The online racing simulator
Account Hacked
(79 posts, closed, started )
Account Hacked
Rite, first got wind of this when i recieved an email from the devs saying:

"Hello NjHarwood,

It has come to our attention that you have been banned on LFS servers more than a few times lately.

We must warn you that if you keep being banned, we will issue you with a temporary ban of 30 days, from all LFS online activity.


Live for Speed

***This is an automated email*** "

Then i went to the TC Forum, of which i am a member, only to find a thread made, stating several accounts had been hacked...including mine. They know me...and when they saw me acting weird they confronted "me" and were apparently threatened, saying they will be next.

Thought, right change all passwords, here and the game.

THEN tonite, i go to join and it says my account is already online!!

I check out to find that i was apparently on the server: [AKM] Racing UK 3

I straight away changed all my passwords AGAIN!

I then used my brothers account (bharwood) to confront this user/hacker. He then said that he had apparently bought my account off a mike*** (something along those lines, possibly well known?) kid, for £5 and that now he bought was his... ( i dont have a replay, due to the fact i havnt needed to save one in months, and have forgotton, did ask but no reply...)

OBVIOUSLY i was outraged!! Warned him i was the rightful owner, and that the passwords had been changed and that we would be locked out should he try to join anyother server...

He wasnt too keen on attempting to prove me wrong, and just sat messing around tell me to leave him alone and that it was now his.

He was then kicked, and he is no longer on any servers..

WHAT CAN I DO?! 2-3 times this has happened this week!!!!!:arge:

Getting majorly fed up...i want my account secured from this...or a refund....lets be paying for someone else to ruin my account reputation and my name...FOR FREE!!

I shouldnt have to put up with this!! :hbomb:

screenshot, me (NjHarwood using Bharwood Account) and Hacker/scammed person(NA using NjHarwood Account)

I really havnt used lfs in a few weeks, and have forgotton the reply and screenshot buttons...i had to press the printscr button and save to print.

Not much help, but people might be reconised and someone may know something?!
Attached images
i am going to change my passwords right now :/
Sounds nasty this nath... Not on at all and i know u aint been on lfs in months.. Some1 sort this a.s.a.p n ban the hacker for life..
OMFG!!! Im online now again...

sod it...delete my account...i have changed my password several times...i cannot access lfsworld now...

give up...screw it they win :@
Quote from NjHarwood :OMFG!!! Im online now again...

sod it...delete my account...i have changed my password several times...i cannot access lfsworld now...

give up...screw it they win :@

don't give up! find the guys ip and hack into his computer and shut down lfs?

or you can ask victor or scawen to ban your lfs account for a amount of time and the guy may leave the account.
Ban this hacker
just emailed the devs asking then to delete my account and all information on me...i have had it, the devs obviously aint up to protecting my information...if i log out of here now...i cant re-enter...only the hacker can...what can i do?!

im doomed...i cba anymore...sod them...i dnt need this hastle and waste of money right now!
Quote from NjHarwood :just emailed the devs asking then to delete my account and all information on me...i have had it, the devs obviously aint up to protecting my information...if i log out of here now...i cant re-enter...only the hacker can...what can i do?!

im doomed...i cba anymore...sod them...i dnt need this hastle and waste of money right now!

don't log out and they won't delete your account(i think) ask them to ban it for like a week then the hacker should be gone.
Maybe is on your computer installed some keylogger software and the hacker can see passwords you are typing. Try reinstall OS or change lfs password on different computer. Maybe this will not work, but its option.
Wow, a lot of these going around lately

Have you scanned your PC for spyware? Because if you change your passwords, he won't be able to go online unless he has the new passwords For now all you can do is to contact the devs and ask them to master ban your account until you can sort it. That'll at least stop the account from being used until you can fix the problem

Also, make sure you've changed the GAME password, and not just the WEB password. It's a simple mistake, but that could be why he's still able to go online

Don't delete your account, if you do they'll only turn to another account. Maybe the devs can contact his ISP or something and get him properly punished, I don't see why not
If they constantly guess your passwords you're either using weak passwords or you have a key logger on your PC. Run scans (hijackthis, spybot S&D, etc) or go for the quick full format.

If you can get your passwords reset by the dev team create a hard password, make it two words (I for for a dictionary word and a name), but mix it up with alternating case and numbers and example would be "270J0Rd4nC4N822" (do not use this naturally), easy to remember as in this case the first and last 3 numbers are my old phone number and then 1337 text for the words.

It is enough to stop dictionary crackers plus long enough and messed up enough for most people to give up trying or a system to stop them from trying again.
hes a member or user of the TC servers...he has a grudge with me apparently...ill add screens of just this min when i confronted him...hes changed his tone a fair bit!
Hmm, if he's a known and regular user of TC, it shouldn't be that hard for the admins to narrow down who it might be (lag, pings, driving style, grammar, punctuation, etc.) I suppose. If they're any good they'll be able to get his IP from netstat and narrow it down even more

All I can say is: Internets. Serious business.
#15 - AMB
Quote from mutt107 :don't give up! find the guys ip and hack into his computer and shut down lfs?

or you can ask victor or scawen to ban your lfs account for a amount of time and the guy may leave the account.

More than a IP to hack someone.
screenshots wont add to here for some reason, so im adding them all to photobucket, hence the wait
to add to my troubles...

i can no longer change my password cause my email address is not on the database...

charming, devs you deleted it already?
The developers won't respond here unless they actually see whats going on. And if you told them you were sick of it and to delete your account then the only did what you asked of them...

I would have changed your e-mail password then changed game password, did it ever occur that when you change your password you get an e-mail notification of this? Its quite possible the guy found it through there and just kept upto date... I'd always delete password info that gets into my mail box just in case.
i did change my password, both, and even my my email address isnt in the lfs system so i can no longer change passwords...its basically no longer under my control
ok i got bigger issues...all the pics just deleted...screw this...this computers getting the wipe. bye all
This thread is closed

Account Hacked
(79 posts, closed, started )