The online racing simulator

rpm start 700-750rpm ... intentionally
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gauge.rar - 76.9 KB - 469 views
How do I install?
Quote from riskredruM :I made a new d3d8.dll with alternative Analog Gauges for LFS.

Remember the state of this Tool is Alpha. When every Function is like me want to, it will be released.
On that place thanks the testers.

*To Start*
- if you are new to this tool first download ver 0.12 and then the 0.17.
- if you just have 0.12 you only have to download 0.17.
- make a backup of an existing d3d8.dll
- extract the Archive to your LFS Folder

- start LFS like this target in your Link "C:\GAMES\LFS X\LFS.exe" /insim=29999

*Update 0.17*
- OK....I think one of the last Alpha Updates.
- You can set the direction Value to let the gauges change there dimension with values. F.e. RPM as digital lights. But there have to be covered. I put an example in the zip (bad graphic, I know )
# 0 = left
# 1 = right
# 2 = digital
# 3 = digital & left
# 4 = digital & right
# 5 = width left
# 6 = width right
# 7 = height up
# 8 = height down

- I fixed the TCP Connection so it will be stable.

*Update 0.16*
- Gear and speed could be shown as text. (Values for position, font, size, color).
- STRG+END load Values of the current car,for easier editing gauges.ini
- I add an example for BF1. There you can look in the gauges.ini how to manage.
- the font for example have to be unpack in windows\fonts - folder.

*Update 0.15*
- just unpack to LFS Folder if you have 0.12 installed.
- Add Value to set speed digital. Edit the following line in gauges.ini

Then there have to be this line in gauges.ini.

If direction = 0 or 1 there´s no need for the FONT section.

First only font Arial and color = white. I have some problems with that.

*Update 0.14*
- Bugfixing. No need to press strg to move gauges.
- just unpack to LFS Folder if you have 0.12 installed.

*Update 0.13*
- Now we use a TCP Connection on Port 29999 and UDP on Port 30000.
- No need to set values in cfg.txt. See new Instructions above.
- with strg (ctrl) + pos1 (home) you can store the position values of the car.

*Update 0.12*[/b]
- New parameter ValueAsPercentage in gauges.ini. Only for position values.
- One Folder for each car. So you can put in different gauges for the cars. Gauges change automatic when changing car in LFS
- cleaned this post

*Update 0.11*
- Now you can cycle between 5 different Gauges in LFS. Press the ALT Key to cycle.
- There have to be at least the gauges.ini in each folder. If not LFS will crash.

*Update 0.10*
- Values for position are in pixel now. Need to do this cause of problems with different resolutions.
- Moved the Geargauge behind the backround.

*Update 0.09*
- Now you can choose if gauges are visible or if only the needles are visible. If you want to make a backround with all gauges within.
The only new Files are d3d8.dll and the gauges.ini. No need to overwrite everything else.

See AnaGauges.doc and Readme AnaGauges.txt for further information

Big thanks to Bloom for the art! Michael Koch for his proxxy.dll and his help
Racer_S for his SourceCode of driftggauges
screama for his nice graphics.

Have I read the tutorial but did not notice anyone nothing I can explain how to install?
Ah.. what?
where do i put the file??
In the main LFS directory
Quote from BoyGTA :In the main LFS directory

can u post a screenie plz im NOOB to this stuff

...Place the gauges folder(s) in LFS root.
It should look like this (e.g. with XFG) :

LFS root folder

edit: back on gauges...

These are loosely inspired on mazda cx9.
Could be used with most of the cars.
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cx9_1.0.rar - 496.3 KB - 356 views
Hey Do You think that you can make the CX9 version with a speedo.
Quote from 1303s_vortech :...Place the gauges folder(s) in LFS root.
It should look like this (e.g. with XFG) :

LFS root folder

edit: back on gauges...

These are loosely inspired on mazda cx9.
Could be used use with most of the cars.

Methodology where the files?

What is the directory for those files for?

I am a novice in this game
Since this kind of question come back each time someone can't search a bit in the 2 threads available about this addon. would be nice if a mod would mind to find a way to sticky this:

Quote :
How to install:

-Place d3d8.dll in your root LFS folder (maybe you will have to replace an existing one).

-Create a new folder called Gauges also in the root folder.

-Place the gaugesxxx folder included in the folder you just created (where xxx is the 3 letters of the car you want them to work with).

-Some packs contains additionals fonts that you need to put in your ...\windows\fonts folder.

-Paste these lignes over the ones you have at the end of your cfg.txt (make a backup).

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

Quote from TypeRacing :Can somebody make one tachometer for me ?
Its could be something like that
I would be very happy, if somebody gonna make that

Eny WIPs ?
It's not been a while since I get back on PS.
Yes, I'm working on a "motec"-ish cluster... it wouldn't bother me too much to make it looks as LED-bar*.
But unfortunatly, it's still unfinished yet, since it's not really that easy to do this within the boundaries of this mod as it is now.
(e.g. you cant use digital display for fuel/turbo yet).

'still hope someone would be kind enough to put some more work in the .dll.

*I'll post some screens later.
Quote from 1303s_vortech :Since this kind of question come back each time someone can't search a bit in the 2 threads available about this addon. would be nice if a mod would mind to find a way to sticky this:

ty very detailed just what i needed
Quote from 1303s_vortech :...Place the gauges folder(s) in LFS root.
It should look like this (e.g. with XFG) :

LFS root folder

edit: back on gauges...

These are loosely inspired on mazda cx9.
Could be used with most of the cars.

Where is that folder located, I can't find it...
Nice work btw
Très très drôle !
Ca vaut mieux qu'un long discours !

It's rather better than a long long long Speech !

Salut !
(1303s_vortech) DELETED by 1303s_vortech
Looking good vortech , keep them coming , cant wait to be able to use them
(1303s_vortech) DELETED by 1303s_vortech
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test motec.rar - 289.6 KB - 455 views
A guy made a bunch of gauges for Racer some while back...(Bloom design to be exact, but he's site is down now)
There is the E30 ones, but when I tried to "convert" them to anagauge, it seems that the scale isn't good. At least they are not so hard to redo.
Here's a quick update of the MRT pack I made some time ago, (I can do more colors combos on request):
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MRT_bike_type2_Gauges.rar - 433 KB - 393 views
bonjour serait'il possible d'avoir un nouveau compteur svp pour la FXO

celui de la clio rs 2004

Quote from helium66 :...

Je vais voir ce que je peux faire...

edit: a discuter en fr, on va se faire remercier par un modo....

New Analog Gauges in LFS (Alpha)
(788 posts, started )