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S3 licensed
Please come back and post on your LFS S2 account, demo users arnt allowed to make layouts.
S3 licensed
If you are logged in as an admin, which you should be if it's your server, press shift+u, and on the bottom right of your screen click 'load layout', then select the one you want, and it should load. This needs to be done on the proper track of the layout and needs to be done in-game(when your driving on the track, not at the start screen).
S3 licensed
Oh no!! I cannot believe his has happened to you! Shame on him. I will do anything I can to help!
S3 licensed
No offense, but its horrible. The original one anyway, the newer one is OK
Last edited by Zay, .
S3 licensed
Wow. They are paying you. I do not see the need to put a big white BMX DESIGNS on the quarterpanel.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
No, what you really need is a track editor.

Sorry to go off-topic, but where could I download one. You know, one that lets you put down kerbs and trees and stuff like that?
Sorry for off topic,
S3 licensed
That pic on your facebook page, is just ugly. If your going to use a .vob mod at least make it look decent, and dont post it anywhere either.
S3 licensed
Quote from Keling :Absolutely true if it was "RWD made it easy for officers to avoid WHEEL-SPIN".

But the passage was talking about "SPIN-OUT", or "oversteer a lot and lose control", which often happen on RWDs with too much throttle applied.

Oops, my bad, sorry
S3 licensed
Correct me if im wrong, but:
When a car is accelerating, the weight is shifted to the back of the car, pushing the rear wheels into the ground so they will be less likely to spin.

Now, you can see why front wheel drive would be likely to spin, because the weight would be at the other end of the car, taking the weight off the front.
S3 licensed
Ok, but how would I transfer the zip file to snowbreeze?
S3 licensed
I hate this, idk why it has to be so complicated. So i downloaded my IPSW(Yes, I checked which 1 it was first) and it opened up winrar. Which file should I drag and drop into snowbreeze??
S3 licensed
Alright, I just did anyway:P Can I have a link please? It's untethered right? Edit: Thats for Mac. I'll use snowbreeze because I have windows. Thatnks for your help, though i may have problems again.
Last edited by Zay, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :4.3.3 isn't jailbroken I don't think.

Yes it is.. Ive talked to people with it.
S3 licensed
Sorry to bump one of my old, noobish threads, but I need help. So today I restored, as i had alot of shit on my iPod, and now I need to jailbreak again. So, does anyone have the 4.3.3. greenpois0n untethered jailbreak link? WITHOUT these stupid surbeys that require me to complete before i download?
S3 licensed
Quote from NoS0und :Sorry for my bad english i make mistake, i create layouts with my friend account. :/

Thats old.
I smell burning bananas.
S3 licensed
Quote from justasimfan :Hi there ! Well if Scawen,Eric and Victor read this please,pretty please have a couple new tracks that are interesting.I just saw real footage of the Rockingham track and through it looks very well modeled it is nothing more than an oval speedway with various internal configurations.

Basically its a simplier version of daytona and indianapolis as it misses the crazy banking those ovals have....

I know i am very negative on many things and i often speak about the same thing....make contests for car models as there are amazing talented users in lfsmods...but after actually seeing the infamous new track i realised that after a couple of weeks when novelty wears off nobody will play this track.Its nice having it for god's shake but it's not something special.For example having norchliefe,rouen,spa,isle of man,valencia,pau,macau,circue de la sarthe(le mans),monaco,monde carlo,singapure,monza etc...those are legendary tracks....If you cannot get a license you could change their names -still everybody knows them like the back of their hand....

Lfs in my book still is the best feeling sim out there but...eventually it will be surpassed as grand prix legends eventually did no matter how good the handling was.Lfs needs a graphical improvement and more high quality interesting content...Even 3-4 (run of the mill )tracks in the long term would do nothing to increase lfs life..The game needs either some of the best real tracks or some astonishing fictional tracks.I mean who does not remember the fantastic road segments in the original nfs,or ridge city in ridge racer or grand valley in gt....

I'm not disagreeing with you that in the future LFS needs to have better tracks.
However, just give scavier a break. They are already working hard to get S3 out, so obviously this will not happen anytime in the future.

Also, do you realize how hard it is to just put in all these tracks you suggest? Well, first they need to travel there, laser-scan the whole track, which takes a very long time, then make it LFS-ready. AND it's not cheap, by any stretch of the imagination.

Long story short:
None of the tracks you suggest are coming anytime soon, so just give the devs a break, and enjoy LFS the way it is right now.
S3 licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :You can shift all the way without lifting when using clutch manually.

