i'm not sure that i'll be able to explain this, i have a problem with my momo...
Let's start imagining. You are driving a car on any track. Everything is fine and usual.Force strength is about %10. Then, your car starts to going sideways (according to a driver fault or bad tyre) and it seems it won't stop until you do correction with your wheel. Then you turn your momo wheel instantly and correct the car. Here is the problem. In that milisecond you do the correction, you feel there's something wrong with the wheel.I try to tell what's wrong.. As we said the force is about 10%, the wheel should give the same amount of resistance while you tun the wheel. But it doesn't. Randomly it increases or decreases the resistance power.You adjust the speed you'r turning the wheel depending on the amount of resistance. but it changes the resistance randomly so you can't keep controlling the wheel correctly. It suddenly makes the wheel so loose, or so hard but just for a very short time. Even if the force is set to %0, it happens. i tried other games, no problem. This only happens in Lfs(all versions)
Is there anybody having the same issue? Or anyone with an idea?