The online racing simulator
Offensive Nicknames
(64 posts, started )
Offensive Nicknames
Hello fellow racers and developers,

today i've ran into a guy who had a (fairly) offencive nickname, i won't say it cause i hate the word but anyways, it's attached on this post.

I find that we (as racers, hosts and developers) must do something about these kind of nicknames. For example name filters on all hosts or even a filter in the drivers name selection in options/driver.

I and many fellow racers in that server had big problems with his/hers name.

I've noticed it before with people with names like dipshit etc., I've been bothered by this all the time since i first saw this. And I know people will say stop whining start racing, but please, this is a serious issue...

I'll be happy to see comments supporting and against this, and i hope that the developers will take serious notice of these sorts of issues.


Drifters Only
Attached images
#2 - Bean0
I expected some sort of racist name, what you have posted is hardly offensive at all.
It could even be a poor translation of Headcrab (Cancer being the crab in the zodiac).

If you want to filter names, I suggest you install has that functionality I think.
I do agree what he says.
I'm seeing more and more offensive and cursing names.
Also such abusive language that you think, in what world are we living?
That makes me shock sometimes!

I do think hosts should do something about it.
#4 - Bean0
The fact of the matter is though, that the servers are not provided by the Devs and so are not 'official'. It is up to individual server owners/admins as to what is acceptable on their servers. I don't have a problem with the use of 'industrial language', you hear/see a lot worse on TV anyways.
#5 - Byku
Head... umm... crab... O.o... well... i consider it even funny... a little... ... but i have weird humour :drevil: so don't bother with me .

Edit. Names are nothing... the abusive language in chats is the problem!
Quote from Bean0 :I expected some sort of racist name, what you have posted is hardly offensive at all.
It could even be a poor translation of Headcrab (Cancer being the crab in the zodiac).

If you want to filter names, I suggest you install has that functionality I think.

Seriously, i think we should look at the larger audience and not the 1 or 2 people who talk in the zodiac or whatever... dev's could do something about it with installing a filter in the Options/Driver/Driver name section... i think that they can anyways.
Quote from Drifters Only :dev's could do something about it with installing a filter in the Options/Driver/Driver name section... i think that they can anyways.

Then people would use 1337 speek or whatever. If eejits want to have offensive names they will find a way to get them. Just ignore those people.
That one isn't really "offensive" because it contains no words that aren't in the dictionary and that couldn't be uttered on children's TV. It's tasteless and may sting if you know someone who has suffered from a tumour or something, but it doesn't warrant much action beyond telling them it's a little insensitive.

That said, I've also seen an increase in bad language in usernames across the board, not just in LFS. I assume it's because as more people create more accounts the standard namesets get taken and people run out of ideas.

And of course you can't possibly expect people to actually engage their brains if there's an easier and more contraversial way to go.
true but that doesn't mean we can't do a thing about it? And I think loads of others with me think the same thing about those nicks.

There must be a solution? Not only in the name sector but also in the chats.
Whats wrong with Washandje?
Quote from Vinnylegends :Whats wrong with Washandje?

Dunno... but we're talking about the name Headcancer and more names like that considered offencive names
Quote from Drifters Only :Dunno... but we're talking about the name Headcancer and more names like that considered offencive names

how is that offensive... grow some skin and get back to racing.
I laughed pretty good at that name.

Would it have been acceptable if it was "BUTTCANCER" or "FACECANCER"?
It's 1-8-7 you realise what this is?

I've seen far worse.............
Offensive name filter spells the end for me.

Bye all.
#18 - th84
I thought it meant that he was going to die of head cancer or something.

Not offensive, IMO.
#19 - 5haz
Mr OP, I could say that your LFS forum name is offensive, because I don't drift and it makes me feel excluded and discriminated.

Come on now, their name is not preaching hate and it doesn't have any profanity, Cancer is a fact of life I'm afraid, and people's heads don't tend to faze me too much, but perhaps thats just me. So why is their name offensive that you felt the urge to post?

Quote from Dajmin :That one isn't really "offensive" because it contains no words that aren't in the dictionary and that couldn't be uttered on children's TV. It's tasteless and may sting if you know someone who has suffered from a tumour or something, but it doesn't warrant much action beyond telling them it's a little insensitive.

I think the above more or less hits the nail on the head.
I'm offended by people assuming my name is to do with fish. Would I be able to global ban these people who are so proposterous as to just assume such a thing ?
Jesus OP take a leaf out of Chopper Reid's book and harden the f... up.

Theres way to many fun police in the world as it is we dont need LFS to become as infected with PC as is the rest of the planet.
Quote from Bawbag :Offensive name filter spells the end for me.

Bye all.

Only to people from Scotland. Once when I worked in tech support, I spoke to a woman who lived on Bawtree Lane. I had a good laugh about a baw-tree.

But yeah, in terms of the offending name, I agree that it's a little tasteless, but not really offensive. Maybe you know someone who died from cancer, and I'm very sorry for you, but in the same measure, if you knew someone who died in a race crash, you would find all of LFS offensive.

Sorry but you can't decide these things based on the opinion of someone who is easily offended by the subject, as then everything would be banned.
#23 - 5haz
Quote from Gills4life :I'm offended by people assuming my name is to do with fish. Would I be able to global ban these people who are so proposterous as to just assume such a thing ?

May have something to do with that avatar of yours.
I really can't see how HeadCancer is offensive ?

Plus, if you are offended because a guy in front of his screen has a nickname like "I F|_|CK you", you might have serious issues of self-esteem. I mean, I really don't care about how people call me in front of a computer, because you have to know that on the Internet people tend to behave more extremely than they would do IRL (Emokids, flamers, camgirls, etc).

By the way, you are 16 years old, so it's normal that you might feel offended with that, but I'm sure you have other things to worry about at your age Like getting laid the first time or drinking beer till you puke, IDK So stop worrying about that, it's not a big deal boy !
Well, in the Nederlands, cancer can be used to insult someone and it's a curse word, in places like England, if someone said, GET CANCER, you would just think "jeez this guys a weirdo" In Holland, they beat you in the face with sticks and chocolate sprinkles inside a caravan.

Offensive Nicknames
(64 posts, started )