school is more important than lfs anyway...
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :tommy, all you had to do was ask, and people would have helped

true i know ken would have