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Quote from george_tsiros :core2duo with SLI 7900 is peanuts... yes.


Sorry m8 but even that pc will be nothing compared to a cell-based console.
S2 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :Wow! illepall

And am I the only one that thinks this is more related to physics than graphics?

Particles. Done with complex physics calculations to simulate water.And as far i know it is done with floating point calculations.And PS3 is completely designed to do floating point things. It is not because ps3 has the fastest gpu ever but it is because ps3 has the best cell-cpu for floating point calculations.
So a next generation playstation should be capable of simulating water realtime.(of course it depends on the density of particles used in the scene but a med-density would do good enough)
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :PS3 is quite powerful machine compared to our pc systems, what I have heard, I wonder how good water effects it could make?

The best of ps3 was done on e3 or somewhere...Filling the water with ducks.And 2 water glass, here's the adress;

ps4 or 5 should do far better.
S2 licensed
Incredible particle system here...(i guess)
I've seen RealFlow simulating water with particles.But this one makes a difference.I'm sure it needs millions of ram and cpu time to calculate.Not possible for real time for now. But i agree next 10 or 15 years something like this will be done in realtime.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Well, the GPU renders the graphics, but there must be still someone who feeds the GPU with actual data to render. Or do you think the graphics card magically knows that car X is at position Y without the CPU telling it?

I knew it but didn't think it was a hard job to send the actual data to the gpu...
S2 licensed
i missed that...

i thought the gpu did the graphics things and the cpu did the physics...He says one of the cores would do the graphics and the other physics. what will the gpu do then? i'm confused.
S2 licensed
i think it LFS'll surely go multi-core sometime in near future.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tube :did anybody actually make the move from single core AMD Athlon 64 to X2 and lost performance?

My previous cpu was amd 2500+ but had a problem with the board so it run like it was 1900+...I made a test scene and rendered with that cpu.Write down the render time.Then rendered with my new cpu.Checked the times and new cpu was exactly4 times faster than the previous cpu.(x2 3800+)
Not only rendering i can see the difference in most applications use both of the cores.

But it didn't make too much difference in lfs.
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :AMD 4800 + which is a duel.. easily at 150fps + here. friend on a 3800+ and he gets 100 - 130 generally.

When did an AMD 3600+ come out? never seen that one before.

EDIT: NVM new with the AM2's it seems.

What's the video card.
S2 licensed

I got dual 3800+ and it is usually 50fps as well. But my gpu is x300 so i always thought it was because of that...It is strange to get 50 fps with 7600GT.

Someone else having 50 fps with dual? guys?
S2 licensed
by the way, as i know so far, there's no cpu called am2 x2 3600+.
am2's are not dual as well. Are you sure your cpu is dual???
S2 licensed
i don't think it is bec. of cpu...

video card maybe.
S2 licensed
i watched this on BBC;
A man has a tiger as a pet and he usually goes out for a walk with his tiger.One day A woman from neighbourhood came to him and said "-i don't feel safe while you walk around with your tiger!" and he answered "-And i don't feel safe when you are driving around."

S2 licensed
Yes Beer!Big grin

life without beer should be as bad as beer without chips.
S2 licensed
Here's mine.A detail from a painting i did for my ogame clan called "storm troopers pub"Uhmm
S2 licensed
ok i give up it doesn't depend on hormones. it depends on hair length.

longer the hair = more competitive
win ratio = hair color variable x hair length / opponent weight difference
best lap with RAC = num. of brothers and sisters x num of barbies / hair strength+flower paintings on hair clip.

scientifically proved.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :31/female/fenlands/single and not interested.

o come on i promise i won't talk about sports or hormones or competition never ever again.i'll remove my steroids if you like as well to br more emotional.
S2 licensed
how old are you Becky?
S2 licensed
it is not the hormones that decide you are going to be a girl or a boy.
Girls sometimes have higher tes.


Sorry to type it in red.
Can a mod close the topic please.
S2 licensed
I never meaned boys are better or something like that....But there's a scince fact that hormones decide how you behave.Ofcourse the enviroment affects it widely but hormones do change your instincts.I know things that i wouldn't say here just beleive me...

And discovery channel does make difference.It is not a magazine channel it is not based on ratings.It keeps you updated about science and enlarges your horizon. And just about this, there was a programme about a girl deciding to become a man.She was being injected artificial steroids periodically.In the end they didn't announce all the effects but there was many things obvious she had better reflexes and stamina according to physical tests.

So small amount differences of hormones make you better competitor.Woman or man, sex doesn't matter.
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :What makes alot of men "grow up" (albeit usually momentarily) is the presence of a female.

That's only what you think. I know we act more grown up and more serious when there's a possible sex partner around.But beleive me that's only act.I know it because i do it. The real thing that makes you grow up is competition because it teaches you what you are capable of and what you can do and what you should do.
S2 licensed
This is getting harder for me to understand the complex words you use.That's why i can't give answers.I wish this was in my native language.

But i'm sure if a girl is succesful at sports, she has higher testosterone..This is a scientific truth.Don't oppose with this. Higher testosterone doesn't mean she'll not be girly.It helps her do better sports and be more aggressive.

Ever watch Discovery channel? Or get into science magazines?
S2 licensed
what is sibbling?
S2 licensed
I think the difference comes from the hormones.Girls usually don't fancy competition.Boys always try to prove that they are better than their friends around.That makes us grow up but it never ends.I'm 29 and i still love competition, i love to try to beat others.I play football, tennis, table tennis.When there're 2 boys, there's competition. It fades with getting older but never ends Computer games are part of competition.It's not entertainment it is competition. And i can hear you getting ready to type about sporty girls, i know. Some girls have higher level of testosterone (spelled it right?) which makes them stand up and shout.Like M.Sharapova
S2 licensed
Actually, you can do every modification to all the cars in lfs... U just need a cmx converter and a 3d modeling program...The thing you shouldn't do is to try to convert it back to cmx