The online racing simulator
#1 - troy
'Public' Concept LX racing (weekly)

After lots of fun racing last year the public LX racing is finally back again. There will be some changes, that's the reason for the new thread, but the goal will remain the same: get some of the LX addicts out of their hideouts and do some relaxed public racing every week. As the name 'public' implies, everybody is welcome to join us, no need for a sign up, just arrive and drive.

To the changes: moving to Thursday evenings, the schedule will consist of a short qualifying (10min) starting at 18.30 UTC to determine the grid for the first race followed by two approximately 10 minute sprint races and a 25-30 minute feature race which will also mark the end of the official part. Of course you are free to keep on driving if you still got any energy left after that. Another new thing will be points to gain (don't worry, this isn't turning into a league), the points will just be there to add a small goal for the participating drivers. Whoever scores most points for the actual month, has the pleasure to choose four combos for the next one (you can't win two times in a row, if that happens the second place has the right to choose). Your worst result won't count, so it's no problem if you miss one or two races.

This weeks race details:

Concept LX Racing is taking a winter break, check back for updates.

Tracks already driven:
au1 (ctra)
au1 (noghost)

Excellent! I should be there
The new Volvolandia LX? :P If it goes on during the summer I'll join in during the summer .
I might show up from time to time again. You need someone to spin around at the end of the grid, don't you?

Posting at the same time as Taha. :S
LX6/AS North is one of my favourite combos. Unfortunately my band usually rehearses on Thursdays but I'll try to make it if I'm home.
I suppose that these events will stopped after the beginning of an eventual new UF leagugue? Or does that mean that we'll be racing the UFs another day of the week?

Anyway, I'm interrested, but I won't race here in the next one-two months for differents reasons(I'm waiting for the net+this clashes with other leagues/events...:schwitz
#7 - Bean0
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I suppose that these events will stopped after the beginning of an eventual new UF leagugue? Or does that mean that we'll be racing the UFs another day of the week?

Anyway, I'm interrested, but I won't race here in the next one-two months for differents reasons(I'm waiting for the net+this clashes with other leagues/events...:schwitz

There is nothing planned about the next UF thingy yet, but last years excluded certain timezones due to being may move, it may not.

Anyway, I shall attend LX6 @ AS7 tonight.
Should be fun
good to see. No chance of making a two tier race and have LX4 AND LX6 for the future? WIll try to get there for this though and do a few triple salco's around the track
Quote from GFresh :Excellent! I should be there

I used to donate to bassdrive for a few years in its early days. Excellent site for good music streaming!!!!
#10 - troy
Quote from StableX :good to see. No chance of making a two tier race and have LX4 AND LX6 for the future? WIll try to get there for this though and do a few triple salco's around the track

I thought about that but without a full grid it tends to get quite boring. If we manage to gather enough people I happily do some mixed class racing now and then.
Quote from troy :I thought about that but without a full grid it tends to get quite boring. If we manage to gather enough people I happily do some mixed class racing now and then.

groovy baby!
Yeah that's true.
Wish I could come tonight, but I have to create four videos for a school project due in tomorrow. I think that takes priority.
#16 - troy
1 hour to go, if you want to get some practice in now is your chance
#17 - troy
Thank you for joining everybody, had lots of good racing and almost forgot how much fun these LX cars provide. Here are the temporary stats for yesterdays races:

There should be a proper website up for it soon (including points for the month).
Great to see this returned!

Yesterday was some great racing, hard to beat firing those LX6's out of those slow first corners and getting away with it without laptimes suffering too much. Rest of the track is pretty insane as well with a bunch of folk very close by. (Eau Rouge.. hit or miss)

For the long race I had hoped to catch a few faster guys with super critical setups as they smoked their tires. Plan somewhat worked as I came up to one of them with tomato red tires his LX6 had started to ignore any link between direction of LX6 and direction of travel, (it all turns into soup, is the Dutch expression) so that the rest of the race turned into a lonely one. Still less then one and a half minute away from the aliens over a half hour race including a mishap is a nice result for me.
#19 - troy
Next combo:

Date: Thursday, March 5th 2009
Server: Concept Racing LX racing
Start: 19:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: South City Sprint 1 rev (SO2r)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 10 laps
Sprint Race 2: 10 laps (rev grid)
Main Race: 30 laps (rev grid)

edit: slightly changed the napalm candy set, feels better now
Attached files
LX4_so2r.set - 132 B - 898 views
Isn't there some nasty car limit on that track?

It's a great combo, but was just wondering if everyone can race as we were almost full last time.
I won't be racing this week, as i have pre-birthday birthday drinks with a few mates
Quote from Blackout :Isn't there some nasty car limit on that track?

It's a great combo, but was just wondering if everyone can race as we were almost full last time.

Yes, the track has a limit of 16.

I tried the LX4 recently and had a blast on SO1, might want to that that one if we want a full 32 car grid
Nice to see this back, troy! These little cars deserve it.

I'll make sure to show up whenever I can.
#24 - troy
Yep, didn't think of the limit when I was choosing the combo, next time I will try to remember that, this time it's first come first serve I guess
Been trying to connect for about 20 minutes, getting the dreaded "did not receive track info"

'Public' Concept LX racing (weekly)
(282 posts, started )