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S2 licensed
Good work! Very cool car.
S2 licensed
Is ATI Radeon Xpress 1250 slower than ATI Radeon X300??? I have an X300 and AMD athlon x2 3000something+ and i get 50-60 fps while online racing.
S2 licensed
Quote from wygiuxx :first render with background

And that's cool. Very nice.

But as a suggestion; it would be wonderful to see reflection of the enviroment on the car.I know it's hard work.
S2 licensed
Quote from tikshow :i can do it this without smoke in 5 minutes + render time just try the ffd modifier

Good for you "mr.know it all".
By the way, ffd modifier will not make your car look like bending and stretching automatically, you will have to add something from yourself which i guess deserves a bit of respect. And you won't be able to do real motion blur on the tyres with ffd. Oops sorry you already knew that didn't you.
S2 licensed
Quote from LineR32 :Here's the sig I made from it. I added inner shadow with a Black stroke set to inner, and I added FZR Drift in Namco font with an outer glow and set it to 50% opacity.

The forum I go to has a Black background so it blends in nicely.

it looks really cool. Nice job.

Quote from NathanRx-7 :Anyone know how to physically render smoke? :P

it takes ages to render smoke.Not practical unless you have a 100-core cpu
S2 licensed
Quote from LineR32 :Hope you don't mind me turning that render into a sig for another forum I'm on, Zorer.

yep sure,it's very nice someone likes and uses it as a signature.
S2 licensed
Hello guys.

Here's my latest work.
I used my fzr model and distorted it like in movie "cars".
Hand painted flames texture and rendered under low light and high glossy materials layer by layer...Finally a touch of image filters and here it is;

Hope you like.
S2 licensed
Not a speed bump but worse than that. I was on my scooter with my ex gf.i was doing about 50 km/h on the highway(very busy traffic hour) and suddenly realised a very big bump right in front of me. Didn't do any brake or manouver because it'd make things worse, i just rode onto it and it was really bad.It hurts.

A bump made of mud(dried) on the highway...
S2 licensed
xaotic&hrtburnout, my english is far from being able to understand such an advanced usage of completely alien words to me. I wish i could understand what you wrote there.

About drifting..I hate the way drifters paint and add body parts and idiot anti-artistic logotypes - reversed words on their car. Those cars just look useless. i hate those cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :I'm not a biker, so I feel I might be a little stupid here, but is the way in which the bike dips around the screen and the view stays constant that realistic? It seems a bit.. weird.

Well i think it is ok because the rider tries to keep his head constant in whatever the bike's leaning angle is.
S2 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :omfg , who told you?? that is privileged information only made known to the few - do you at least know the secret handshake??

Yes i learned it too but if i tell it in here everybody will learn. Better keep it secret.
S2 licensed
Hmm i started to think the earth is a pyramid guys. Why would ancient people build huge pyramids all over the earth if it wasn't pyramid shaped? Yes absolutely.
S2 licensed
hahah wht do they think about boobs then?? flat again?
S2 licensed
did you find the term or the solution?

try to press throttle to %90 or less while calibrating(don't foor it). it would solve the flickering problem.
S2 licensed
Quote from Alex_Ward :Just a quick question, because the 40GB PS3 only has 2 USB ports, is it possible to use an external USB hub?

Yes, any usb hub will work
S2 licensed
Quote from samyip :You may need to adjust your monitor gamma. I can see more than decals although the image is slightly dark.

Use Adobe Gamma utility to adjust your screen's gamma if you have Photoshop installed.

i think he replaced the image, this one looks normal the other one was dark.
S2 licensed
i'd recommend ps3.
S2 licensed
feat- what is awesome?? it's so dark i can't see anything other than the decals which are drifta' style.
S2 licensed
Quote from okijuhans :FZR is Zorer`s, but he allowed to modify it. I am working with high poly lights and setting up a scene.

Here is little preview.

Very nice mate! Keep it coming.

Are you using mental ray or vray?
S2 licensed
Quote from fat-oil :ZORER I cant imagine you used your brain to write such bullshit/

at least i'm not using my a** like you to write bullshit...
and if you can't understand what you read then it is not my problem.

Quote from zeugnimod :illepall

what? what's so interesting???
S2 licensed
Quote from fat-oil : And I wish u could be able to grasp the difference between a game and a competition : one can only cheat a competition.
If u stick to competition point of view, u will miss most of life, and love.

This is Live For Speed. The one and only car racing simulator available for home users. Nothing else can get even close to LFS physics. And it is made by racing souls of the devs.If they were thinking like you, we should probably never have LFS. Don't use lfs for joking and fun.
Please go out and catch the life, play need for speed or rtracktor, and love.

S2 licensed
Quote from Feme :edit ... but still smal problems wit textures :/ someone know how to meake thouse pipes loking like pipes ( not like squares ) ?

just apply a smooth modifyer.
S2 licensed

Hello again, I've been working on this and it made me sick with terrible headache. :ambulance
Not finished yet, hope you like it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :Corrected it for ya

The PS3 Still owns all
Ill give you a simple example which me and my friends thought up of during science.

The wii = Radio waves
Xbox = Micro waves
PC = Infared waves

Yeah thats right, the ps3 is so powerful it runs off radiation and can cure cancer

And power is nothing without control. It depends on if you want to use the power to be a screenshot generator or a simulator. We'll see when gt5 is out to stores.
S2 licensed
Quote from Miri :very, very, very nice. Could you share this scene?

Quote from mickyc30 :yes, please share this scene, its awesome

yep, why not. i'll post a link to you.

Quote from okijuhans :I think its Dosch Design scene. You have to pay ! Whole package maybe $200 or so.

no, not dosch.It's just a basic scene i made with some walls and a dome and nice lighting.But the cars are very high poly i spent some time on it.