I and a friend have modified lfslapper source code to get better experience of a drifting session.
There is now realtime display of :
- drift angle,
- current drift points growing
- total drift score
and i added a thing i called ST Ratio wich is totaldriftscore divided by currentlaptime, kind of opints per second gauge.
After each lap, STRatio is sent as a public message, like total drift score, and written to a database file.
The database file is useless for now as i didnt take time to do things with it, like a !drf ish table display.
I would like some feedback, so please feel free to connect Fat Oil Drifting Ground (Demo Server) and take some laps to experience it.
I may release it publicly later, with source code and the all. My wish would be that my modifications are integrated in next official release, so i wont have to hack again

Anyway, i will share app and code with anyone asking for it.
Burn ! Burn ! Burn !