hehe sorry i missed this post. which avatar was that? (bende bilemedim)
i was thinking of building a stand for my monitor which will help me do work while lying down lazyly...unluckly i had to make it real thanks to my apandist(what was that in english, appendistus?) operation. i used it for about 2 weeks and fed up with lying...illepall
Maybe someone will make a replay editor which we can edit all the data and add camera views and export as video file. Or a 3dmax file which includes motion data because it is very difficult to animate car physics in 3d software.
hmm. i hear ppl say "-oh yea, what else mr.know it all?"
i got flames on both sides of my black fxr that i'll drive in the league.But i haven't been online for about a week. i'll check the replay to see if they'r usin my skin.
sorry i thought you knew turkish. Yes i was recommending specially that song called "Dünya".It is an instrumental song and got something very special in it which tells you everything without a word.
Yavuz Çetin is another great musician-guitarist who had only 1 album.Sadly he decided to go, jumped from the bosphorus bridge just before the release his second album "For Sale"...
New games cost a lot of time and money because new players ask for more.They want to see high detail characters, realistic environments or things like that.Ppl even buy very expensive video cards to make their games look better. No matter how the game is creative.Just play and throw it away when the new one comes.But creative games are always there.Ppl still play c&c series.
it's like those girl bands.They don't even know how to play any instrument but just because they do something visual, their albums sell millions.Kids buy those things and listen for a month and put it in the drawer and forget it.Because there's nothing creative in it on the music side.But you don't throw a coldplay album away.I still listen to my iron maiden albums of old (good) times.
(i wish my english was better so i could tell you better)
Becky, it was the fluid simulation that looked so real and so nice.
Then someone said how long would it take to see things like that in games.
And then i said it would be next gen. playstation which would do it realtime.
And we were talking about how powerful was a ps3 when it comes to floating point calculations.
It is not an argument about ps3 or pc or best game or things like that.
Because i can't understand why ibm is keeping that processor for themselves.Until the day which they release first desktop pc based on cell processor, there will already be 8 or 16 or maybe 32 core cpu's out on the market. Why did apple decide to use intel instead of keeping up with ibm and be the first workstation with cell on it? i think there will be no need for a cell cpu at the time when it will be available to pc's...
And like it or not, ps3 is far beyond ahead of the hottest pc in the market.
i don't like it but it's real.