The online racing simulator
LYTe - layout editor
(189 posts, started )
Awesome program but can you make backgrounds for the other maps too?
does it work with Z?
Quote from EliteAti :Works.

i tried it on drag strip, but the start position was somewhere 10 kilometers away from the track LOL
Why I can't edit layout made on server? I go with my friend to our team server, made drift layout and I can't edit it now in LYTe
I think the LFS version is stored somewhere in the layout file, so you can load a LYTe layout in LFS (because it's like imported from an older LFS version), but you can't go the other way round.

Kinda sucks, if you ask me.
Hey all! Sorry I've been "away" for a while but don't worry I'm not dead or anything just busy. (linux, job, moved, friends, etc) Or really, I've stopped LYTe VB6 version and I'm now working on a much nicer C/C++ OpenGL version that will support all tracks with 100% accuracy. Now, I have about oh.. 60%-ish complete so I'm guessing at my current rate, an alpha release will be ready in hopefully a month or two. Of course, developers suck at release date guessing, and I should probably say it will be done when it's done, but a "progress report" every once and a while is OK.

With that said, development will go bit faster (both in content generation and motivation) if I could get some help from someone that knows 3D modeling. What I need are all the layout objects as models, and any other models I might need like simplified car models. Nothing spiffy. Just simple shapes with colors and normals defined. Material properties (ambient, diffuse, specular, emmisive) would be nice too. 16 == 1 meter. .obj format? Also, not every single object has to be created. For example I can use the same cone model for cones of different colors, mirror certain objects, etc. I don't have a list of all the objects needed so will have to get back on what exactly there is, and its dimensions. Once anyone accepts my offer, I will get you that list or you can poke through LFS yourself. Of course, if there is anyway to get the actual models out of LFS (with permission) and use those, please let me know! I have no experience making 3D models so to do this myself using Blender would take another few weeks at least. Any help will greatly be appreciated. I can't pay anyone but will happily put anyone who helps in the credits. You'll also get to use LYTe before released!

K, thanks all for the continued interest, motivation and help! LFS rocks! And happy 2009!
Can you make a tool to add circles or curves?
Another suggestion, it can do with a little hack background images. But will be usefully to load an image for background.

Thanks for the program
How are you planning to do the render? Are you doing it yourself or using a free 3D render engine? If you have no knowledege in 3d render and modeling i suggest you to concidere the idea of using one of those engine. You'll be able to render 3dsmax object since these file format are directly supported by these engines. By that way you may use the render sceens aviable, sligthly modified, to do the job.

Most of them are written in c++ so i should be possible to embeded it into you're app quiet easily. I only used one (irrlicht) and it was in a c# app so i used the wraper but the way it work is quiet similar and as far as i remember it wasn't so complicated.

I'm glad to hear that this tool is still alive. The old one was already good so i'm waiting to see how the new one is looking.
I do plan on adding arcs/circles for the initial release. Beizer curves I might figure out later if the arcs don't suffice for some. The background image is already in the VB6 LYTe so I'm definitely going to add it for this one. Very nice feature to trace an imported image.

For rendering I'm doing it all myself. To begin with anyway. I've thought of using something like Irrlicht or OGRE for rendering but decided against it as I really wanna know how to do all that myself, for experience. They can probably do (better) what I need but I like to know how it works. The details are my passion. I wanna know "why" all the time. I'm even creating the gui. I was going to use QT but it seems like a real pain to get it the way I want it (minimal, transparent, gradient, custom controls that point to objects in the 3D scene, like a race on TV or a chat bubble above the racer's car) As time goes on I was planning to make use of what I've learned for another editor, some type of game or all the above.. But! who knows.. I may lose my motivation, do things the quick way, and use a premade one. Thanks though. I hope to make a release asap. Stay tuned.
Hello Stuff, do you want more languages in this program? I can translate it into Czech, if you want.
Quote from Flame CZE :Hello J@tko, do you want more languages in this program? I can translate it into Czech, if you want.

I didn't make this lol
Oh god sorry :smash3d:
Yeah! Czech would be great, but don't do anything now as the new version is still in development and the "current" version won't be used as is.
Quote from Stuff :Yeah! Czech would be great, but don't do anything now as the new version is still in development and the "current" version won't be used as is.

OK, just inform me and give me all the necessary stuff when needed
Beizer curves will be superb, after this will want a real track editor

So, I can to translate to Spanish too
Well, I can translate it to Russian and Latvian when it will be done

A new version is out! Not many major features (will save those for later) but just a few additions I had laying around. You can now open AU1-4 layouts that were made after patch Y (the latest). BL3 is still a no go as trying to figure out where the objects would have to be placed is time consuming.. I also added a recent file list to the open button and a couple buttons to adjust object scale/zoom. Few other things too. See first post for latest..
(Tomasevich) DELETED by Tomasevich
(Tomasevich) DELETED by Tomasevich
(MattsterGT) DELETED by the_angry_angel
(Shadowww) DELETED by the_angry_angel
How come I can't open some layouts and the others work fine? It shows me a "header error".
im having a little problem with it......i made a pic to show it, basically, when i make a layout in AU4, it doesnt work, i save it into the layour folder, load up lfs, click the layout i want to use, start race, and i get i go into autox editor, adn according to that, the layout is fully i took this picture for you to look at.

By the way, im using 0.5Z , if that makes a difference
Attached images
Improvement suggestions:
Any way that layout tracks can be turned, so instead of something like AU1 being almost vertical, it can be turned horizontal?

Any way some sort of grid could be overlaid as a visual aid on the layout tracks, so for us people who draw layouts on paper can more easily transfer to track in correct scale?

Thanks for the great program
Sorry I haven't replied in a while. I've been busy with other things and don't get much time anymore to program or even race. For the time I do have, I'm using it to create a new version of LYTe in C++ using OpenGL. I have the basics done but its still going to be a while..

Quote from Tomasevich :Overflow in frmLayout.LayoutSave

Oops for that. Hopefully you didn't lose too much time. I don't think the latest version will fix it though. I'm not sure how that one happened.

Quote from Flame CZE :How come I can't open some layouts and the others work fine? It shows me a "header error".

I'm not sure about that one. It should open up all AU layouts now.

Quote from SF-Turdtron :im having a little problem with it......i made a pic to show it, basically, when i make a layout in AU4, it doesnt work, i save it into the layour folder, load up lfs, click the layout i want to use, start race, and i get i go into autox editor, adn according to that, the layout is fully i took this picture for you to look at.

By the way, im using 0.5Z , if that makes a difference

I was slightly afraid of that. I think it has to do with the Z position of objects. I set them all to 0 and LFS should place them on the ground but maybe not.. Not sure how to fix that one easily.

Quote from sinanju :Any way that layout tracks can be turned, so instead of something like AU1 being almost vertical, it can be turned horizontal?

Any way some sort of grid could be overlaid as a visual aid on the layout tracks, so for us people who draw layouts on paper can more easily transfer to track in correct scale?

I was thinking about turning the tracks but never got around to it. You can do the grid thing though by editing the background .png and adding a grid. Then change the background using the dropdown
Quote from Stuff :I'm not sure about that one. It should open up all AU layouts now.

Ah ok. So please, try to open this layout in it.
Attached files
AU1_autocross1.lyt - 2.4 KB - 800 views

LYTe - layout editor
(189 posts, started )