The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Maybe a very simple question.

I have succesfully installer LFSlapper, but i want to implement Pitboard as well.

Where to put the code?
Inside the lapper.txt you find sections.
Inside /cfg/LFSLapper.lpr you find these to

Put right sections coorespondedly into LFSLapper.lpr, watch for the code to be allright.
Ok, thnx

I will try that
Quote from Erazotropa :Maybe a very simple question.

I have succesfully installer LFSlapper, but i want to implement Pitboard as well.

Where to put the code?

Download the file (I've included it in this posting for comfort) and place the code in the mentioned sections. Make sure every piece of code is placed in it's own section, otherwise the software won't run.
Attached files
Pitboard_v143.txt - 127.9 KB - 271 views
Ok, but do i need to replace or add the sections?
Quote from Erazotropa :Ok, but do i need to replace or add the sections?

You should replace the code, exept for the code needed in:

#Command actions#

that has to be added.
Ok, well it is doing a lot more now

But still i get 2 welcome screens, and dont go away when clicking ok..

Check my server to see: lfs://|%5BIRT%5D+Formula|0|S2|/

This is my lapper.lpr file:
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 164.4 KB - 319 views
Quote from Erazotropa :Ok, well it is doing a lot more now

But still i get 2 welcome screens, and dont go away when clicking ok..

Check my server to see: lfs://|%5BIRT%5D+Formula|0|S2|/

This is my lapper.lpr file:

You erased one line too many
The welcome screen wasn't closed when the scripped goes to OnConnectClose.
If corrected this and uploaded the script.
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 164.5 KB - 308 views
If have it uploading a PB to my ftp-server.

Installed Gay-luiron php tool, but can't get it to work, it doensn't read the pb's. No errors anyway, sql database is working.

Its not PB.txt anymore but just PB. Any other program to see the 'stats' online with uploaded PB file?
Quote from Yisc[NL] :You erased one line too many
The welcome screen wasn't closed when the scripped goes to OnConnectClose.
If corrected this and uploaded the script.

Ok, Great! i think it's working now
I am at work now, so i can not try it for 100% right now...

Maar in iedergeval.. Dank u!

I have tested a little bit, but i get this message in the LFSLapper console:

Syntax error in cfg file: '(' needed at line #1300 in function 'OnDisconnect' script aborted

I cant seem to find whats wrong there??
Hi Erazotropa,

I checked the code posted by Yisc earlier. As the parser mentioned, you have to look at line 1300: there's a "t" missing at the end of the line.

It is supposed to be "EndEvent" rather than "EndEven".


PS: Make sure to have the status bar turned on (view -> status bar) when using the Windows editor, it helps finding the right line.
Thanks that worked for me!
Quote :Extract archive to arbitrary directory.

Where / What is that ?

I have Mono . Where will i extract the files too ?
I'm not too good with these things sorry !
Quote from Riel :If have it uploading a PB to my ftp-server.

Installed Gay-luiron php tool, but can't get it to work, it doensn't read the pb's. No errors anyway, sql database is working.

Its not PB.txt anymore but just PB. Any other program to see the 'stats' online with uploaded PB file?

It still is PB.txt but there's a bit missing in the latest config-file.
Just correct it to PB.txt and you will see the other bit will start working.

Hi, where to get the commands like on the AB.NL servers..
Like: !rrace !ready etc etc...

Or is the script only dedicated to AB.NL?
Im having some problems with the drift score.

The LFSLapper connects properly and outputs the highscores to the DriftPB. But there is no scores or points displayed ingame, any setting I might have missed?
Quote from Erazotropa :@Yisc-NL

Hi, where to get the commands like on the AB.NL servers..
Like: !rrace !ready etc etc...

Or is the script only dedicated to AB.NL?

That are custom made commands.
Quote from Xsess :Im having some problems with the drift score.

The LFSLapper connects properly and outputs the highscores to the DriftPB. But there is no scores or points displayed ingame, any setting I might have missed?

Most likely those settings are disabled in your config-file.
Just check the section that's about drifting and see if parts of the code are excluded by /* and */ , remove that and you should be okay.
Thanks Yisc, that made it work
LFS Lapper : Fat Oil Edtition

I and a friend have modified lfslapper source code to get better experience of a drifting session.

There is now realtime display of :
- drift angle,
- current drift points growing
- total drift score

and i added a thing i called ST Ratio wich is totaldriftscore divided by currentlaptime, kind of opints per second gauge.
After each lap, STRatio is sent as a public message, like total drift score, and written to a database file.
The database file is useless for now as i didnt take time to do things with it, like a !drf ish table display.

I would like some feedback, so please feel free to connect Fat Oil Drifting Ground (Demo Server) and take some laps to experience it.

I may release it publicly later, with source code and the all. My wish would be that my modifications are integrated in next official release, so i wont have to hack again
Anyway, i will share app and code with anyone asking for it.

Burn ! Burn ! Burn !
Call car/track PB combo of other track
Is there a way in Lapper to call PB's of a track while on another track. e.g. If I was on BL1, I could get all PB's for all cars that have set times on my server for that track. But what if I was on BL1, and I wanted to see times for WE1?

I ask as most of the lapper script seems to deal with current car, or current track or current combo.

InSim has something of what I want:

/ws AS6 XRT pb (get PB in XR GT TURBO at Aston Grand Touring)

If I type something like that while on track, it does work,

but if I try

Register MsgAction("!othercombo",MA_othercombo);
Sub MA_othercombo()
cmdLFS("/ws AS6 XRT pb" );

I get nothing.

Is there another line or expression I need to add to get it to output the pb onto the screen?
Quote from sinanju :
Register MsgAction("!othercombo",MA_othercombo);
Sub MA_othercombo()
cmdLFS("/ws AS6 XRT pb" );

I get nothing.

Is there another line or expression I need to add to get it to output the pb onto the screen?

/w comand's work's only if you use the client ( lfs the game ) and not for the dedi server. It's lapper that send the cmdLFS("/ws AS6 XRT pb" ); and not the player who want's to see it.

And lapper can't show you the pb's from a other track. ( it should be nice if this is posible , i hope maybe in a future version )

EDIT: USAGE: /w CMD [name] | CMD = pb,hl,wr,l,tl,ds,f,1,2,3,fin
You can try cmdLFS("/ws AS6 XRT pb " . $Username );
It work's when i type it

I have my Lapperscript (with Pitboard 1.43) on a hosted LFS + LFS Lapper 5.716 installation. Everything is working fine, but the Lapper doesnt recorgnize my PB file with driven times. I tested it on a local installation and the lapper recognizes the PB.TXT when i rename it to PB (without extension), but the Lapper on the host didnt.

Someone has a hint for me ?



Look at upper or Lowercase. In Windows computer

PB.TXT = pb.txt

On Unix Not

PB.TXT != pb.txt

If your host use Unix System. Maybe it's this. Put all in lowercase and test

hallo, after relatively long time of using older version of lapper (with text output of top tables) on my servers i decided to "switch" to lattest version.

previously i shortly tested airio and i must say i like lapper more because its more "scriptable" and i decided to use it.

but i must also say, there is some things i think they need to be more friendly

like copying text from top tables (easy possible with text version, in airio processed through righ mouse button click on table row)

or basic events - qual starts, race auto starts (its nice to signalize to guests that race is automatically restarted, even more nice with countdown...)

missing also detection of people joining race with full loaded car or with knobbly tyres. maybe a part of flags detection would be enough

simply point system... 1 more row in pb file? i know, lapper will never be ctra

one bug (maybe?) in the end - there is not possible to use global button on RaceStartAction() event?

thanx for developing!
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LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )