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S2 licensed
"avast home" is free and the best protection software i've ever seen.
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S2 licensed
"Into the Wild"

warning! two and a half hours.
verbatim usb harddisk not recognised by winxp
S2 licensed

I have a 320gb verbatim usb harddisk. It's formatted to fat32 and works fine on ps3, laptop (winxp32) and my office computer (vista64). But, my home desktop (winxp32) it doesn't recognize until i unplug-plug it ten times or so. And even if it recognizes it will disconnect randomly. I tried using y-usb cable for extra power but it didn't work.I'm not using a usb hub, it doesn't make any change even if i connect to a usb hub. I updated my mainboard drivers, tried searching for usb hdd drivers but nothing seems to work...

Are there any ideas? or maybe help?

Thank you.
S2 licensed
Didn't you know human being is the most dangerous creature ever in the whole universe?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from ikaponthus :
it causes wars and has done for 2000 years.

S2 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :Which would you rather have?

1. 2009 Pontiac Solstice
2. 2009 Porsche Boxster S
3. 2009 BMW 1 Series

No thanks. None of them.
S2 licensed
Quote from Peaknik :THERE ARE NO FREE ENERGIES, also, there are no energy transformations (as energy can't be created nor destroyed) that are 100% efficient or 100% clean.

Oh yeah?
Do snakes pay bills to heat up their body under the sun and store some energy to go for a hunt????
THERE IS FREE ENERGY !!! But you must be clever to see it. At least, as clever as a snake...

Quote from Peaknik :
Sure, some energy technologies are better than others under some circumstances, but there are not silver bullets here, unless you buy the fussion lotery ticket and act as if you were to win...

Try to see the difference. One is the energy we must use in near future, and the other is the one still destroying our future.

By the way, wtf is fusion lottery ??
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :I will not waste my time charging up my car every night. That is extremely inconvenient (not to mention it will wreak hell on the power grid)

I can't speak for all modern performance electric cars, but the Tesla's handling is supposedly crap on account of its excessive weight. No thanks.

The Tesla, specifically, doesn't have a gearbox. It only has one gear.

Speak for yourself, Solar is extremely hazardous to produce, and extremely inefficient and fragile. It will simply not work for everyday use.

No, but it won't solve pollution in those urban centres, either. Not only that, but it will create devastating environmental issues in other places, too.

Geothermal is not available for the whole world, and would be very difficult to implement into personal transportation. Same goes for tidal. Sunlight has already been addressed, all will not work.

Wow, you're a conspiracy theorist, eh?

An electric motor in a car is a fine idea... so long as it is not powered by the power grid and does not run on a plethora of batteries. A Hydrogran fuel cell-powered electric is the best solution to the problem at this point in time. It's clean, it has minimal effect (zero) on the power grid, and the infrastructre to keep fuel cells filled is practically already in place (gas stations. Some retrofitting needed, but still). Electric cars kill the environment to be produced, as well as to charge.

power stations on the planet are coal. These plants will need to produce more power to meet the energy demand for cars. Needless to say, these powerplants kill the environment, too. Additionally, the power grid will NOT handle everyone plugging in their cars every night so that they can run out for a jug of milk in the morning. The entire powergrid in every single country would need a complete and total overhaul - which is extremely expensive and time-consuming. Add to that the fact that most rural areas in most countries are not on the powergrid. The fact that not one person has mentioned any of this in this thread is alarming. None of you are looking at the whole picture, only a select portion of it - that is why we don't yet have a concrete solution (or even a plan) for this issue.

Are you drunk?

You are the one who can't see the whole picture, not me. I 'm talking about the ideas of how to produce clean energy and you don't want to see it.
You work for Shell? or BP? You call it conspiracy. It is not conspiracy, it is reality. I see your knowledge is not deep at all.

Plugging your car into a damn hole is much quicker than stopping at a gas station. But i guess you were just kidding when you said you wouldn't be bothered to plug in your car every night.

Producing solar energy from sunlight is NOT HAZARDOUS AND IT IS FREE once we get into the next step of it's technology. And we're not far from it. Doesn't matter how hard you (petrol companies) try to slow down the progress, it'll be useable in the near future.(and it must)

Geothermal, tidal and sunlight...They will all WORK!!! if you have the ability to choose the correct one depending on your environment. They are not expensive than digging thousands of holes into the ground to check if there's petrol in there.(or digging for coal)
So you won't need coal-power stations. They are not more efficient than solar energy by the way.But much more polluting.

Scientists have solutions! Like transporting energy through different layers of the atmosphere and sending it to where needed. So who needs powerlines?

After all, they are all at "beta testing" stage. But they are real!
Try to keep up with tech news.So you'll have a better point of view and larger imagination.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :I object.

electric car for common boring daiily commune - great.

electric car for racing - no.

turning a racing simlulator into a promotional activity for a green movement - no.

We already have UF1 which is really slow. What's the problem having another slow car (electric car) which would make good sensation over the racing community?

Quote from squidhead :
(I'd rather live in a post nuclear wasteland, driving a proper car, rather than drive a G-wiz or a prius to preserve the earth...)

That's the problem.You won't be able to live in a post nuclear wasteland. No clean world, no healthy life. Take it serious.
S2 licensed
The concept of "transportation done using fossil based energy" is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid which proves human being is not so clever as we were told. We should be clever and use free&clean energy like Geothermal, Wave&tide or sunlight. But offcourse it won't happen. Otherwise how the hell would great oil companies get greater and wealthier and provide us better and cleaner fuel to use in our cars.
The electric cars on the market today are really "a new hope" for a less-polluted earth. While it's only the beginning of their evolution, everyone should support at least the idea. More the people talk about electric cars, higher the pressure on companies about finding a way to produce cheap electric. So, i think we really should have an electric car in our simulator, just to spread the idea or to keep it fresh.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life : It's not realistic driving a sim with a wheel in your own hands and then seeing another one on the screen infront of you.

I do the same.There's no point seeing another wheel on the screen while you can see the real one in your hands.
Plus ,there's no point seeing the kokpit of the car which nearly uses half of your screen and blocking your road view.Useless. I never use kokpit view. Only tyre view.

And, grid is no match for gt5p.(well if you'r not 9)
S2 licensed
We fooled ya! None of the steering wheels work with ps3. pity it's too late you bought one.

ahahahahah only kidding.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I've also heard that it's working on GT5p but it doesn't "see" some of the buttons, it's good to know, when GT5 full version comes out, i can give it a proper try..

Yes i mean GT5p, i use momo(black). But you have to guess the buttons to do the assignment.

Check this out for more info : ... e-feedback-wheel-ps3.html
S2 licensed
Yes you can use Momo on PS3 if the game supports it...

GT5 lets you use your momo but Grid doesn't.
S2 licensed
After all, no matter if they are functional or not...I don't want to see neon lights, idiot spoilers or 1234445 inch rims with spinners in LFS. Please try nfs or ridge racer or gta4 vs... vs... There are many games for the looks but it's only one or two proper simulations for doing proper racing and driving. Please don't make lfs turn into nfs...
S2 licensed
Dude, rap sucks. i can't understand how a person can be a musician and listen to rap at the same time.Rap is something like throwing a glass of paint on the paper and calling it art.

I'm sorry i don't agree.
S2 licensed
Quote from Electric Eye :Don't forget lag and better internet connection generally!

And also don't forget the weather. Cooler the weather, faster the car goes. And i live in a warm climate country so that explains why i can't be faster.
S2 licensed
Why do sony spend millions to develop PS4??? They can just add 3 more cell cpus and a rsx, a bit more ram to make a new playstation...Isn't it the main idea of cell cpu's???
S2 licensed
Well i meant to say, the tv(my) won't let you use higher than that resolution when you connect on dvi port.

edit: i didn't try a dvi2hdmi adapter.
S2 licensed
Yes i use toshiba regza for my pc. It's full hd and has a dvi input(75hz) + pc media window function which lets you to watch tv on the right hand side of the screen while using left side for pc.But the highest resolution for dvi is 1280x1024. You have to get a hdmi video card if you want to use full hd on pc.
It's much better than a high res monitor imo.
S2 licensed
i'm satisfied too. But if i had 1 magic touch to lfs i'd touch to add a car editor to build my own cars.And race them online.
S2 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo :ok guys all of a sudden everyone at Conedodgers hates me and I used to love the server cause of the clean racing and know i've been a Given a warning then got kicked today and i went back on just to ask what i did wrong and the admin said i didn't stay on my line. Know i used to like it but i hate it know and i'm not happy.
So my question is what are some servers that are popular and have GTR's on AS3?
Also when i went on to ask what i did wrong i was warned again for just asking what i did wrong, but the wierd thing is how does he know i went of the line when everyone has a different line. I couldn't save replay cause the admin just kicked mewith out saying what i did. and the other time i was warned it was because i bumbed into [CD]Robubba. I would love to go back on but i don't want to get banned.

just leave them alone.
some say, they ban racers just because he/she has a nose between eyes and mouth.
S2 licensed
Quote from C40Z :

"playing around with the brazil toon renderer"

They'd look better if there's possibility of making line width variable. imho.