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S3 licensed
Yes I had ALOT of trouble with that one two, until I finally gave up and my brother figured it out.
But this level 3 is like impossible lol. I just tried it again and im completely stumped.
Help With The Computer Game "Monster Garage"
S3 licensed
Hello guys, I don't know if anybody else has this game, it is a couple years old and is called Monster Garage. I am having trouble making the swamp buggy out of a VW bugcar in the 3rd stage or level. I cannot seem to find out how to make that custom exhaust, the one that raises out of the water so that it doesn't get filled with water.
if anyone has completed this level please post here.

S3 licensed
Hey guys, I am sorry for going slightly off topic, but the one thing that has been bugging me is how to get different rims(Possibly other parts like exhaust pipes?) in the game, and where to get them. Is there like a special thread that has all the different rim designs or what? I am talking like that junker skin in the earlier pages, in the screeny it had junk rims. Although I want nicer rims, maybe a little wider than usuall, a set for the XRT and one for the FZR. Also I want to know how you get those aged looking barriers and posts in layouts.

S3 licensed
Oi thanks for your help guys, but I found the files in my recycle bin, and I restored them all, so now LFS is fine.
thanks for your help,
S3 licensed
Will I lose all my sets and skins?
LFS acting funny
S3 licensed
Hey guys, well, today when I opened up LFS, I got a big black screen of nothing but the LFS symbol, in the top right corner, where it always is, and in the top left corner I see messages saying "Cant open...
Cant open..."
about 30 times, each saying something different like Cant open_BL1_ASD1_jpg.
I have a miniFBM race today that ive already missed because of it, so can anyone please tell me why this is happening?
S3 licensed
hehe no prob
S3 licensed
Honestly, every single team member I have met from [LLM], and bmx, are all clean, fair, and nice people. I really see a lot of potential in this team, and no, I do not belive they would ''harass'' anyone. Keep it up guys.

S3 licensed
Ok yes I share the internet with my family, I use Rogers Yahoo hi speed internet, and lately it has been running slower than usual, and also it is wired
Lots of lag please help!!!
S3 licensed
Hey guys, I have always been aware that I have minor lag, but now all of the suddn its gotten to a point where it's so bad that I have to be kicked off the server, or in one case ive caused mass server lag. I have a league race tommorow and i really need some anwsers to this quick!

Thanks guys, and sorry if I have any spleling errors, i was typing at light speed
So please reply ASAP.

S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :grats, cya at Ky3 zay and o'keefe

Ya cya at KY3 man. And thanks guys!
S3 licensed
Quote from ghostrider83 :DENIED[/CENTER]

Note Old enough and you have applied for two many teams in the past and becasue you don't act mature enough to be on the staff.[/CENTER]

LOL LMFAO :noob::dnfnoob::hyper::something:nol2::wtf2::smileyrai:wow::littleang:bewarespa:dopey::sppalpati:hide::biggrinfl:rolleyes:
ps that is officialy the most special characters i have EVER used in a post / thread
S3 licensed
Quote from Zay :Team Name: Alpinestars Racing Team
Server (Y/N): yes
If yes server name:Alpinestars Racing Team
Type: Race, Drift, Drag
Team info: We are a new team, but hope to become a top team 1 day. We are clean and one day hope to have a team stacked with clean, kind drivers.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?:Test first, then make the decision
Demo/S1/S2?: Demo and S2
Extra Info (teamtag etc): Team Tag:AStars|
Best way to contact us: PM me, frozen96, or albox96, or post in our site.

updated a bit
S3 licensed
Well, we are already racing(some races) in the MiniFBM series and albox and me hope to do most, if not all of the FOX on the run series races. And, when we grow we will take part in as many leagues as possible.

Last edited by Zay, .
S3 licensed
Hey guys, 2 more fine gentlemen have made the team.
Welcome to Logitekg25(AStars|logitek), and EDC SlideTech(AStars|SlideTech).
Congratulations guys, and awesome trial runs
S3 licensed
Sorry guys, for jinxing this, but I have a really, really good feeling...
S3 licensed
Aw. Thats fine, i'll still ask around.
Thanks for trying though

S3 licensed
Jimmie is SO gonna win.

P.S grats to hornaday
S3 licensed ... n-and-leagues-skin-t8.htm

There is our team skin.
I know, I know, were fixing the spelling of racing
S3 licensed
Has he replyed yet?

Im just curiousXD
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I'm not claiming to be especially good, let alone world class, but I spend most of my track time trying to improve my braking, particularly at the point of corner entry to apex. Any fool can get on the power early (just go slowly in, or take a wider line), but maintaining entry speed without compromising line, balance or throttle application is the really hard part.

But there is no such thing as fast in, fast out. Unless by the first fast you actually mean 'just slow enough to optimise the corner'.

Going fast takes little or no skill. It's the going slowly bits that are tricky.

yes, well said. That is what I mean. Although still, no-one seems to be nearly as fast as me entering the corners. probably just cuz everyone else is just painfully slow
S3 licensed
I go kart and I find that I can go hard in to most corners and still come out very fast, although for LFS ive had to adapt to slow in fast off, as In LFS you are faster if you use this technique.
S3 licensed
Windows XP over here
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :ill forward a PM to donnosso for ya (the guy who did the helmet) and see if he would like to

Thanks man!
S3 licensed
ok I did so the helmet skins are taken care of(They are awesome ) now could anyone just plz make me a FZR skull skin?
