I drive KITT into the C-130 and he is repaired. I then call the US military and they fire everything they have at Jon606 KITT rejoins good as new and fires everysingle wepon at Jon606 which makes him explode as a bullet goes through his head.
The bike somehow reappears in front of everyone, now with the rear turrets blazing and the afterburner burning away at some BMW drivers tailgating it... but who is controlling it!?
I equip myself with everything-proof shields, which can protect upto (infinity+1)^(infinity+1)^(infinity+1) bullets (infinity plus one to the power of infinity plus one to the power of infinity plus one).
I knock the helmet off the bike to reveal Jeremy Clarkson, who due to losing his helmet powuhz, falls off the bike in spectacular fashion, letting the Isetta take the lead before it somehow becomes involved in a jacking train with 6 other cars.
The bike slides off harmlessly into a grass ditch. The girl with wings on her backpack reappears and so does Haruna. The both of them get on the bike and go flying for the time being.
Landing back onto the ground, Haruna then decides to order a gigantic ramp from GRLTD to lay behind him so others go flying...
So he lays the ramp down, but it's landed infront of him and now he has to activate "missiles" mode to move about in the air.
Haruna manages to shake off the charge of C4, and he then decides the guys behind him will take it. So it flys off behind him and flys right into the path of KITT, causing KITT not to be destroyed but more rather flying several km off the course.
Smirking at the fact everyone forgot he was underwater, the DeLorean re emerges near the finish line! As i am so close to the finish line i decide to park at the top of a mountain, and fire a gazzilion nukelear misslies! Which all aim directly at all the other drivers. I set my flux capacitator to shield me from everything. And laugh as i see all the nukes blow up in the distance.
The nukes drain the shields to 10%, disabling Haruna's main method of breaking the sound barrier without using full throttle, for the time being. He goes all-out and heads straight for the mountain and fires a barrage of 60 missiles all at once at the Isetta. After that, he uses the miniguns at the front to force Die's car into another farm, although it actually works in Die's favor (the farm path happens to be faster for his car.)
I is not happy with the fact DK was not obliterated, and acctually mocked my nukes. So I get a huge 50cal sniper rifle, strap chuck norris to the bullet, and fire him at DK! Chuck Lands on DK and rips out his new radio! Then punches DK in the fast and steers him into a river! Then Chuck does his UBER JUMP and jumps all the way back to where i am.
I swerve to avoid the gunfire, noting that the farmer's firing at the bike, not noticing I've stolen a sheep or two...I wind up crashing into a field of cows. Should I take one? YES! So I strap it to the roof, and get the BBQ sauce ready. Just then I see...CHUCK NORRIS?! Hoooly shit I'm screwed! I throw BBQ sauce at him and then wind up in a river. No fear, just activate my trusty JATO boosters and here we GO!!!!
Flying out of the river at 300ft, I line up the Isetta and launch a nuclear Tomahawk at it
The SD1 carries on, but now with a cracked windscreen and a tree wrapperd around the front bumper, reducing visibility a fair bit, there is also water pissing out of the radiator, Shaz hopes that the Rover will make it to the finish before boiling over.
As Haruna approached a forked road, there was the rural road to the left which everyone else was taking, which was longer but far safer, and to the right, a dangerous city route where the right side of the road in America is the WRONG side of the road in Japan. Like the crazyarse he was, he decides to take the city path, earning him a nice slap in the face by the girl with the winged backpack who was with him.