Ya, I know that, but you can go to 2nd or 3rd gear without lifting or ussing the clutch.
Anyway, to the OP, just lift off the throttle, shift, and get back on the throttle in order to shift in the FBM.
Or, you can use the clutch to shift also, pretty self explanitory.
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Clearly he knows how to shift already. I'm pretty much sure he was refeering to the speed limiter.

Actually, you can shift on the formula BMW without lifting until the 2nd or 3rd gear.
S3 licensed
Quote from Wilford :What im also suggesting is a mud pit you know kinda like the Rallycross Blackwood track, except have deep tire ruts and have it filled with water textures that are active when the vehicle hits the water..i have the 86 GMC mod on here and i wanna be able to go through some watery mud ... 744b0a0d593d6c_grande.jpg

Exactly like that

S3 licensed
From LFS World:
Total stats:
Travelled distance: 923 Ml
Fuel burnt: 398 Ltr
Laps: 293
Hosts joined: 103
Races won: 2
Second: 5
Third: 4
Finished: 34
Qualifications: 6
Pole Positions: 0
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0
You sure are winning alot.
Fast And Furious Series
S3 licensed
Alright, so first off, I cant wait till I am seein Fast Five this weekend! Gonna be awesome.

However, I am a bit confused.
First off, I am a bit confused with which order the movies go in, people are telling me different things.
Once I get Fast Five, I will have to actually watch them in order, since I have never actually fully understood the series, because the order confuses me. Can someone tell me the order of the movies?

Also, I wonder why they arnt in the correct order, maybe because the screen writers screwed it up??

Finally, I have just started hearing about this other movie, with a name like Los B. I have no clue what this is, but apparently it is part of the series, so id like to know if it is, and after and before which movie.

Other than that, this threads for discussing the series!

S3 licensed
Aha pwnd:P
S3 licensed
Should be up on tuesday, well, atleast it SHOULD be. Dont trust it though, sony has said twice it would be up, and both those times it wasnt, so we can only hope>:l
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :One idiot piping up...

I have an iRacing subscription, but I still prefer LFS. Reasons:

1. Hate scheduled pick-up racing.
2. Hate the iR brakes. Some say LFS's are unrealistic... that "you can just mash them to the floor without locking up!"... but in most reasonable racing sets that I've used, you have to watch yourself with lockups unless you want a puncture at the end of your stint. LFS's brakes feel a lot truer to my experience both with road cars and with racing (albeit karts in my case).
3. Hate the lack of driver swaps. No endu racing.
4. Hate the incident points for minor contact or minor offs. A point beaten to death by this time but still bears mentioning.
5. Still far less of a "team-friendly" sim than LFS. At this point in my sim-racing career, being able to pursue results as a team is everything to me, and without proper team support a sim loses a lot of appeal.

There's definitely a lot to like about iR (and the rate at which it's improving is great), and a lot of areas that LFS desperately needs to improve... but for the moment LFS still serves my particular needs a lot better.

6. Not that it applies to you, but LFS is MUCH more beginner friendly.
7. LFS has drifting, drag racing, and cruising.
8. LFS has a layout editor, and if you are good at it, there really are endless possibilities.
9. You do not need to be fairly well-off to fully enjoy LFS at its full potential.
And I'm positive I could think of plenty more.
And to the guy you quoted, when I started karting, I raced in an 'arrive and drive' series, there were 3 weight/age classes, and the karts were well maintained. You didnt have to pay for the gas, helmet(although I did anyway), or kart, you just showed up and raced. All you had to pay was a registration at the start of the year, and a fee for each race. There were somewhere around 15 races in the schedule, and I dont think the yearly cost was past $900 (CAD).
Z30 Connection Issues
S3 licensed
I think this may be related to Z30, or possibly it's on my end.

So, Ive been cruising and racing with my friends lately, but this happens when im cruising. I cruise at [WKD], and I lose connection, almost every time i join the server, within an hour.
This is particularily bad when theres lots of people on the server, or I have my internet open. I never run any other programs(excluding skype) when playing LFS. So usually, ill leave my fb open and just check it regularily. When this happens though, I either open LFS back up to found ive lost connection, or i will lose connection a couple mins after.
When I dont have mozilla, or internet explorer, or chrome up, my connection lasts longer, but still, about half the time, I lose it within an hour.
Could I please have help? This wasnt happening when I had Z28, it started when I moved to Z30
Last edited by Zay, .