Rite, first got wind of this when i recieved an email from the devs saying:
"Hello NjHarwood,
It has come to our attention that you have been banned on LFS servers more than a few times lately.
We must warn you that if you keep being banned, we will issue you with a temporary ban of 30 days, from all LFS online activity.
Live for Speed
***This is an automated email*** "
Then i went to the TC Forum, of which i am a member, only to find a thread made, stating several accounts had been hacked...including mine. They know me...and when they saw me acting weird they confronted "me" and were apparently threatened, saying they will be next.
Thought, right change all passwords, here and the game.
THEN tonite, i go to join and it says my account is already online!!
I check out lfsworld.net to find that i was apparently on the server: [AKM] Racing UK 3
I straight away changed all my passwords AGAIN!
I then used my brothers account (bharwood) to confront this user/hacker. He then said that he had apparently bought my account off a mike*** (something along those lines, possibly well known?) kid, for £5 and that now he bought it...it was his... ( i dont have a replay, due to the fact i havnt needed to save one in months, and have forgotton, did ask but no reply...)
OBVIOUSLY i was outraged!! Warned him i was the rightful owner, and that the passwords had been changed and that we would be locked out should he try to join anyother server...
He wasnt too keen on attempting to prove me wrong, and just sat messing around tell me to leave him alone and that it was now his.
He was then kicked, and he is no longer on any servers..
WHAT CAN I DO?! 2-3 times this has happened this week!!!!!:arge:
Getting majorly fed up...i want my account secured from this...or a refund....lets be honest...im paying for someone else to ruin my account reputation and my name...FOR FREE!!
I shouldnt have to put up with this!! :hbomb:
"Hello NjHarwood,
It has come to our attention that you have been banned on LFS servers more than a few times lately.
We must warn you that if you keep being banned, we will issue you with a temporary ban of 30 days, from all LFS online activity.
Live for Speed
***This is an automated email*** "
Then i went to the TC Forum, of which i am a member, only to find a thread made, stating several accounts had been hacked...including mine. They know me...and when they saw me acting weird they confronted "me" and were apparently threatened, saying they will be next.
Thought, right change all passwords, here and the game.
THEN tonite, i go to join and it says my account is already online!!

I check out lfsworld.net to find that i was apparently on the server: [AKM] Racing UK 3
I straight away changed all my passwords AGAIN!
I then used my brothers account (bharwood) to confront this user/hacker. He then said that he had apparently bought my account off a mike*** (something along those lines, possibly well known?) kid, for £5 and that now he bought it...it was his... ( i dont have a replay, due to the fact i havnt needed to save one in months, and have forgotton, did ask but no reply...)
OBVIOUSLY i was outraged!! Warned him i was the rightful owner, and that the passwords had been changed and that we would be locked out should he try to join anyother server...
He wasnt too keen on attempting to prove me wrong, and just sat messing around tell me to leave him alone and that it was now his.
He was then kicked, and he is no longer on any servers..
WHAT CAN I DO?! 2-3 times this has happened this week!!!!!:arge:
Getting majorly fed up...i want my account secured from this...or a refund....lets be honest...im paying for someone else to ruin my account reputation and my name...FOR FREE!!
I shouldnt have to put up with this!! :hbomb: