The online racing simulator
Todays races were sweeet. Nice battling. Can't wait for next one really!!
BALLS. Forgot.
#28 - troy
was good fun again, shame about the 16 car limit, won't happen next week we're going to kyoto

temporary stats:
#29 - troy
almost forgot to announce the new combo, so here it is:

Date: Thursday, March 12th 2009
Server: Concept Racing LX racing
Start: 19:30 UTC
Car: LX6
Track: Kyoto GP Long rev (KY3r)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 4 laps
Sprint Race 2: 4 laps (rev grid)
Main Race: 11 laps (rev grid)

Both sets should last 11 laps, the 10 laps set is a bit old and based on hannu's set (I think).
Attached files
LX6_KY3r_Booge_hot.set - 132 B - 915 views
LX6_ky3r 10 laps.set - 132 B - 821 views
I'll be there today, providing I don't randomly disappear before 1900 UTC.
Both of those sets are not lasting at least for me for more than 3-4 laps :P

Server is offline now.. will there be a layout ?
#32 - troy
Server was there but it will move to a new box soon so the name was different, it's reverted back to normal now. (and yes we'll run a layout)

edit: if the set doesn't last you drift it to much!
Sure they will last if you don't slide at all. I'm not an alien i slide slightly from time to time....

I have one set with great temps on tires but slow :/ I won't be competetive.
#34 - BURN
Quote from kamo2000 :
I have one set with great temps on tires but slow :/ I won't be competetive.

yeah.. right ^^

I made a stupid mistake and got oln grass a bit and lost it =(
To finish infront of Loco would have been awesome, but probaly wouldnt be able to stand him for long anyway xD

Great Racing everbody! gotta love Kyoto
Hehe i've made myself a new set from 3 others lol and it worked pretty well :P

Today's races were intense. Especially last long one.. I bearly made it first - troy was like a machine (as usual) and was hunting me down for last few laps.. One more corner and i would have been 2nd.

Great races. Beautifull feeling to beat an alien...even tho he was much faster.
Good racing once again.

Unfortunately I had problems with oil pressure again in the longer race.
#37 - troy
Great combo, I hope everybody had as much fun as me. Here are the temporary stats plus standings after 3 of 4 races. As explained in the first post; the worst result wont count and nobody can win twice in a row (that's me in this case since I had the pleasure of choosing 4 combos this month).
Quote from Blackout :Good racing once again.

Unfortunately I had problems with oil pressure again in the longer race.

Sorry about the whole crashing you out in Race 2.

I had a blast in race 1; superb racing and great fun. Race 2 was a failure and race 3 ended with me in the wall on lap 1.
#39 - troy
Next combo:

Date: Thursday, March 19th 2009
Server: Concept Racing LX racing
Start: 19:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: Fernbay Gold (FE3)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 6 laps
Sprint Race 2: 6 laps (rev grid)
Main Race: 19 laps (rev grid)
Attached files
LX4_FE3_Bawba_hot.set - 132 B - 865 views
LX4_fe3_Thomm2160.set - 132 B - 930 views
Note to self, don't forget this week.
Note to self, March break, don't forget to race!
Bumpity bump.

Good combo tonight, should make for some fun racing
#43 - troy
sorry I've got the date wrong in my post, of course we will do LX racing tonight, all corrected now (thanks to speedway :razz
I'll be there!!
AS usual great races - nice crashes and good finishes
Troy was unbeatable as usual :}
And I lost connections in all 3 races. As soon as my bro came through the door, it all started to lag. I think he was streaming something even though I was yelling at him. Not much I can do he's about 100 lbs of muscle more then me :P.
#48 - troy
Stats and standings done, Kamo wins this chapter and will choose the next 4 combos, congratulations.
Sweeeet :} pm sent :}
grats kamo! You gave troy a run for his money!

Not that it really matters, but I'm listed twice in the final standings.

'Public' Concept LX racing (weekly)
(282 posts, started )